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A Life- Changing Offer — Secluded Spring 
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Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
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Kano attempted to mask a small grimace at the large tawny males question. What could he offer? He knew he wasn't the strongest fighter like Solei had been, or the best hunter like Taqqiq, but he had endurance and was most often found patrolling the borders of his family's territory and keeping an eye on hostile packs that came too close. His natural curiosity was both a blessing and a curse, but his easygoing personality seemed to drag shyer wolves from their shell. He could easily talk himself up, but something told him honesty was definitely the best policy with the imposing male so close.

<b>"I used to be on patrols. I'm more of a chaser when it comes to hunts, and I'm not the strongest fighter, but I am fast and I have good endurance... If my old pack needed a scout I was often sent ahead, and I'm used to being crawled over and gnawed on by pups..."</b> he trailed off. Remembering his old life hurt a little. <b>"There were too many wolves, I had to leave, for everyones benefit..."</b> he explained quietly. He took a moment to get his emotions under control, shifting uncomfortably until he settled down.

<b>"It's the time of year for pups,"</b> stated frankly, hoping he wasn't coming across as rude or insubordinate. At another time in another place he and the rest of his family would be over the moon, playing and celebrating, awaiting the newest arrivals to their pack, but now he had no pack and it made him melancholy. <b>"and the more wolves a pack has, the better their chances are... and I imagine any extra wolves to mark the border and keep an eye on things out here wouldn't go amiss, it would mean you could spend more time with your mate, and less time out here keeping an eye out for intruders..."</b> he finished with a slightly cheeky glint in his eyes before reigning himself back in to a more respectful stance. This was a serious situation, and no time for clowning around like a stoat in spring.

He remembered the stories he had heard of his grandparents first litter, the one that his father was born in. One of the pups had died within days of being born and his aunt, the only female in the litter hadn't made her first year. He never wanted to see a pup die unnecessarily.

He looked to Wille, attempting to mask his concern and spoke to the tawny male quietly, almost begging on the pale wolfs behalf, <b>"She's never been in a pack before... no wolf should be without a pack."</b>

He felt he had said too much but looked to the smaller female with an encouraging smile. He knew she had plenty to offer, she was a survivor raised by lone wolves, and now it was her turn to state her case.
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Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
<b>"Thanks."</b> she whispered to Kano. He appreciated his help. She had never been in a pack, so she never knew what she was really good at or where she could excell in her duties. Hmmm.....What did she had to offer. She had asked her father, long ago what she was good at. Her father had said, <i> You are very loyal to your family and friends. You will always obey your mother and father. And we love that about you.</i> She had then asked her mother. <i>You are caring. You love us and you show it.</i> That was plenty to use. It hurt to think of the past. But she needed to.

<b>" I offer my loyalty. My mother and father had told me I am very caring and loyal. They said I would go to extreme lengths, to protect them. I will do that for Copper Rock Creek."</b> She hoped her answer was appropriate. <span class='word'> Natheless </span>, she had Kanosak and Akila. And she was going to meet new faces. She was just looking to the bright side. Inside she was pumped by anxiety, wether she was going to enter Copper Rock Creek Pack or not. She just hoped she wouldn't go.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The tawny wolf stilled as he listened to the two lone wolves tell him a bit about themselves; the monotony of accepting a rogue to a pack was not lost amongst the regal wolf, for he was not willing to turn away any at the moment as long as they showed the proper respect for him and his pack. Had they been arrogant and un-submissive, Ruiko would not have bothered with words at all; his actions would have lead him to chase the two wolves from his borders and be done with it. His questions were only to gain insight, and as the buff-colored male defended the pale she-wolf, Ruiko withheld a twitch of a smirk.

It was assumed the girl could offer more than her loyalty – but that would come in time, and with a nod of finality, the regal male lifted himself higher in dominance, his limbs prowling forward toward the two wolves. Briskly rubbing his muzzle against both their cheeks before shouldering them to place his scent upon them, the golden wolf then began to move back the way he had come, his eyes falling back over his shoulder as he motioned them to follow. “I’ll show you to the heart of your new home,” he offered with a low rumble, his gaze then falling back on the path before him. There was only a small pause before he finally allowed a question to slip past his lips. “Are you mated to one another?”
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
A bleb of laughter passed Kano's lips both with the elation of being accepted into a pack and his confusion at his new leaders question. <b>"No..."</b> he said with a grin to the white wolf at his side, he couldn't deny he was extremely fond Wille, and something pulled him to her that he couldn't explain, but he had no desire to upset the balance by claiming a mate while ever there was a chance he could find and join a pack, and he had no notions towards challenging for leadership or establishing a pack of his own. He liked the way things were (and his hide intact), and while he had occasionally shown flashes of brilliance he had always been happiest following his more dominant siblings leads.

The thought of a mate hadn't even crossed his mind, he never thought it would be a possibility for him so instead of entertaining the thought he had always kept himself busy with daily tasks. Pup sitting had always been more than enough for him. They had been his siblings yes, but they were also precious to him and he had happily put his life on the line more than once to keep them safe. It took a pack to raise pups right and he just didn't have the charisma to gather a large enough pack around him to do so. Wille was probably an exception, but he didn't feel the life of a loner was one to drag pups into without <i>a lot</i> of thought.
(This post was last modified: Jan 25, 2012, 01:41 PM by Kanosak.)
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Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
Wille couldn't help but stifle a quiet little chuckle. <b>" No sir, we are just friends."</b> Kano was a great friend, and she certainly felt something different with Kanosak. He was a great wolf, with many things about him. He was playful and kind. But she couldn't be mates with him. He probably already had one, or another wolf in mind. Who would become mates with her? She was certainly much more timid in the subject of love than many other wolves.

On the other hand, she had been accepted into Copper Rock Creek. Happiness filled her body, a warm fuzzy feeling. She would have those now happy memories of watching the young pups, hunting for her pack, defending her home. She had to tell Akila, her friend certainly would be proud. She just grinned thinking about the smile her older friend would have on her face, another warm feeling swept through her body.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The bit of laughter that escaped the other male’s jaws stirred the tawny wolf to glance behind him, catching sight of the exchanged looks between the two and the jovial expression upon their features. The regal was not opposed to his pack members finding love with one another; yet he knew with such acts came the desire for breeding rights, and a pack could only sustain one litter. Holding back a smirk, the leader only offered a nod to their words, his paws prowling forward toward their home, the soft ‘crunch’ of the hardened snow being the only sound that came across the secluded springs for the moment.

Their journey did not take long. As they came upon the clearing that was the heart of their new home, Ruiko felt the familiar swell of pride in his chest. His bright gaze fell to the den, wondering if Aeylen was within its depths. Kinis, Volkan and Rebecca were nowhere to be seen, but it served his purpose well for the two wolves could settle themselves in quietly. There was a small pause before the Tainn cast a glance behind him, curious to determine his companion’s reactions. “Welcome home, then,” he murmured with a small smirk. His muzzle gave a nod in the direction of the den he and Aeylen shared. “That is where my mate and I are. Kinis, Volkan and Rebecca, our three other members, have claimed spots close to the heart of the pack lands.”
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kano's tail wagged at the mention of Rebecca's name. He was sure he knew that scent and now he had his confirmation. It would seem the dark she-wolf had also found herself a pack. He wondered if there would be any awkwardness between them. When he had awoken from the storm she was gone, her tracks and scent already buried in the snow. He had tried to seek her out to no avail, and now it seemed he had found her hiding place. She had been the first wolf he had met that hadn't chased him off and for that he was grateful. Well that and the meal they had shared.

He listened to the arrangement of the dens and nodded in acknowledgement. He could smell the criss-crossing scents and felt he had a good idea which way to go. He looked to Wille with a smile <b>"Moving den's, always exciting."</b> he said with genuine joy. Being accepted into a new pack was even more so.

(This post was last modified: Feb 03, 2012, 03:48 PM by Kanosak.)
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