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I'm Sorry It's Late...
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Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Silently, she waited as she cowered in the snow, the eyes that had drifted up to look at Raigo after she was done snapped back to the ground at her feet with his anger. Once he had finished speaking, she shuffled slightly, attempting to force her body backwards, though instead, it crawled forwards. Freezing in terror, injured ears lowered themselves against her nape before she spoke, attempting to force herself to leave, to get away while the getting was good. Before he took a shot at her like everyone else had.

Raigo had said he wouldn't leave Grizzly Hollow, and she didn't expect nor intend to ask him to. It had merely been a comment made during her explanation. Vlarindara had absolutely no intentions of asking the darker pelted Second to abandon his post as she had abandoned hers. What right did she have to do so? None. None at all. The fact that he'd wished she could find a pack to take her in gave the shattered hope that there was still something there a chance to mend - but with all the doubts swimming around in her own heart.. her own self loathing, she couldn't convince herself that she wasn't simply reading into things.

"There is nothing that I can say to defend what I've done. Nothing that I can do to atone for the damage done...or the lives lost because of it." Her breath hitched before she shuffled another step closer and stopped herself once again. No - turning away and not touching him would be best - he was disgusted enough with her as it was.. right? Getting closer would only put her closer to his jaws - jaws that were far stronger than she was. But on the other hand - she couldn't smell him from here. A scent that she sorely wished to be ale to take back with her.

The truth of the matter was, however.. that there were other packs out there, and she was certain that not a single one would allow her to live amongst them. Ruiko led his own pack, and knowing her history with him - she highly doubted that she'd be able to live in constant fear of the brute. Swift River was lead by the Tainns - who she was sure Ruiko still associated with and would warn them. After all, Swift River still had every single one of their pups - she doubted they'd want the one responsible for the deaths of Grizzly Hollows near them.

Vlarindara knew that she wanted to touch him - just once before she left. She would try to find a home.. but she couldn't guarantee that she'd find one. In fact, she honestly doubted she would even survive the winter. Perhaps it was a selfish desire to take something with her when she left, both this space near Grizzly Hollow, and this world.. or perhaps it was something else alltogether. Whatever it was, Vlarindara realized that during her internal war, she'd crept closer.. Almost close enough that she could stretch out her nose and touch his paw.

Not wanting to cause trouble for Raigo - if he carried her scent back to the pack, Vlarindara did just that, she stretched out slowly, staying as far away from him as possible so as not to get her smell on his hide. An attempt to rest the tip of her muzzle on his paw was made, to shove her nose gently into the lowest part of his leg. She was scared that he'd hurt her for daring to ..encroach on his space, but the desire to carry a fresh memory of his scent back with her overrode that fear. Though, Vlarindara wasn't sure what she'd do if the younger male pulled away from her in disgust and left.

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Played by Shadow who has 123 posts.
No Rank
Raigo Akreon

Raigo had expected Vlarindara to depart from the borders, now that her story had been told and he had set her straight about any thoughts she might have been entertaining about taking him with her. He had absolutely no desire to leave the Hollow, despite Jayse's decision to allow Borden and Kiche to return. The tension in the territory had been so incredibly thick as late, that he refused to abandon his post at the pack's Second. He was needed, to keep guard amongst the unruliness of the males of the pack, who everyday were straining themselves to keep still. None of which would had happened, if everybody had simply stayed where they were supposed to. If Borden had not left, then he would not be snapping at Kade's heels everywhere he went, nor would Vlar be standing here at the borders she used to defend. The whole situation was incredibly messed up, and it pulled at Raigo's heartstrings to watch.

But rather than running away, like she should have, the white female was inching forward, slowly coming closer to Raigo and the borders. His muscles tensed instinctively, his golden eyes never leaving her face. Even as she spoke, he barely heard her, dismissing her words. He had heard enough, and as hard as it would be, his heart at this moment was barred against her. This was one of those times when "I'm sorry" simply did not cut it. But that didn't seem to matter to her. Eyes grew wide, clearly she had gone mad in her journey.

The touch was a surprise, though he watched it coming. She remained as far away from him as possible, trying to keep her body from touching his. But her nose grew ever closer, and the hair along Raigo's back bristled as she crept closer. He did not move, and did not react when she touched him. But he allowed it for only half a minute or so, barely breathing as he watched her. Then with an irritable snap of his jaws well above her head, he pulled his front leg backwards. The cold instantly ran in to take the place of the temporary warmth her nose had offered, but that was a price they would both pay. It was not that easy, and she should have known better. "Go home, Vlar. Whenever that is. I can't help you anymore." His tone was gruff, though not particularly unkind. But he meant it. She could not stay here, and he would not allow her to loiter around the Hollow's borders and create the illusion that she was welcome. If she wanted to seek acceptance into the pack, she would have to call upon the white lady who made decisions, the one who had proved herself to be a far better leader than the broken woman in front of him.

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Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank
OOC: Woot... XD At least Vlar's side is wrapped up.

"M-my apologies." Her tone was oddly formal, and while her eyes remained downcast, her posture remained submissive to the Grizzly Hollow Second. The snap above her head had told her what his words didn't... And what her heart was scared to hear. Vlarindara shuffled backwards before she found her feet and pulled herself from the submissive crouch to turn and limp back towards the trees that led towards Riddle Heights. She wasn't welcome here - that much she knew. But, she also knew that Raigo no longer wanted anything to do with her, an answer she'd been afraid of finding.

She would leave as he'd wished, and once more cross Relic Lore, but Vlarindara was certain it would be her last trip across the lands. The one canine that she had held the most regret in her heart about had sent her away. But really, had she expected anything else? A happy greeting? A gentle nuzzle as he once used to offer her? No. She had been naive to think such a thing was possible. Not another word was uttered from the pale females lips as she did as ordered and vacated the lands of Grizzly Hollow. Her heart felt as if it weighed ten tons more than it should have.. but she understood it.

Vlarindara knew that should she ever return to Grizzly Hollow, through some miracle, she would have to stay as far away from Raigo as possible. She had no place making the attempt to close the gap between them. Not after what she had done. Raigo had every right to hate her, to turn upon her as the rest of Grizzly Hollow had if they saw her. She didn't want to try to convince herself of the imagined kinder undercurrent of his earlier order - for she knew it would only lead to further suffering. No, best to do what she had to do, and let the winds guide her where they would. It was harder than she imagined not to stop and look back, but instead keep her head down and keep placing one paw in front of the other.


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