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The Brilliant Dance — Hush Meadow 
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Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Get the feeling she's headed to the willows? works in with your post with Vami?

<blockquote>As soon as the shadow of her new found friend passed over her, her anxiety vanished and she popped up comically, dropping the rabbit at his feet and taking a seat. She waited for him to consume the meal, although it wasn't much. She would need to find at least another. A look of pride crossed her face at his mention of her speed. <b>"Four years of practice and a family of freakish giants, well, with the exception of my mother... I had to shine somewhere...can't beat'em' up, better be able to run when you do manage to get one over them..."</b> she said with a happy grin, remembering the home she left behind. She was feeling more her old self than she had in months. Loneliness did not suit her. </blockquote>
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Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
Alexander couldn't help but chuckle as she popped up like a groundhog in this massive meadow. His tail wagged, and he broke a half-smile in. He eyed the bloody rabbit she dropped at his paws, and carefully settled down onto his belly to eat it, holding one end down with a big paw while he picked slowly at it. Part of him hoped that he'd be able to trick his stomach into thinking that this was more than it really was the slower he ate it. It was delicious though. Far more flavorful that that twig of a creature he caught earlier. He couldn't even remember what it was at this point it did so little to satisfy him.

And then her age was revealed, and he couldn't help but look a bit surprised. <b>"Four? Wow. I apologize."</b> The man looked a bit shamed, as he had been treating her a bit like a child. But, of course, she was no such thing! <b>"I do quite applaud your speed though. You must be a spectacular tracker."</b> He smiled again, and spoke through a small mouthful of food. Despite his wish to do slow work of his meal, it seemed to disappear into thin air with a matter of moments. Oh well. He gnawed on a leg bone until it snapped between his teeth. <b>"Well, shall we head to the woods now?"</b> Gray brows rose over glistening yellow eyes, and he got up, shaking weakly just to loosen himself up.

<span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>it does! awesome~</span>
Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
haha, do some skins, muse comes back! yay!

<blockquote>It was a common misconception. She was so small, nobody would believe her father was a hulking wolf of yukon blood, because she took entirely after her arctic mother in build. <b>"Don't worry, I'm used to it..."</b> she responded with a happy smile, kicking up her paws as they began their way across the field. It was probably in her best interests that she looked so young because others tended to treat her more gently as a result. Given her submissive personality she was easy to push around and looking younger than she was sometimes convinced larger wolves she wasn't worth the time.

<b>"And tracking, well, I don't have a lot more to offer in a hunt beyond tracking and chasing, well, with anything bigger than a rabbit anyway... the biggest think "</b> she admitted almost wistfully. She would love to be able to contribute more to hunting large prey but it would seem she was destined to live off rodents and the like unless she found herself a pack. <b>"Once I caught a wolverine... It wasn't very tasty..."</b> she admitted conversationally. It had tasted like it smelled, and now she chose to avoid them and conserve her energy for something she could actually consume.</blockquote>
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Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
glob i'm sorry this took so long and that it's kind of short ><

His tail swayed calmly, a bit disappointed that she was used to such treatment. He knew that he'd hate being thought of as a child, especially if it was because of his size. Not that that was possible for Alexander, but...regardless. But she didn't seem to mind, he supposed, so, to each his own. His ears angled gently as she told him about her tracking skills, and he chuckled. <b>"Every little bit counts, you know? And if you can feed yourself, then that's the most important part."</b> Tipping his head, he eyed her sideways. <b>"Well, being a loner, and all."</b>

Alexander stopped as she finished her thought, and gave her a wide-eyed stare. <b>"Just because it didn't taste good doesn't mean it wasn't a good catch."</b> He answer, his words breathy. <b>"Those are some nasty creatures. You ought to be proud!"</b>
Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
<blockquote>This wolf seemed wise, like her uncle Dash. It made her smile as they continued their ramble across the meadow. She spotted another rabbit and lifted her foot in anticipation but dropped it and kept walking when she realised the rabbit was pregnant. That could be at least eight potential meals in the future she would be killing if the took the soon to be mother down. She knew others might find her way of thinking strange, but she had seen what happened when a pack relied on a single warren for too long and didn't care what state the rabbits were in. Besides, when you saw one, there were usually another 20 nearby.

They were getting closer to the trees now. Ears, eyes and nose on high alert for something, anything else she could hunt for her kind escort, and then she spotted it. A small raccoon, raiding what was probably the remnants of some poor squirrels winter stores. She shot at it like a dart, aiming for the throat but catching its chest instead. The small animal screeched at her, clawing at her forehead and eyes and trying to bite the bridge of her nose. Bringing her paws up over her face and letting go, she pinned the little bandit on the floor before delivering a killing blow. Dragging the animal by the tail back to Alexander she dropped the critter proudly, licking the small scratched and bite marks where she could reach.</blockquote>
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Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
They were nearing the trees now, and the end of their time together, Alexander assumed. Pale yellow eyes scanned the tree line, looking for signs of curious life, and and ear twitched, wondering if someone was searching for the girl. But all was silent, more or less, and his expression became stoic. He wished to catechize the supposed family of Aniu, ask them why they'd left her, why no audible effort was being made to find her. It was cruel. Certainly, she was an adult, but she seemed to care very much for them, and it definitely seemed as though she might need them.

Alexander paused as she raced off again, feeling slightly unsteady in her wake, though it make him chuckle weakly. There was a noisy scuffle between her and whatever she'd caught, and his ears pressed forward, waiting for silence to ensue. And then she reappeared, raccoon in tow. Although she carried with her a few painful-looking scratches. <b style="color:#51b85f">"Let me help you," The man offered, leaning forward to give a cut above her eye a few parched licks. <b style="color:#51b85f">"I suppose we're even now." Alexander smiled as he picked up the raccoon and took the first step into the forest. From here, he figured he'd travel south, making an arch to Grizzly Hollow, to give himself time to recover. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."

Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
<blockquote>She flinched as the large males tongue passed over her face. It was the first kind contact she had had from another wolf since... well, since she lost her sister. After a moment she relaxed, even more so when she realised that they were finally close to the trees. It looked like this would be goodbye. For now at least.

<b>"Thanks Alexander."</b> she said sincerely. <b>"I'm sure I'll see you around again soon."</b> or at least she hoped so. It seemed this place was full of nice wolves who didn't want to eat her. Perhaps this place wasn't so bad after all...</blockquote>

feel free to end it here if you want or you can reply and archive :)
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