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Business of Misery
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    i don't want this. i don't need this. i don't feel this.

"You'd be surprised," she answered with a relaxed smiling, continuing her pace. Her face smoothed, and her tail waved behind her, noticing the shift in his features. "Really, they're good, they just have a habit of testing any newcomers, so I wanted to forewarn you," she added, but she didn't look at him. Her mismatched eyes were on the path before her, leading him around the some of the bends, and curves of the path backward.

"My Seconds, Raigo Akeron, and Elettra Archer. They are quite the opposite, but treat them well, and they'll do so in return. Now if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me," she said, her tone more serious, and she made sure to meet his orange gaze. She rather he knew the truth of things if he was uncertain about something. The small knoll that had been a bear's came into view, and she smiled broadly. "Home sweet home." The mouth of the den was hidden from view, but the closer they walked it could be seen from the rocks, and snow. "You're welcome to sleep there, but don't feel you have to. There is another den, but that's Elettra's personal one, and sort of her infirmary. If your hungry the caches have some food, over there," she pointed to the base of some trees were it was evident the snow, and ground were constantly disturbed. "But we do try to fill them as much as empty them." She paused just where the ground flattened right outside the pack's den. She watched him, waiting to answer anything before heading off to finish her patrol. Maybe even let Elettra know there was another new comer among them.

<i>do you want to continue, or would you like to wrap it up with your next post?</i>
(This post was last modified: Feb 16, 2012, 06:47 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
OOC: Wrap it up here :)

<blockquote>He appreciated the warning about the yearlings. He had never really had to deal with them before, having left his birth pack as little more than a yearling himself. <i>Elettra and Raigo...</i> He took note of the names and decided perhaps he would be best avoiding both wherever possible. He had no desire to upset the balance here, he already had himself in too deep elsewhere.

<b>"No questions."</b> he said with a smile. He was sure if he did have any he could find another wolf to help him out. He could already tell from the mingled scents that he was joining quite a large pack and began to wonder how the white lady managed on her own. He looked at the den with a little trepidation, unsure of how many bodies could squeeze in there on any one night. Although he wasn't object to getting close to a group of females there were also a large portion of male scents that he decided he'd best keep clear of. Good thing he didn't have a problem with sleeping in the open.</blockquote>

(This post was last modified: Feb 18, 2012, 10:46 AM by Valiant.)
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