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Just Around the Bend — Luna Hill 
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Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
OOC: And they were going to be such good friends too! =(

Gone Tomorrow

Ozera was only the latest of the previous River wolves to return to Relic Lore, though unlike all the others, had not returned to the pack. News that she had returned at all was news to the gray female, and she couldn't help but wonder why that was. Especially as she didn't sound like she was in super great shape. Brows furrowed, and Corinna cast a worried glance away. Was it worth sending others after her? Technically, Ozera was no longer a part of Swift River, and it seemed silly to waste pack resources on her when she had elected not to return. Perhaps at the upcoming meeting, she could mention the older female's return, and maybe Triell or Marsh would go look for her.

At the mention of the large black male in question, the green-eyed she-wolf couldn't help but smile and wag her tail, clearing the snow off the patch of grass directly behind her. Triell had grown up so much, and she could very easily see the magnificent being that he had become. It had been a long time since their first meeting, but since then, she had come to rely on his ever present self to be there, as a foundation of the pack. "Yes, my kids do love their uncle Triell. He's been there for them, when stability was questionable. I do apologize, though, for their dismissal. Unfortunately, they're far too accustomed to the wolves around them disappearing without explanation." It was a sad state of affairs, but unfortunately, with their mother as the lone exception, every wolf around them had at some point or another.

Gaze glancing up at the sky, the Swift River leader noted with some dismay the passing of the sun against the sky. Still early in the year, it would be a few weeks yet before the sun fully rose and passed fully across the Canadian sky. But she had been gone long enough. Hoisting herself up to her paws, she shook herself, clearing the snow from her flanks and haunches. Smiling at Naira, she nodded her head back towards Sacred Grove, and the rest of the pack. "You are free to stay a while longer, if you would like. But I need to be returning, I promised Kisla a hunting lesson later today. I'm planning on a pack meeting soon - there have been so many new scents around that I can't quite keep track of them all." A step was taken in the direction, green gaze inviting. "I shall see you soon." A dip of her head was offered, and then she headed off, pace slow enough that Naira would easily be able to catch her if she desired.
