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Somebody once told me — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
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It couldn't have just been the thorn that pissed Kiche off, it had to be Thanatos in his entirety. How <i>dare</i> this dark-knight <i>nobody</i> tell him to calm down. Where did he get off ordering around Kiche —who had been in Relic Lore and Grizzly Hollow far longer— where did he get off ordering around the <i>Saint of the Hollow</i>. Although nothing seemed dominant about the black savage's stance, Kiche was getting sick and tired of his superior, mediating tone. If his snarl could have deepened any more, the ginger wolf would surely have lost himself in the folds of his wrinkled muzzle. Though the red saint knew little about innate wolf behaviors and the hierarchy of a pack, it seemed there was a part of him that had known it all along: his tail rose like a proud flag of woven brown and amber, while he arced his head over the black wolf like a regal deity. He stretched taller and loomed larger, his presence radiating from the ginger fur that stood on end, as he listened to Thanatos speak to Arlette —<i>his</i> Arlette.

The young girl, so precious and so innocent, pressed herself against him for comfort. This gesture, though small in and of itself, pushed him over the edge. He was here because he was <i>protecting her</i>. Arlette was his pupil, his charge, his own daughter. Thanatos was really pushing it. The dark savage was clearly intent on invading every little crevice of Grizzly Hollow with some pretty courtesy and polished, sniveling assumptions. <i>Not if I have anything to say.</i> "<b>You'd do well to remember your place at the bottom of the pack.</b>" There, that was fair enough to say. Spoken in a dangerously low octave, his words dripped with bitter contempt. "<b>There is nothing you can say to me that Arlette shouldn't hear. She's not some dumb whelp to be coddled, she's the <i>leader's</i> daughter, and I'll be damned if she's shielded from understanding what's going on in this pack. Quite frankly I don't like the way you speak to her, and I don't think you <i>deserve</i> to meet the others.</b>" Pressing gently back against Jayse's daughter, his red fur began to mix and intertwine with her angelic white pelt.

"<b>I'm not going to fight you. Go get your kicks with that dumb slut,</b>" he tossed his muzzle in Silver's direction, aware she had just shut up complied with whatever her dark-knight. Remembering that the silver bitch was still here, he growled quietly, not caring for the way she stared at Arlette. All of this dominance mess was so new to him, although it felt as familiar as an old friend. He didn't like it. "<b>Arlette, would you like to accompany me on a hunt?</b>" Figuring that demanding that she leave with him would injure her pride, he offered this instead.
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
like my art? comission me!
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Thanatos grew more and more infuriated with the red brute every minute but he didn't want a fight to break out with Jaysyek's daughter there. <i>You'd do well to remember your place at the bottom of the pack.</i> This asshole was just egging Thanatos on. It seemed he wanted him to act out. Maybe he hoped he would and have Arlette as a witness so he could get Thanatos kicked out. No matter what the red brute said, Thanatos wouldn't fight him, not with her there.

<b>"I doubt she understands what is going on at all right now. You made judgments about Silver and myself without getting to know either of us. You don't know me, you have no right to say I'm not to be trusted."</b> Thanatos took a deep breath, trying to keep himself under control. Then, Kiche said something that pushed him over the edge. He pulled his lips, snarling at the red beast. <b>"Who the fuck do you think you are Kiche?! Do you think your some kind of fucking saint, able to pass judgement on anyone you want? Silver is not some fucking slut and she isn't stupid, it seems that would be you Kiche. And as for my place in the pack, I think it's time I taught you a lesson about manners and took your place, sending you to the bottom."</b> Thanatos was beyond furious at this point. He scapped his jaws in front of Kiche's face, finally showing a position of dominance. <b>"I challenge you Kiche. We fight tomorrow at noon in Cedarwood forest. If you don't show, I'll assume that means you're giving up your position without a fight."</b>

Thanatos was absolutely pissed at the moment. He had to leave before he bit the brutes head off right then and there. He turned to Silver as he spoke, more than a hint of a growl in his voice. <b>"Come on Silver, we are leaving."</b> He turned his back to Kiche and the young wolf and padded away, desperately needing to blow off some steam.
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
    the suns going to shine, and sometimes the clouds will rain.

She could feel Silver's eyes upon her. She tried to ignore it, and her best she could. Kiche's own high tension was catching, she was more fearful, then angry now. What would it accomplish if Kiche beat on Thanatos? Lettie saw it as some kind of trick. Kiche did not her to protect him. He put Thanatos in his place, reminding him where he was, the newest wolf, and therefore below Kiche. She would have nodded in assured agreement if her body did not feel like cold stone. She didn't want to push her luck. Quickly as she felt defeated her white flopped ears lifted, and pride radiated in her. Finally, someone knew where she was coming from. Arlette had hardly had a sheltered life. It seemed from the beginning she became aware as the rest of her brothers, and sister life was fragile. Any time the last breath could pull from lips, and the heart would stop beating. Fear had controlled a majority of her life, but she kept fighting the battle trying to conquer. She couldn't run, before she could walk. And she had a long way to go before she was never scared. Hopefully no one would tell her being fearless was a ridiculous notion. She clung to Kiche in comfort of being close. He had the courage she needed, and continued telling him off completely. If the blackm ale made her uncomfortable and pissed Kiche she could only imagine how Trisden, and Hocus would feel. It was one thing to warm up to someone, but being told was another. Everyone else of the Hollow had known they were not the clingy children, sticking to anyone.

Though he might have made a good point they did not know him. He did not know them either. If he had half a brain he would have realized how fragile their world was, and how easily broken it could be. When he called Kiche stupid, she put a paw forward, and a high growl ripped into her throat. Kiche was not stupid, he was! As for Silver she would try not to completely judge her. She appeared as lost as Arlette was in this whole argument, and she had a least given them space.

While the male dished out his final threats she did not move, but glared at him the entire time. Kiche would kick his ass, and she had mind to talk to her mother about this. Arlette had had enough newcomers if this was what they were all like.

Finally, they were leaving. Good. She planned on staying the hell away from them.

The girl watched them go, baring holes in the back of their head with her eyes. She made sure not even to blink while they strode away. When the trees, and plants gobbled them up, slowly she lifted her paws which had been imprinted so heavily in the snow, and let out a sigh collapsing into Kiche's side onto her rump. She had been so firm in her stance her legs kinda hurt now, or were they numb? "I'd like that," she grinned, tilting her chin up to peer at preacher. ",but what are we gonna eat?" She could probably track something esculent down. A small suspicion they might have eyes spying on them, she jumped to a stand. Or attempted, slightly almost falling on her face before righting herself. A shake of her head, and wag of her tail she started to pad away. "Coming?" She called, then began to trot, ready to find something, and put the past moments of chaos behind her.


(This post was last modified: Mar 12, 2012, 07:58 PM by Arlette.)
[Image: oaktreebend.png]