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oh you siphoned off the hellion's threats — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by becca who has 60 posts.
Inactive Pup

i'm skin and bone

just a king on a rusty throne

"Good 'cause I don' like games." She spat back at his threat, eyes narrowing sharply. She was being brazen by this point. Maybe she felt emboldened by the security of the Pookastone Scowle around her or maybe it was plain stupidity. With her it would, undoubtedly, be hard to tell.

The voice of someone all too familiar broke the brief silence. Her smile faded but she did not budge on her position, still staring down the loner like she was getting paid to do it. While she was sure she'd be full of apologies for Morganna and Celandine later the girl knew she had to finish this here first. She had started it after all.

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Played by Leti who has 7 posts.
Mobuck Sigend
As another grumble of his stomach reverberated through the male, his mood shifted further and his irritation grew. His muzzle tensed further, Mobuck was going to advance on the pup to see if he could vacate her when another voice snapped their attention -Mobuck turned his head and gaze to the right to see another dark brown wolf with golden eyes, like himself and the youth.

Mobuck stopped his advance and strained to understand what the female said. It was clear that this band of wolves were not very articulate and he had to shake his head clear before running the words through his head to decipher them. "Mother..." he murred back at the larger female. He then glanced back down at the youth to his left and chuckled before watching the older female.

The matter of another wolf being present gave Mobuck reason to panic a bit, as ht was clear that although the pup didn't send out a call or alarm, she was obviously being looked after and this would more than likely be her mother. Someone who would do all it took to protect her offspring and pack. -Great. Mobuck remained as he stood, flicking his tail sharply behind him.

"As I said to your..." he looked at the pup with a smirk then back to the mother "..daughter. I was only passing through, tired, hungry and wanting a place to rest. I mean no harm and am fully aware of your unit's presence not far from here." all the male spoke was true, but evidently, it would seem that he could have ulterior motives and they could do as they please if they perceived him as a threat. "I scented a kill not far from here and was wanting to inquire on it."
(This post was last modified: Sep 30, 2018, 03:22 PM by Mobuck.)
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
here we are don't turn away now

The smirk remained on her face as SeeJay held her ground, and her companion mulled over his words. The Archer's own stance relaxed a fraction, perceiving the situation as under control, for now anyway. At least he seemed to have manners enough when facing someone closer to his own size. Peachy eyes flicked over the loner in an assessing way, though the fact that he had thought to ask a child about where to locate a free meal was neither here nor there. Maybe he was incompetent, but he had made it this far, so perhaps it was just more likely that he was just lazy.

"Yer'd be better off askin' th' birds." She motioned with a tip of her head towards the sky, crows were usually a fairly reliable indicator of carrion, and the way they briefly exploded into the air at the presence of a larger scavenger was usually a pretty good indicator, ""S not ours, but I'd still recommend yer be careful, there's been no shortage of coyotes gangin' up on wolves lately, an' cats aren't uncommon either... Oh, an' o'course th' bears are gettin' ready ter sleep." Not that she really cared what happened to wolves that weren't her pack mates, but it was just that time of year when competition for loners started to warm up with the plummeting temperatures.

Maybe it would be best for both of them to keep their options open.

"What's yer name?"

we are the warriors that built this town
[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by becca who has 60 posts.
Inactive Pup

i'm skin and bone

just a king on a rusty throne

Mother? Well, SeeJay didn't know about that. Nor did she really agree with the use of the word daughter. SeeJay belonged to no family even if she had settled her young roots in the Scowle. She didn't argue the point though. Not now at least. Maybe that was a conversation to be saved for later.

The girl sealed her lips as she backed up her drenched form (for she still had not bothered to dry herself off from the swim and light rain) towards Morganna's side. She didn't like the talk of coyotes, her lips twisting downward as she tilted her head to glance at the older female with softly crinkled orange eyes.

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Played by Leti who has 7 posts.
Mobuck Sigend
Expecting some form of verbal spew and abuse from the female, Mobuck's shoulders were braced in case he needed to charge and then flee from a potential attack. Surprisingly the female did give the brute some advice and he frowned looking upwards, cursing himself for not thinking of something as simple as that before.

As the pup moved towards the female, Mobuck noticed the lack of reassuring contact and vocalisation between the two, which raised an aire of curiosity with the male. He looked at the two while listening to the female's advice on the other animals in the area that could give him some trouble. Dipping his head in the form of a nod in thanks he let a half smile drift across his lips momentarily.

Mobuck had had his first encounter with a pack, or family unit and had come out of it unscathed. He knew all too well that he could have been attacked as soon as the female laid eyes on him, and she didn't have to advise him on anything, yet she did, for which he was appreciative of. He still had to find himself somewhere safe to rest up and then continue on his journey to find an area to call his own, and find a mate and join or start a pack. That was far out of sight for now, as Mobuck needed to build rapport with the other wolves in the area and not enemies.

"Mobuck. Mobuck Sigend." he spoke with a flick of his ear, sweeping his gaze around the three of them in a casual check. "I don't mean to linger, I just need to find me somewhere safe to rest up, and I'll be on my way.
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
This is my kingdom come

Mobuck was his answer, and Morganna tucked it away in the back of her mind, in case she needed to call on it later. "Morganna Archer," she replied in turn, "We live on th' north side o' th' lagoon so yer not so close ter be steppin' on toes, but when it comes ter our kids, she's the polite one," There was a hint of a tease in her voice now, as she swayed to bump her flank against SeeJay's, throwing the girl a proud smirk.

He truly did seem as if he just wanted to move on, so the Archer thought it best to offer him one last bit of advice. "Yer welcome ter stick around, but if yer headin' east, m' sister has a pack in th' willows. She won' eat yer as long as yer respectful, but if yer decide yer wanna stay... well, yer know where ter find us now. Just sing out." She was certain the man would probably find it odd, but Morganna didn't particularly mind. She wasn't hard pressed for members, but another wouldn't hurt and he had the sense not to cause SeeJay harm as soon as he laid eyes on her.

Allowing him a moment to mull over her words, she turned her attention back to the sodden girl at her side. "Wanna see if we can catch somethin' before gettin' back ter th' noisy ones?" She would wait for the girl's response before giving the loner another glance to see if he had any more questions for her.

this is my kingdom come
[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Leti who has 7 posts.
Mobuck Sigend
A ripple ran down the males spine and his fur responded by raising along his neck and tail to which he shook off loosley. Was what Buck was hearing correct? Was this female offering a stranger, someone who could have potentially killed a youth in the pack, someone she had no idea about, a place in her pack as refuge? The black male cocked his head and flicked his ears as he processed the rest of the female's words.

It seemed that the female was not as bad as he was initially worried about, and she even offered some advice for if Mobuck were to head on on his own. He took a moment or two to contemplate the offer laid before him. sticking with the females and taking refuge in their pack would allow him to relax, feed and learn more about the lands he was in and what to expect whilst being out and about.

It didn't take long for Mobuck to come to his decision "Thank you kindly for your off, however, I wouldn't wish to intrude and upset your daily activities." That was his way of saying that they didn't know him, nor him them, so he could be walking into a trap, which was unlikely. But still. There was always the chance that he and the pack wouldn't gel and he would be attacked and sent on his way or killed because of it. His bipolar disorder would certainly raise a few hairs if he snapped at the wrong wolf.

His amber gaze drifted between the two females and he smiled softly. "I wouldn't mind some assistance with some food and a place to rest that's away from other pack lands." Just because this encounter was a fairly docile one does not mean others will be the same. Mobuck knew that having more wolves around him would aid him, but he really didn't know how he would cope with them. He struggled to understand what they were saying at times and didn't want to seem like he was dumb, by not responding or asking them to speak again.

Reclining to his haunches, Mobuck was relaxed in the company of the two females, his tail draped around to his right hip, twitching at the tip occasionally.
(This post was last modified: Oct 11, 2018, 11:49 AM by Mobuck.)
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
@Mobuck - permission to PP SeeJay given by becca, this is Morg and SeeJay's exit. If you would like to add your own fade you can or we can archive it here and claim LP.
This is my kingdom come

Seejay didn't need to open her mouth for Morganna to know that she was in. Her tail swept silently in response, they just needed to wrap things up here and they could be off.

Mobuck declined politely enough and she managed a wry smile. Pack life wasn't for everyone, and she wouldn't begrudge his freedoms, both to and from. The scent of carrion was in the air and she tipped her head in what she supposed was the general direction it was wafting from, a quick glance upwards confirmed it to be so as dark birds circled overhead. "Yer should find somethin' ter eat over that way, if yer want to avoid packs, head north, or keep ter the clear ground to th' south. We won't bother yer as long as yer stay off th' borders." She offered the pup another smile, and began to turn away. "Be careful out there," She offered as words of farewell, "Winter arrives overnight 'n these parts," and it might be here any day.

this is my kingdom come

-Morganna and SeeJay exit-
[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]