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my fears have worn me out — Jasper Rocks 
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
wow you got my 500 post, just noticed this.

There was no objections to what she said, the better part of her was surpised he was agreeing with her. Any more they argued, and that's half the reason she'd been worried about speaking to him. Why she had avoided him after there partial make up at the lagoon. It was easier to avoid it, and pretend the issue would solve itself. She did not want to finish off what was left. Once she knew she was running from her fears not facing them she had started to come to terms. She could not make anyone happy but herself.

Or she daily repeated the thought into her head to try to keep her from spreading herself so very thin. She was aware there was no eay fix, she'd acknowledged this road would be anything but smooth, and straight. She took the moment breath relief, and accept the niche she'd carved bringing them together; the small bit of comfort that had always done it's job. This was where she had wanted to be the moment he had come back. She wanted to hang on to that, and be stuck pretending there was nothing else. After the delicate touch to the underside of her chin, no more of this walking on egg shells business she calmly blinked back the unbidden tears, and held onto the serenity brought. It seemed so hard the first time to tell Alexander they were leaving, and to set off on their own. This time it made the first look easy breezy, and a partial grin tugged at her pale cheek. What on earth had they been thinking? Part of her wished they had stuck it out together and everything would have worked itself out. If it was not this mess it would surely be another. She rested her head against his neck listening to the flow of his breath.

When he withdrew she did too, and reflected his action by glancing to the flowing water. She felt as timid, and scared the first time she'd confessed her affections; on the edge waiting to break. She had gave him quite a lot to think about. She tried to give him his moment of peace, or thought whatever he might be seeking. She greeted him with a steady smile, and bright, thoughtful eyes. "Where do we start then?" Smile was half crooked, and her pale brows rose in motion with her shoulders. "Honestly? I don't know." She laughed wearily to likely keep herself from weeping. Change didn't happen all by itself.

"But, we do have a beginning?" She pointed out, titling her head to level with his. "What shall you have me do Mr. Lyall?" She whispered her usual teasing tone in the undercurrent of her voice. Grizzly Hollow, and this mess could not be fixed by her, but feeling like they were on the same team was enough.
(This post was last modified: Mar 23, 2012, 03:50 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<i>Gratses! 8D</i>
<blockquote>The anguish and distress that had seemingly been eating away at both of them these past few months felt as if it had finally lifted. Jaysyek said that she didn't know where they would start again but they <i>did</i> have a beginning...

It was as if the dark, gray winters that had filled his mind had broken and everything that they had had at the very start - from the very moment they met to the proclamation that they would have to leave Mount Dire and from the journey into Cedarwood to the birth of their three children - burst from his memories, vivid and new yet nostalgic at the same time. The air, though charged with this breakthrough, felt and tasted crisper... <i>fresher</i> even. It was strange. Invigorating. As if they had actually gone back to the wintery days of last year, simply feeling wiser and more worldly than they had been before... with the addition of a family.

<i>"What shall you have me do Mr. Lyall?"</i> she prompted, a playful tone lacing her words. It seemed as though it had been ages since he had last heard her voice tug and lilt in his ears, just slightly impish and high-spirited in the least. A genuine smile lit up his face and the pressure built in his chest, he discovered, turned out to be a suppressed chuckle. He grinned, <b>"Oh, I don't know either... Maaaaaybe... <i>Hmm.</i>"</b> He canted his head slightly as he thought, attempting to think of something to draw another smile onto her ashen features. His tail rose and fell as he let the silence rush in-between them; but before he could allow the quiet to linger longer than intended he yielded a reply in his gladdened tone. <b>"Just... stay here with me."</b> He nosed her cheek gently, feeling at last the sense of security he had been fumbling in the dark for these past few weeks. He inhaled a somewhat nervous breath and released it before meeting her eyes, <b>"Help me feel <i>alive</i> so we can fall in love all over again..."</b> </blockquote>
- - ♠ - -
Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry... You don't know how lovely you are.
I had to find you. Tell you I need you. Tell you I set you apart. Tell me your secrets
and ask me your questions. Oh, let's go back to the start...

Coldplay - The Scientist
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
:) -you always find the perfect lyrics not even kiddin'-
♫ | Everything <i>Lifehouse</i>

It was not quite a complete do over with everything completely forgotten, and made new as if nothing had happened. It almost was if not better. Rekindling what had been dying, being more certain of what was. What had always been. There was no moment she had stopped loving him, though she may have refrained herself for the sake of what was left of her. Acknowledging at last there was nothing she needed more desperately or wanted them him, and his love.

What had never escaped her memories, his face often had haunted her, he smiled her favorite smile. He looked like the man she had grown fond of, falling into something she'd never known. She found herself beaming at him, and laughing in a sweet rhythem of disbelief yet huge relief, and joy. She did not care he could not give a quick answer. She did not expect one. Being together at this new turn was enough. The rest of the world didn't have to exist right now. It would be there tomorrow, and the huge mess of things waiting to be sorted.

There was something to his golden and green eyes a stirring, and she looked upon him with a questioning stare. When it seemed there might not be a sound he made his request. Adding to it was the flow of his touch to her jaw. It caused her nerves to spark, and when she might have looked away she did not. She steadily let herself fall into the familiarity of his eyes though they were partially hiding from view. Please, tell me, she wanted to coax. If it was one thing she had learned it was patience, and sometimes the cut of silence was needed. She could feel the anxious energy it radiated from both their frames. What might be holding him back let go. Finally his eyes locked to hers. Help me feel alive so we can fall in love all over again..."

It could have been a daunting feat what he was asking for her. Life made love hard, but not impossible. She wanted nothing more than to do what he asked."Of coarse, love, she murmured, her muzzle brushing along the bottom of his cream colored chin. Without warning her tongue darted out, swiping his nose. She then raised up leaning against him, and with a soft mouth nimbled at his ear like the first time. "I love you," she whispered, and fondly wiggled her nose against his soft ear. Reluctantly, she pulled back.

"Are you sure, you can catch me this time?" She asked most coyly, stretching out into a playful bow.

Find me here, and speak to me.
I want to feel you, I need to hear you.
You are the light that's leading me to the place,
Where I find peace again.
(This post was last modified: Mar 23, 2012, 06:23 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>Though he had known that a part of Jaysyek had loved him, just hearing the three words in his ears made him smile. Whatever doubt had settled into his thoughts were immediately erased. She withdrew from him and he turned to see if something or someone had made her lengthen the distance between them. One of his dark-rimmed ears swiveled to the side and his brows rose in mild amusement. She lowered her torso in a playful bow, her lithe limbs reaching out into the space before her.

Her question made another chuckle rise from his chest. <b>"Oh, I dunno,"</b> he stated, slowly straightening his hind legs to stand. <b>"I might not be as fast as I once was, but you can bet I'll still get you..."</b> As discreetly as he could he tested his left forepaw by briefly leaning his weight onto it. It had healed up for the most part but it still felt as though a nerve became pinched when he moved his wrist every now and then. His black-tipped tail swayed about his hind legs and he eyed her impishly with a toothy grin, just waiting for her to prance away.

The memories of them playing in the snow, at the base of the mountain and in the depths of their territory, rushed to the forefront of his mind more vivid than ever before. It might have been as though nothing had ever changed between them but where she excelled in speed, he would make up in stamina; and where fear had once startled him with the possibility of losing her, he was determined he would track and follow her without the slightest display of intimidation. Nothing, he decided, would ever keep him from Jaysyek and the love they shared with one another.</blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
With an mischievous smile, her tail flicked wildly behind her swaying in the motion of her hips while her front paws dug at the ground. She was not chained by her burdens, and torments...not like she had been. In this she did not question if she was doing the right thing. There was no question, or doubts nagging at the back of skull telling her wrong any more. This was all she had wanted, and hoped for. And where she needed, and wanted to be.

A playful snort erupted from her nostrils, and she peered at him waiting for him to simple make a grab for her with the element of surprise. He was not trying to distract her, but playing a part of the familiar waltz. She was very ready to pull away, her muscles feeling like they were on fire. "...but you can bet I'll still get you..." He mirrored her actions, an enticing and lively grin upon his face. It merely spurred her on."Is that so, sir?" She questioned with an accompanied raised brow. Of coarse he would, because Jaysyek had always wanted to be caught by him. If they both left their worries behind them, would they find the love which needed only a light dusting to be discovered. He appeared ready for the challenge, and the chase. She bounced back, letting out a high yap, and served like she might rush at him. Close as she came to him, she merely brushed past him, and bounded up the river to the more elusive parts of the forest. Her hushed laughter being the second trail other than her scent.

She hurled herself, her paws touching lightly against the damp earth while she ran with reckless abandon. The rush of air pressed in on her, livening her own deadened soul. Her lungs screamed for oxygen, and she unsealed her lips taking in the crisp taste of spring. Every part of her was alive, burning with this new chance. She skipped across the narrow part of the water, letting it splash against her cooling her signicantly. Where she went next was the hollow tree where she had given birth to their children. Tipping her head this way and that, her ears rotated trying to listen for his movement. He was coming quick, and she leaned against the side of the ancient timber in the darkened shadow....waiting and trying to catch her breath which was sure to give her away.
(This post was last modified: Mar 24, 2012, 04:03 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>One of her brows rose in response to his answer and he simply smirked. She bounded away then back again, and even though Borden had prepared himself to take a fall she pranced past. His eyes trailed along her path and, without any further hesitation, he leapt after her. His tail waved about behind him and his ears both turned forward in interest. He could have easily followed her with his eyes closed; wherever she had taken a step, his muddied paws were quick to land beside or perfect into her footprints.

Her alluring scent led him back into the forest and away from the river to the place that he had not been since Prosper, Hocus, and Trisden were born. He strode into the clearing then dashed right across it, leaving the hollow tree behind. The absence of her scent was quick to catch his attention and he immediately circled back around with his muzzle tilted upwards into the air. He took a few deep breaths, examined the makeshift den after taking a few steps towards it, then turned his attention to where it seemed like his beloved's scent prominently filled the air. If he hadn't been breathing so hard, he might have instantly picked her out by the sound of her breath.

Borden scented the air again then quietly and cautiously prowled towards a gnarly timber whose height told him that it had been there for more than a decade. Jaysyek's perfume curled in his nostrils; it drew another smug smile across his muzzle as he stepped over a few roots to quickly peer around the large trunk. <b>"<i>A-ha!</i>"</b> He fully stepped around the tree, edging close enough to her to see if she would attempt to escape or become pinned.</blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
Though breathless, she did not lose the smile traced upon her lips. Her heart thrummed in her chest, and it ached against it's ribcage for a couple reasons. She ran her tongue along her lips, and teeth trying to shush her wild breaths. It was not her crave for air she soon heard. He was moving in on her, and she instinctively hunched, her ears pressed tight against the smooth carvings of her skull. She anticipated his next move, waiting...waiting. She sucked in a deep breath trapping it in the confines of her chest. He was behind the tree somewhere. She did not dare move, quietly letting her breath trickling out before stealing another one. Starting to get a little anxious, and eager her tail flinched not sure how much longer she could remain frozen.

She strained for his paws touching upon the ground, but with the creek in the distant they were muffled almost completely --not something that pleased her. Waiting was starting to become much longer, than it really was. The lady bit the inside of her cheek, trying to suppress the temptation to peer around. Wasn't it deadly obvious where she was? She couldn't hide from anyone in this state. Nerves were frazzled, and she was ready to speak when...


"Ahhh!"She jumped with a start, jerking against the tree in sudden surprise. She bumped the back of her head, though it was not enough to cause pain. Then her mismatched eyes scanned for a way out, but her exits were sealed off. She would not be quick enough to slide past him. A scowl darkened her features, it was nothing too serious, because a wry grin hung on the edge of her lips. She had not been very adroit this time, and was merely miffed at herself. She peered at him through her white lashes with a coy look of someone who had been caught, but who wasn't going to come quietly.
(This post was last modified: Mar 25, 2012, 06:45 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>Borden's forepaws placed themselves on either side of hers in an <span class='word'>adoit</span> manner. His tail, though still wagging to and fro, curling over his back as he nuzzled his nose lightly against the side of her face. He hadn't meant to startle her too badly but upon catching her bump her skull into the timber's side, he swallowed a light chuckle and gazed back at her quietly. A cocky grin still lifted his masked features and he tenderly grazed his tongue against her fur. <b>"Sorry,"</b> he murmured. <b>"You all right?"</b>

A shiver ran up along his spine; and, he quivered as the adrenaline fully hit his system. <b>"Jaysyek,"</b> he pleaded quietly. <b>"Jayse."</b> His voice had softened; the second time her name was sounded out it fluttered from his lips in a whisper. The question that followed after some time was <i>breathed</i> into the base of her ivory ear, <b><i>"Be mine..."</i></b></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 25, 2012, 05:03 AM by Borden.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
Pressed tightly against the firm wall of the tree in support, she would have wagged her tail if she was able. As it were it merely lifted at the base where it was tucked beneath her paws from her collected energy. He came closer ensuring she would not get away, and her ears twitched in place. Momentarily she'd close her eyes at his tender kiss. Then softly, she bobbed her white head in response to his question. She couldn't be any better. "I'm perfectly fine," she grinned, a short laugh erupting from her lips. "You?" She asked, brushing the tip of her muzzle against the side of his.

Slowly her white triangle points would sweep forward, her eyes being pulled to his she had missed so very much. He had her undiveded attention, and a hushed whine coaxed from her throat to assure him --she was here and always would be. Her pulse raced beneath the heat of her throat, feeling him pressed so close. There was what felt like a million butterflies flapping in her stomach, and in the confines of her heart when his sweet voice fromed those two simple words. She pressed agaisnt him, tracing her black nose along the length of his muzzle. "I wouldn't have it any other way," she whispered. She leaned into him enjoying the scent of him that had haunted her, and his gentle touch she had missed most desperately.
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>Her response coaxed a soft whine of his own into the air. Though she leaned into him, Borden carefully scanned their surroundings. For the moment things were quiet and, though anyone could have easily found them out in the open here, the pack kept their distance... for now. He planted a kiss to her temple then slowly took a step away from her. His muscles were just itching to move; this clearing had only been established as apart of their pack territory last May but, even up 'til now, he was certain the path that led to and away from it would be traversed at least once in the next two hours. After he had taken some comfort that no one else was nearby, he eyed a pair of trees a few meters in front of him. The birthing den being a stone's throw away was much too close for his comfort. If they lingered here much longer he was slightly afraid of the chaos that might ensue if they were spotted.

He nibbled at her ear affectionately then paced towards the conjoined timbers. When she came to join him, he made sure that her stark white figure was well concealed by walking quickly around his chosen spot. If they were to be found out, it would be by scent alone. When he came back round the wider and taller tree trunk, he gave her a satisfied smile and pressed himself closely against her side as if to ensure that his musk would embed itself into her coat. Jaysyek would be his... even though she always had been from the very start. He calmed himself down for a few seconds then, as if they were subject to being found out at any moment, he nudged his lips back to her ears, <b>"<i>Shh.</i>"</b>
