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Trying not to step on toes — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
She joked about Nash following her orders. She hoped it wasn't to soon for such a gesture but in her mind nothing had actually changed. There was change in rank but she still saw Nash as a friend and in her mind that was most important. It was what made the cove what it was. She did smile when he did. "Don't worry I won't be one of those demanding sort of leaders," she said matter-of-factly. Oksana couldn't even imagine being like that, yuck!

It was as she thought since she never seen anything like a meeting take place. She had something she wanted to propose to Nash and she wondered his opinion. He went on to express that a daily meeting might not be such a bad idea. "I mean it wouldn't have to be like a full meeting but just like a quick daily check in. You know how are the borders? Any signs of trouble? That sort of thing. Since your our Guardian you would know those sorts of things." She thought it would be helpful in dealing with things like cougars. That way they didn't get too far or steal too much.

"I'm sorry. I just have these ideas and I don't want to forget them before I have the chance to speak with you again," she said wanting to make sure he knew she wasn't trying to be too forward. She'd only just gotten his word that it was okay after all.
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Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

Nash knew Oksana would be a fair leader, just as her mate was. He hadn't had experience with any other sort of leader, though he knew there were some out there that were less than kind to their packs. He huffed out a short laugh.

The conversation moved on to his guardian duties. Nash nodded along with her suggestion. "I think it's a great idea; I can update you or Al every day after I complete patrols. It would certainly help with security if anything like that cougar mess ever happens again. At least we were able to deal with the lynx quickly. I might make hunting easier too."

Having the leaders aware of everything going on within the territory would help Nash relax, he was sure. With his own children nearing their birth he was going to spend more time at his wife's side. Having backup would be good for both him and the pack as a whole - though he didn't particularly want Oksana running guardian duties. He was sure Al would agree with him, at least until her own children were born and grown enough to leave.

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Oksana had some idea of what kind of leader she wanted to be. Thankfully for her she'd had a good example of what a leader should be as she was growing up. She had Aleister too to help her to make the right decisions. It helped to give her confidence that she would be a good leader having Nash's faith in her.

Oksana's ultimate goal was to make the cove the best that it could be. For her that meant taking the problems she'd witnessed in the past and figuring out ways that they could be more efficient in solving them. Her first order of business was an idea that Nash thought was a good idea. "I think the daily updates will help us to recognize a problem early and find ways to deal with it that will keep everyone safe." That was her main goal. To keep the pack safe.

She also wanted everyone to know that she was available to everyone whenever they needed her. She wanted to be a leader that was easy to approach with their problems. That was another way she thought she could help her pack in the best way.
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Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

Nash nodded along as Sana spoke, fully agreeing with her. His mind wandered to some of the challenges they'd faced over the last few months, and how many of them might have been avoided if they'd had more communication - regular communication. The stampede might not have been as dangerous had they known the potential, or kept the pups closer to the den until the danger had left the territory. The incidents with the cougar and lynx could have been so much worse if their communication had been any less.

"I'm all about safety," he said. That, and keeping the pups home this year. If they were looking out, maybe they could keep anyone from wandering off.

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Better communication among the members was certainly a step in the right direction. She didn't feel thst they were just a pack. She felt like this pack was more of a family. Together they needed to protect their family and while the cove wolves were good at that she felt they could be better. Having a better idea of what was going on around their borders at all times was part of it. Intruders wouldn't have the opportunity to get in too far and the comings and going of each member could be noted in case they didn't return and maybe needed help. It could be given sooner.

She smiled when Nash spoke, "Its what's best for us all and it has to start with the leader and work it's way down to each member. We all work together for the safety and betterment of the pack." She laid her beliefs out for him before giving him a moment to process. "Are there any ideas you might have?" She asked wanting to hear his thoughts after all he'd grown up on the mountain.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

Nash agreed wholeheartedly agreed with Oksana's assessment and continued nodding along with her words. I enjoyed his purpose and looking after the pack. He'd spent so long searching for it, and he was going to do everything he could to keep it together. Already they'd lost some members to various causes, and if they could avoid losing any more...

"Nothing comes to mind currently, but I'll be sure to let you know if I do have any ideas," he said. "Once the pups arrive this year I'm sure circumstances may create new needs."

Like additional hunting, patrols, watches for those confounded cougars...

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Oksana didn't want to be the only one to come up with ideas on how to make the pack better. She felt if the others had ideas that were used then they woukd feel invested in the pack. More importantly they would feel like they were doing their part to help. Not just going out and catching food for the cache or patrolling the borders but real actual change.

"If any do come up I am always ready to hear them. Your probably right, who knows what the new pups will get themselves into."

Oksana truly hoped they didn't get themselves into too much trouble. The last thing they needed to do was have another pup get lost this year.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

Nash truly felt things were going to improve this year. Perhaps they could avoid some of the trouble of last year, now that they were all more settled on the mountain and had experienced parents. While Nash and Oksana were both new to parenting, each had a partner who was a veteran parent and could help them. With that in mind, and the help of the yearlings, they could keep tabs on the children.

His mind swirled with images of faceless pups tumbling about the territory the way he did as a child, and how Al's children the previous year had. He grinned. "All sorts of trouble, no doubt," he laughed, "but I'm sure we can handle it."

With everyone working together, they could handle anything.

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Oksana couldn't help thinking about what had happened to Kateri the previous year. She didn't want something like that to happen to her children. She wanted to keep them as close to her as she could so that they would remain safe and sound until they were big enough. Another part of the crow told her that these were probably very unfounded fears consodering there were so many in the cove that could look after the children. Still she knew the trouble she'd gotten into and that overshadowed things for her.

Her orange faze fell on the Guardian as he spoke reassuring words. "I'm sure your right. I'm also sure it's natural to worry about them and their safety no mater how irrational it seems, right?" She was a little unsure about that. Maybe it was just her.
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