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uninvited guest — Wild Rye Fields 
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Played by Ashbash who has 61 posts.
Inactive III. Yearling
Sphinx Avalon
Hope this works since the thread is so explosive
Sphinx had heard the blaring bugle of war that shattered whatever semblance of peace the wolves of the Rye may have thought they earned today, speckled ears pricked forward in both alarm and curiosity, but unlike the adults in the pack her grey painted limbs remained planted within the heart of the territory much to her dismay. Every fiber of her being disagreed with this, wanting to be out there and help. Alas, someone had to watch the cubs to make sure they remained safe while the threat was still at large.

A disgruntled huff was snorted from flared nostrils as the peppered yearling paced anxiously across the inner sanctum of the territory. Warm amber gaze that burned so much like her late father's scrutinizing the dancing stalks of rye that acted like a curtain to block any hope of at least seeing what was going on, but there was no muffling the orchestra of snarls and growls that filtered through the air. Within her chest a small rumble formed, clearly voicing her disagreement at her current predicament. She should be out there defending her home! She was an Avalon after all! Not…not pup sitting.

It was with this thought of the pups that Sphinx decided to cool her jets a bit by giving the should be slumbering children another check in since that was how Ade left them before entering the fray alongside the others. Sticking her head into the opening of the den, her eyes took a moment to adjust from the blinding light of outside to the dimly lit confines inside. One…tw… What the?!

Panic quickly consumed the yearling as she backpedalled out from the den and frantically scoured the area to and fro. No sign of little Vasi, that rascal. She swore that pup liked to try and give her a heart attack. Luckily, though, there was a trace of the little girl's scent and immediately Sphinx was hot on her trail. Right. Towards. The. Chaos.

Swift limbs charged through the golden stalks and in her haste she almost collided with the pale, rigid frame of Laike whom was standing guard over the cowering child. A mixture of relief and shit he's gonna kill me after this for losing his pup AGAIN, washed over her like a nauseous wave, but little time was had dwelling on such thoughts as the increased volume of snarls and now exchanged words caught Sphinx's attention.

Ahead, narrowed lids studied the chaotic scene that was playing out. Two dumb intruders had snuck past their boarders for what she didn't know and it was the majority of the Rye against the darker, older wolf. A beige and brown male that couldn't be much older than herself guarded behind the other. Open for repercussions. This was her chance! Confident Laike had his daughter under control, like a silver bullet with tunnel vision Silva charged forward with Vaken in her targeted sights, jaws agape and ready to sink rows of ivory teeth into flesh. Much like her mother, she was a do now, think later type of gal. Actions spoke louder than words.
(This post was last modified: Jul 27, 2018, 08:31 PM by Sphinx.)
Played by Wolfsong who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ferreiran Morse
Feel free to continue, he's running for the hills :)
Ferreiran's heart sank as a pup wandered into the fighting. The innocent young child sparked a crucial decision. This wasn't meant to happen, he thought, lowering his head instinctively as the obvious, shameful truth of the matter washed over him. He saw the scene with new eyes, as a pack trying to protect itself against enemies instead of dangerous group that had attacked his friend. Because, disloyal as that might sound, Vaken deserved it. He had threatened the safety of this pack. He had intruded and trespassed on their land. It had been so intuitive for him to help a friend, that he hadn't thought about it enough. Would he forgive the blonde and black wolf? Probably. His loyalty ran deep in his blood, and he wasn't likely to turn a friend aside. But he wouldn't be so unflinchingly ready to fight, even kill, for someone who deserved what they got. 

Without a word, he turned and ran away from the pack, turmoil in his heart. 

Have you read my player preferences?
Played by Joe who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vaken Svart
fight: 1/5

OOC: some people have joined since the most recent PM, so just quickly going over everything: I think we've agreed that there isn't going to be a posting order (if that's an issue we can send another round of messages and change it). If anyone wants to write their wolves exit, they can probably just have them following to make sure Ferrieran is out of the territory. Currently Sphinx and Vaken are having their 1v1. If Sphinx wins, she will be chasing Vaken out. If Vaken wins, feel free to have your character step in (after he has her pinned) to chase him out. I consent to any small pp attacking in that case. I hope that works for everyone? If not, just send a quick message and we can change anything

I feel numb, born with a weak heart

There were more wolves than he could count now guarding the border, and a pup. He didn’t feel guilt, but he felt fear. He wasn’t sure he was going to survive this. He couldn’t talk his way out of it now, surely. Could he charm an entire pack of wolves, already at his throat? He tried to keep his composure, leaving his face completely blank of emotion.

The attack caught Vaken off guard. Sure, he knew he was in danger. He had not been expecting the female figure to emerge as swiftly as she did, and he especially did not expect her to jump at him. When the black and white yearling lunged, Vaken was frozen. She hit directly into him, knocking him over and shoving him into the ground. It took him only a few seconds to piece together what was happening, but that was enough for her to get the upper hand.

Vaken rolled, tearing away from the attacker with a quick jerk. Her teeth had grazed his shoulder, breaking a bit of skin. He hissed, his eyes narrowing. Was he going to fight back, when the entire pack was there to protect her? He scoffed. He watched Ferreiran understandingly, but felt a kick in his stomach. How dare he. He spat angrily, feeling the blood in his veins turn cold at the swift betrayal. Of course, if he was in the same situation, Vaken would have ran too. He felt no loyalty. It was different when the tables were turned though. It stung more when he was the one left in the dark. He watched him from the corner of his eyes dart off, and hoped some of the pack would chase after. Vaken wanted to share the load.

Keeping his throat concealed, Vaken instantly went into a defensive position. He kept more of his attention on the speckled she-wolf and backed away from the looming pack. He knew there were more wolves there, but she was the main threat now. The small male was no stranger to running away, but he couldn’t escape so easily now that she was fighting him. Surely if he turned his back to run, she’d take advantage of his vulnerability.

He didn’t have any other option. After he scrambled to his feet, the yearling jerked his head forward, his jaws open, and aimed for the women’s side. He wanted to prove that he wasn’t going to go down without a fight. If she could give him enough room to just escape, he would. He knew he had to hurt her first, so he bared his fangs and struck forward viciously.

I guess I must be having fun
(This post was last modified: Jul 29, 2018, 02:26 AM by Vaken.)
currently travelling with Circe (she can jump in any of his threads)
[Image: bountyhunter_otb_by_a_yellow_bird-dc8zt91.png]
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
Having Jessie chase after Ferreiran bur she will not engage in a fight with. Just purely ensuring that he's out of the territory.

Her heart was beating in her head and to make matters worse, Vasilisa showed on the scene. Lips pulled back to bare canines that were more than ready to tear into flesh. Sphinx, her daughter, forever fierce, beat her to it. The mother's jaw clenched as she watched the dark blur of her daughter launch towards their trespasser. The Tainn was quick to her paws, ready to join her daughter in the fight, unknowing if her daughter had any fighting experience, but her attention was diverted by the other, who was running for the hills. A snarl ripped from the Rye Queen's jaws as she burst forward, a furious gleam in her eyes as she barked out sharply after the man, unknowing of the guilt that plagued him. The monochrome woman would continue to push on until she felt this vermin - of her own species, too - was far enough away from her lands.

{Jessie Exit}
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
2/3 Guardian Demonstration
adelayde artemieva
lyrics can go here if u want

Her heart tightened she caught the scent and sight of her very own daughter within the vicinity of the fry. Mismatched eyes tore away from the scene, meeting the fiery gaze of her husband as he quickly and without question went to protect their child. If it wasn't for the adrenaline and anger surging through her, Adelayde would have smiled at the sight. However, Vasilisa arriving on scene only made matters worse, spiking the anger that already pooled inside her.

Before Adelayde could escort the intruders out with her teeth, the dark blur of Sphinx appeared on the scene and took up one of the intruders. One of the vermin ran for the hills with Jessie hot on their trail. Cancer, help Jessie! Make sure he's out! Her voice was loud and firm, her gaze unwavering from the fight between Sphinx and the last intruder. Expecting the yearling to heed her words, her body moved to encircle the fry. Jowls ready to attack any moment she got, she let the fight go on as she didn't want to harm her own if she moved in.

(This post was last modified: Aug 16, 2018, 03:42 PM by Adelayde.)
Played by Grae who has 51 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vasilisa Artemieva

She tried to make herself as small as possible as to not be seen but luckily her family did spot her. Her daddy was the first to spot her and was quick to move to protect her. The girl hunched down and backed up until she was against the back leg of Laike. His snarl made her yelp before closing her squeezing her eyes shut. She didnt want to see it anymore. "Daddy make it stop" she whined unsure if she actually said it out loud or just in her head. Either way it was true, she didnt like seeing everyone so mad, so scary.


For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Ashbash who has 61 posts.
Inactive III. Yearling
Sphinx Avalon
We both decided to go for scuffle rather than full fight so 2/3 scuffle posts

Perhaps it was the chaos of the situation at hand that provided Sphinx the extra stealth she needed to land her attack, or just pure luck. She wasn't sure granted how truly inexperienced she was in combat, but there was little time to dwell on such small things as her mind shifted its entire focus onto the fray she was now apart of. Disturbed dirt and loosened stalks of rye flung about in the wake of their bodies colliding and that of Vaken being shoved into the ground beneath her, teeth acquiring only the most teasing amount of enemy flesh between their pointed peaks as they clamped down.

Small tufts of fur lined her tongue and just as quickly as they entered her mouth they were spit out. The fire that normally flickered behind the warmth of her amber gaze now an inferno watching her opponent free himself enough to uptake a defensive position. The world around the speckled yearling seemed to fade away and time slowed, advancing in perfect step with each attempted retreat the male tried to make. No way was he going to get away so easily. Sphinx was not going to allow it. He would have to fight for his freedom and that was exactly what he planned on doing.

Silvered ears once forward facing in dominance now found themselves folding back against her skull, the skin covering her muzzle wrinkled and pulled back fully to mirror the baring of fangs as the man struck out like a snake with his aim set on her side. Sphinx hated snakes. A shrill snarl echoed within the confines of her throat out of pain and anger as his teeth found their mark and dug into the flesh of her shoulder while trying to deflect the strike, an instant burning sensation surrounding the targeted area and in that moment she knew the first true drops of blood were shed.

A new wave of adrenaline surged through her veins and her body twisted to shove her shoulder further into the man's mouth in hopes of dislodging clamped jaws, ignoring the pain of teeth digging deeper while her own snapped at whatever piece of him came within reach before leaping away to recalculate how to go about this.
Played by Joe who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vaken Svart
OOC: scuffle 3/3 sorry it's cruddy I just wanted to give this thread closure.
I'll archive this in a few days so if anyone wants to write their character's exit in the meantime

I feel numb, born with a weak heart

When she pulled back, the yearling hissed. Her body pressed into his mouth in a painful way, causing him to spit out his grasp. He cursed himself for losing his grip, the only chance he had, before stumbling back. Guttural groans escaped his gaping mouth as he snapped at the air, sharp teeth desperate to lash out. It took him only a few seconds to realize this was his chance. Even if he won this fight, against the female, he would be met with more fangs. It was inevitable. Ferreiran had escaped, and now was his chance too. 

The yearling jerked around before his body language could expose his plan. He sprinted, his thin legs throwing him away from the border with desperation. He was blessed for his quickness, a blur of mismatched fur.

Vaken's exit/possible fade?

I guess I must be having fun
(This post was last modified: Sep 12, 2018, 03:46 AM by Vaken.)
currently travelling with Circe (she can jump in any of his threads)
[Image: bountyhunter_otb_by_a_yellow_bird-dc8zt91.png]