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The Selwyn Dynasty
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Posted by Askan who has 1,273 posts.

The Selwyn Dynasty

Many generations ago a small, but hardy group of wolves claimed the Selwyn Mountains as their own. Due to the remote nature of their territory the clan was reclusive and spent years gaining strength, numbers and developing strict rules that helped govern their growing society. It was these foundations and their rigid sense of morality that enabled them to become a prestigious, influential clan, that's name carried great weight in the Yukon.

Several generations passed and the revered family wasn't as great as it once was. Infighting and lazy leadership had caused the clan's numbers to dwindle, and those who remained had little incentive or drive to restore the pack to it's former glory. Or at least that was the case until Terrel Selwyn took up the mantel as patriarch. Ousting his lout of a Father-but allowing his bastard brothers to remain- Terrel made quick work of righting his Father's wrongs.

With his position as leader secure, Terrel turned his attention to his legacy and his pack's place in the tumultuous north. After a long while of deliberation, Terrel approached the Kluanes-yet another prestigious northern pack- with a tempting offer. In exchange for taking the leader's eldest daughter as his mate, the two packs would be sworn allies till the end of their days. The Kluane King was reluctant, as he was aware of the clan's less than stellar reputation.

Jen Kluane, on the other hand, fell head over heels for  her stoic suitor and begged her Father to accept the offer. Which he eventually did. The next spring, Jen gave birth to a litter of four pups, three girls and one boy. Their birth heralded a new age for the Selwyn Dynasty. So much so that many of the clan's elders believed it was a sure sign that the dark past was behind them and that only good things were yet to come.

And they were right, things were good for a time. Terrel raised three of his four children to adulthood and was in the process of preparing his son, Askan, to take his place as the pack's monarch when it all started to go wrong. After a heated argument with his father, Askan ran away from home. The Selwyns assumed he was throwing a tantrum, that he'd come back within a few days with his tail tucked between his legs. But he never did return and instead continued south till he arrived in the land of Relic Lore.

With his succession plans torn to shreds, Terrel turned his attention to his nephew, Elias. Even though they were unrelated, Terrel had always had a soft spot for the young man, who was everything his son was not. A perfect Selwyn in all but blood. However, many Selwyns did not approve of Terrel's choice, Savion in particular took great offence to his brother's decision. After all, the Selwyn King often stressed the importance of being a pure Selwyn , but now an outsider could rule over the mountain just because he said so? Appalled by his brother's hypocrisy, Savion stormed from the mountain. However, unlike his cousin he soon returned, but he was not alone,

The wolves who followed Savion were nothing more than bandits and deviants, a show of force to prove that he was serious. The way Savion saw it, if his baby brother would not listen, then he would make him. Unsurprisingly, Terrel agreed to meet with him and the two opposing factions gathered on the mountain to negotiate. Everything went downhill from there.

Though it's impossible to say who actually initiated the massacre, one thing is for certain: without Savion's permission his lackeys ruthlessly attacked the Selwyns, slaughtering and enslaving whoever they could get their paws on. It was the end of an era and the beginning of Savion's short reign.

Fortunately, a few Selwyns managed to escape relatively unscathed. They waited in the shadows of the mountain, for the perfect time to strike so they could retake their home. It was only when they realised that Savion went missing- murdered by Reyes- did they attack. The remaining Selwyns all banded together and, through sheer force of will, chased the invaders from the mountain. It was over, they had reclaimed their homeland and it was time to rebuild.

Today, the Selwyns have established themselves as a prominent family within Relic Lore. Regardless of how long they stayed within the Lore, this library article includes all wolves that have visited the site.

Notable Facts

  • Whether they carry the Selwyn name or not, wolves of the Selwyn Dynasty almost always have bright Selwyn yellow eyes. There are only a couple of known exceptions to this rule. 
  • The family motto is "Ex nihilo nihil fit." Which translates into "Nothing comes from nothing."
  • Selwyn wolves tend to have dark coats, ranging from various tones of brown to black. However,in the more recent generations other, lighter colours have been introduced into the family.
  • Wolves that were born without the blessing of the pack's patriarch are refered to as bastards, and so-despite the fact they carry the name-they are not considered to be to 'proper' Selwyns.
  • Most Selwyn's are-or at least claim to be- pure Yukon wolves. But as of late the bloodline has mixed with various other sub-species, such as Arctic, Mackenzie and Plains wolves.
  • Older generation Selwyns tend to be deeply religious. They believe that-as the legends say- their ancestors were God's literal children, angels who descended from heaven to make the world a better place. And that once they die, they will be allowed to return to their true ancestral home, heaven. Younger generation Selwyns tend to be dismissive of these legends.
  • The Selwyn Clan laws demand that their members are both loyal and obedient. Those who are unwilling to follow pack law are exiled and are given no second chances.
  • Selwyns are expected to be decent and righteous and as such, most tend to fall into the 'good or neutral 'alignments.
  • As their territory consists of alpine tundra , many of the Selwyns who entered Relic Lore stayed in Larkcall Lowlands for some time before moving south.
[Image: selwyn_family_cres1t_by_marthypie-dcljvb9.png]
(This post was last modified: Aug 30, 2018, 06:58 PM by Laike.)
Posted by Askan who has 1,273 posts.

The Fallen

Orias Selwyn(deceased) Male

Orias was the last in a long line of awful leaders. He was everything a Selwyn patriarch shouldn't be. Lazy, pretentious and arrogant, he was the sort of man who demanded respect rather than earned it. Under his reign, the clan was in shambles and despite the fact he had a mate he sired countless bastards, including Savion and Deron. His rule was brought to an end when his only legitimate son, Terrel, ousted him from the pack and claimed his throne.

Illyria Fay Selwyn (deceased)Female

Illyria deserved so much better. Meek and mild, she approached the Selwyn Clan's borders hoping to take refuge from the cold. She was granted entry on the condition that she would be Orias' mate, which she gladly agreed to as she thought he was rather handsome. She wanted to love him, she truly did, but it was difficult to when it was abundantly clear their feelings were not mutual. That he was not the prince charming she had once thought him to be.The pair had many litters over the years. but much to Illyria's utter heartbreak all but one of her pups died. Illyria never got a happy ending, as she fell ill and died months before her son took over the clan.

(This post was last modified: Sep 22, 2017, 07:23 PM by Askan.)
Posted by Askan who has 1,273 posts.

The Saviours

Savion Selwyn (deceased)Male

Even when Savion had been just a boy, barely old enough to even understand, his clan mates made a point of reminding him of what he was. A bastard, a false Selwyn. His Father was King but his Mother was nobody, a nameless face he could barely even remember. As the years past he became older and all the more bitter. His resentment festered and grew till he could take it no longer, no more would he serve the society that had shoved his face into the dirt. No more would he play along and do his brother's bidding. He started a rebellion with the sole intention of tearing it all down to show them the truth, but it all went terribly wrong and so many lives were lost. And in the end, Savion payed the ultimate price for trying to finish a job he'd never really wanted to start in the first place.

Deron Selwyn(deceased) Male

Orias' second bastard son. Whilst his older brother was bitter and pessimistic, Deron simply became withdrawn and indifferent. Showing little interest in pack affairs, he lingered on the outskirts like a shadow only involving himself when he had no other choice. For the longest time he wondered if there was something wrong with him, but then-like always- he decided he didn't care. Unbeknownst to Deron his emotional state-or lack thereof- is caused by depression which causes him to feel an overwhelming  sense of indifference. After the Selwyn massacre-of which he played no part- Deron  arrived in Relic lore, only to contract rabies. In a morbid coincidence he died at Traitors Tor, the very same location of which Savion died and was buried.

Raina Selwyn Female

Orias' only daughter. Raina unlike her brothers wasn't born with a chip on her shoulder. If her clan mates wouldn't respect her because of her status then she'd damn well make them. Whether they liked it or not, she quickly climbed the ranks, garnering quite the reputation for herself in the process. In fact, she was well renowned for turning a bad situation into a good one. Spring was drawing ever closer, as was the birth of her unborn litter and Raina knew she had to act to ensure the safety of her children. And so, she approached her half-brother Terrel with a offer he couldn't refuse. In exchange for granting her children true Selwyn status she would support his claim to the throne. The deal was made, Terrel became King and in late March she gave birth to Hadrian, her first and only living child. Raina is one of the few remaining Selwyns that managed to survive the massacre, she remains up north trying to hold together what little family she has.

Terrel Selwyn (deceased)Male

Being hailed as Orias' only legitimate son gave Terrel a sense of purpose and self-worth. Even as a child he resented his Father, hated him with everything he had but knew that he was too young and inexperienced to do anything about it. So he bided his time, gathered his strength and wits, and only put his plan into motion when he knew the timing was right. Terrel was seen as a proud and righteous leader but was notoriously hard to please. Everything had to be perfect, there was no room for error. In being so particular he often hurt and drove away those who loved him, including his siblings, children and wife. In many ways he was a great man but his pride and ambition was his downfall. His death marked the beginning of the Selwyn massacre. He was severely wounded by one Savion's so called allies, so much so that if his brother hadn't put him out of his misery, his demise would have been a long and agonising one.

Posted by Askan who has 1,273 posts.

The Remnants

Raina's litter (2012)

Hadrian Selwyn Male

Hadrian is very much his Mother's son. Not only does he take after her in terms of looks, but his temperament is rather similar as well. Quiet and contemplative, Hadrian prefers doing things on his own terms. Whilst he was no pariah he made very little effort to integrate himself into the clan. The way he saw it, his Mother had secured his position in the pack so why did he have to work for anyone's approval? Raina quickly took a disliking to her sons arrogance and told him to fix his attitude or leave. He chose the latter. Despite their disagreements, Raina ensured that her son was welcomed back into the pack whenever he returned. He came and went for some time, it was on one of his ventures that he met Thalia. After saving her from a cougar they made love and in typical Hadrian fashion he wandered off once more, unaware that their time together would result in a litter of three. Recently, Hadrian returned to the Selwyn Mountains once more, however, upon seeing the devastation caused by his uncle he has decided to stay, to help rebuild and start the Selwyn Dynasty anew.  

Terrel's and Jen's litter (2014)

 Everly SelwynFemale


Kaela Selwyn (deceased)Female

Second born and largest in the litter, Kaela was best described as a punk. Headstrong and defiant, she had very little interest in the Selwyn way of things. Though she had a massive soft spot for her siblings, she preferred to spend much of her time alone, climbing the mountains peaks and getting as close to the sky as she possibly could. Though she claimed to believe that their legends were just that,her fascination with the sky suggested otherwise, though no one dared to say that to her face. On one stormy day she recklessly climbed to Angels Peak and watched the lightning flash ever closer. Tragedy struck, she was hit by lightning and was found days later, her body flat against the ground, eyes closed as though she was sleeping. She was several months shy of being a year old. To this day no one speaks of her, it's as if she never even existed. In truth, she was never forgotten, the few Selwyns that remain remember her fondly, particularly her siblings, who feel as though her passing has left a hole in their lives.

 Lenae Selwyn Female


 Askan Selwyn Male


Aegis and Nasha's litter (2015)

 Thuban SelwynMale


 Savion's sons(2017) 

 Caelean BalikMale

The boy seemed to take largely after his mother, Victoria. He has almost no traits of his unknown father, Savion except for Selwyn yellow eyes that seem foreverly tired or sad.Soft-spoken and a bit of a late bloomer, Caelean doesn't seem to be on the same level as his age-mates. This isn't to say that he's slow but that he isn't completely caught up with everyone either. He often comes off as elusive and distant but it's just how he's always been no matter the circumstances. 

 Roland WhitebarkMale

Roland could be diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. While the causes of Cluster B Personality Disorders are still unknown, it could be speculated that a mixture of an inheritance of his father Savion's personality and his mother Oula's coddling are the source. His confidence and sense of self-worth are over-inflated in ways he could not possibly see, and he fully expects the world around him to acknowledge and reflect this. When it does not, he responds venomously. As he grows, he will hone a wide variety of tools to better mold the wolves around him into what he wants them to be, from puppeteering and gaslighting to violence and extortion. If these tactics fail, Roland is very likely to leave scorched earth behind him and move on to a fresh crop of 'packmates' to be made to recognize his greatness. He does not go out of his way to cause harm or distress, however, and will take glee in others suffering only when it benefits him and his goals. So long as the wolves around him follow his guidance and appreciate him adequately, no one will get hurt. 

Posted by Askan who has 1,273 posts.
Posted by Askan who has 1,273 posts.

The Revival

XVIII(#18) "Thalia" and Hadrian's litter (2016)

LXXV (#75) "Nicander" Selwyn Male


LXXVI (#76) "Melia" Selwyn Female


LXXVII (#77) "Septimus" Selwyn Male


Everly and Kasabian's litter (2017)

Juliet Selwyn Female

Out of the two of them, Juliet is the most like her Mother. She's also an attention seeker, but rather than spew nonsense she is a little more direct, and far less eccentric. She will, if push comes to shove, slide right up next to a stranger and bat her eyelashes at them. After all, she knows she's cute as hell, so why not take advantage of it? She likes to pretend that she is calm and serene, like a delicate flower but that isn't quite the case.Juliet is quick to temper and in the heat of the moment she tends to say, mean and rather acidic things. Words, she often comes to regret, but will never apologise for. She has next to no patience for her brother,in her eyes he is quite possibly the most annoying thing to ever walk the earth. Like, who would even choose to talk like that? Doesn't he realise how stupid he seems, does he even care? Bah, probably not. That said, no one else is allowed to pick on him. That's her job!

Raleah Selwyn Male

Raleah is a troubled boy. His Mother didn't want a son and yet she got one anyway. And much to her dismay, he's a bit of a weirdo. Raleah has a very active imagination and spends most of his time letting it run wild and free. He lives in a dreamland of his own making and has very little interest in joining the "real world." However, it's not all fun and games, his penchant for the pretend makes Raleah both difficult and frustrating to deal with. He barely-if ever- takes anything seriously and (almost) everything out of his mouth is overly dramatic and cringe inducing. He is prone to all matters of nonsense and has a habit of ignoring everything he doesn't like. He pretends to be brave and strong, with all sorts sorts of magical abilities at his disposal, but in reality he'd just a sad, lonely boy who is desperate for attention. In the rare moments in which Raleah is himself he's quiet and soft spoken, often quite sheepish that he's broken character. All in all, he's a good soft boy, that just wants to be loved. 

Elias and Ravenna's litter (2018)

Ragnar Stormborn Male

Ragnar is a very observant and inquisitive wolf, using his time wisely to understand another by more then just what is spoken. Ragnar learns from a very young age that in order to learn one must watch and listen. Though he may take some time to trust another in a truly unshakable manner that does not mean he cannot befriend them. He is the type of wolf to have many allies and many acquaintances but few he would call 'friend'. He is not extremely talkative though enjoys a good and meaningful conversation. He thinks before speaking and before doing for he is not a rash wolf and because they are thought out, he doesn’t second-guess himself. He pours himself into his actions, into his deeds, because he rightly believes a wolf is defined by what he does. Ragnar Archer, all in all, aspires to be a wolf remembered. He craves a purpose in life, a duty and looks to continually futher his knowledge of the lands and be good to his pack and his family.

Freyja Mizuno-Archer Female

Much as her grandfather before her, Freyja will develop to be a jack of all trades kind of woman. She is a smart woman, learns quickly, though tends to get bored when doing one thing for too long so likely will not stick to one trade and one trade alone. When Freyja speaks it, she means it. She is a woman of her word, never delivering threats, only promises. Freyja and Ragnar's love for one another holds no bounds. They share all their secrets, goals, and desires in life. They always back each other up even if they know the other half is at fault. They would die for one another without question. Their personalities are so similar that they seemingly always know what the other is going to do before they do it. Do to this, the couple butt heads with one another time from time, though nothing can't be solved after a good fight. They often test one another in their spars, both pushing one another and teaching one another, though never will consider one or the other the lesser of the two. 

Elias and Nineva's litter (2018)

Ellery Prudence Hervok Female

Ellery is a lot like her mother, unmoving and unflinching in the face of adversity. She is very resilient, determined to perfect all the trades she can though she would be best as a guardian in the future because while she will be very social she's not afraid to say what she thinks which would likely make her a poor scout. She’s selfless in the aspect that she would very willingly throw herself into the line of fire for those she deemed worthy, but at the same time for those she does not think well of she’d sooner leave them for the birds. She’s quick to form opinions, but that doesn’t meant those opinions can’t change. She’s sensitive in the fact that if she hears anyone speaking ill of those she cares about she’ll be quick to correct them, but she could care little about what others have to say about her. 

Lenae and Odin's litter (2018)

Jenessa Kay Selwyn Female

Jenessa is not meek or mild like her Mother. Sheltered from the harsh realities of the world, she will grow up to be bold and confident, saying whatever is on her mind regardless of the consequences. Whilst not inherently anti-social, Jenny thrives on solitude and spends a great deal of her time exploring and getting into all sorts of trouble. She isn’t the sort who has any interest in doing things the old fashioned way, she's a free-thinker and as such thinks outside the box. Simply put, she does things her way or not at all. Or at least that's what she'd like to think.As she grows, Jenny develops a taste for telling fibs, harmless little lies for her own amusement. Sometimes she gets a little carried away and pushes her games too far, but once she realises what she’s done she is quick to apologise and make amends. She’s naughty, there’s no denying that, but she isn’t bad. In all, she’s a cheeky little girl who just wants to have fun.

(This post was last modified: Sep 23, 2018, 07:27 PM by Askan.)
Posted by Askan who has 1,273 posts.
WIP bork bork bork, i'll get round to it later