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I can hear myself breathing — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Mk, wrapping up on Rhys part here. Excuse the very small PP, Ice! If you want me to change it I will. <3

<blockquote>It seemed his warning had been heeded as he saw the brown wolf retreating out of the corner of his eye. He hadn’t seen Athena streaking in from behind to take her down, but he already knew how fearless that Little Wolf was. His attention remaind on the skin he had held within his jaws, leaving the wolf almost powerless beneath him.
He’d given up on clawing at the face by this point, instead his mind was working out something far greater that could come from this and with a final crush of his jaws and a snort from his nose, he flung his head to the side, releasing his grip on Ice and sent him pacing backwards to freedom. Taking his own steps back, though slightly hobbled thanks to his now very sore front toe, he narrowed his gaze upon both Triell and Ice.

<b>”Do not take my mercy for weakness.”</b> he began, a pant in his breath as he spoke to the pair of River wolves. He looked then to Triell, he knew the wolf better then Ice and would assume he could deliver a message without any problems. <b>”His life in exchange for Naira’s and her young’s. This is my war now and they are to be left alone.”</b> he said, something far more noble then even he thought he would ever be capable. That female was certainly going to be the death of him.

He hopped/stepped a few more paces backwards, the space between them growing in distance. <b>”Consider this your one and only warning. Next time I will snap your neck, Ice.”</b> he said, before he turned with his head high in victory (in his eyes at least) and dominance and he began his trek back home. He would not tell Naira what had unfolded her tonight...

Freeeeedom! <3
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
It seemed that things were slowing down, one wolf after the other trailing away, but jaws still remained locked around his neck. The sensation, so hated by the pale wolf, began to eat away at his defenses, wearing away his bravery until there was very little left between him and panic. Ice's jaws ground together, clinging to the last shred of courage and willpower he had. He would not break. Would. Not. Break. Not for Rhysis. Not ever for Rhysis. Then, the black wolf bit down harder and pressed against his head, nearly slamming it into the ground with the sudden increase in pressure. Grunting, the River male stumbled but caught himself. It took him a moment to realize the jaws were gone, but when he did, his head shot up violently and he stared at the lanky black wolf. Was he mad? No, he was talking.

Ice kept his snorts to himself, listening to the words laid out, refusing to even give his head a tiny shake. Only the memory of teeth in his skin, jaws around his neck, kept him from attacking the black male again - that, and the adrenaline slowly leaking out of his system. He willed strength into himself until the black male turned his back, and then, his legs began to quiver. That was the downside of adrenaline. Ice took some moments to breathe and blink, before giving his head a tentative shake. Sore, a bit bloody. The free, fresh air stung. A couple of cuts on his face, some too close to his eye - someone would be able to read a story there. A quick reconnoiter to make sure Rhysis was out of earshot (and Athena and Valiant as well, if not he'd walk Triell far enough away for some privacy), then he turned to Triell with a rather strange look on his face. Subdued, yes, but no less stubborn - no less stupid. "Weakness, huh? My life?" He gave a low snort. "He can't even walk straight. Hides defeat behind fancy words." A pause, then another shake of his head. "He's a fool if he believes he can kill me without consequence. The lives he's bargaining for would be forfeit if I died. Unless Cori rips me open from head to tail, I can keep harassing that black devil until he dies." But his voice wasn't as strong as it ought to be, and with a disgusted grunt he turned towards home. "Or I just stay put and don't get my neck broken," he muttered sullenly. Cowardice? He wasn't sure. He didn't know if he could keep a rein on his temper the next time he saw that black jerk.

He paused, giving Triell a good, long look. "You okay?" It was a long trek back to Swift River, his left hock was aching more then he'd thought it would, and there was blood on his neck - but that was alright, as long as Triell was okay. It was all Ice's fault, anyway...
.ice aesir

it's fine! <3
let's go home now, eh, Switch? :) You can wrap it up for our part in your next post if you want to c:
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Yay! Finally, freedom:D

After knocking into Nina temporally winding her, the woman retreated to the depths of the forest back where she came from. Well, finally. She thought as she watched her go. Hopefully, this would not get Copper Rock Creek into this war. Two against one would be a disaster. Glancing, back at the fight between the males, she could not help, but feel glad that Rhysis still had a good hold on Ice. Athena walked back towards Valiant, while keeping her eye on Triell. He made it obvious that he did not want to fight with her, but who knows. Wolves change their minds often.

As she stood watching the stalemate, Rhysis was the first to let go. Although before he did, a good chomp and a shove were delivered before retreating backwards. The words that followed were relieving. Naira and the future cubs could be safe. She would not have to worry about that anymore, but a part of her believed that they would still take the chance to if they could kill them. She followed in suit behind him, glancing back at the two River wolves, making sure they stayed put. If they thought of any type of sneak attack, she would see it. She did not know if Valiant would follow, but he hoped he would stay away from the two River wolves.

Satisfied that they were not planning anything, she caught up to her leader, wincing slightly as the pain came to her. Hopefully, the trip home will not take too long. They both needed Naira's help.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
another short one for me. My brain is turned off for today.

<blockquote>It would seem that Nina had had enough and he had to wonder what was on the strange girls mind. Was she trying to throw the creek wolves into a war against two packs who the tension between was clearly already high? As soon as the younger male released Athena, she too shot off and the silvery wolf inhaled deeply, readying himself to jump back into the fray and extract her if need be. Thankfully, it seemed she had gotten the message and barrelled straight towards the brown female, chasing her from the scene altogether.

He visibly relaxed as Athena made her way back towards them and kept well clear of the two males still going at it. Rhysis finally released the River wolf and made demands for his females safety. Valiant struggled to not roll his eyes. From his experiences, that bitch didn't need protecting, and now she had pups to think of he pitied anyone who looked at her wrong, including his young friend. None the less, it seemed to make the Poison leader happy as he began to limp off into the distance with little Athena close on his tail.

The two river wolves retreated to talk amongst themselves, so he rose, still without any sort of introduction and began to make his way back towards the cedar woods of his pack. He had been gone far too long. It was time to check in and see if the world had fallen down around their ears. He hoped not, and prayed that Kade was still leader. He was quite fond of Jayse in a way he had never been fond of another female before. He would probably call her a friend if he could think of females in such terms...</blockquote>

*bail* truly feel like more of a referee than a participant :p
user posted image
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    This is war, but it is mine.

Athena took off he was afraid for Ice, but she pursued the Creek wolf. He did not want Athena to tear into Nina, but also thought it might be good for one wolf to learn to watch her words. He was solely tempted to go bite Rhysis' frickin nose just to get him to let go of Ice, but doubted he would make target. He had a strong inkling the tall silver brute would be on him, and that was not what he wanted. He did though let out a growl, but it merely throbbed in his throat more eager to break up the fight now. He was stopped, and quieted listen to the other male's reply. He did not agree with it. "Maybe, but some things I believe run to deep," he answered, but said no more. Why would a "stranger" even care what was going on here? If he wanted peace why didn't he say anything about helping him break the two off of each other?

There was no time to say more, as urgently he shuffled his weight so very close to snapping at that black head. Rhysis released using the momentum to put great space between them. His silver eyes would be met with Triell's which were like fiery daggers piercing back. What Rhysis had to say merely humored the Tainn. Rhysis was clueless what this war was about, and to even insinuate Triell was after Naira and her children's blood. "Making assumptions only make you a big ass," he responded with the big grin plastered to his lips, thinking it even more ridiculius he had "spared" Ice's life. Yup, Triell was just gonna stand there while his friend and pack mate's life hung in the balance. Ignorance. It would be the death of the silvery brute. He would have to have more than tricks, and threats to keep his heart beating. With his final words, a long, ripping snarl would break from Triell's lips. We shall see who's neck is snapped. Once Rhysis was gone, and he took Ice's signal to move full aware how much blood was upon him. He made count of each wound, feeling his blood only boiling more. Ice's voice fueled the fire in those brief seconds. The Tainn bobbed his head in agreement. Rhysis was arrogant, and had a big head to carry on those spider legs.

"Ice you really believe he'll snap your neck? He is not as powerful as he believes nor without weakness. He is also blind to think we'll kill her, and them." Triell gruffed, and his long tail flicked much like Ruiko's did when he was not pleased. "One day he will have his hell for all of this shit." It was a promise, and a confirmation. He was thrown off when it came back to him. "I'm fine Ice, that idiot doesn't scare me. You on the other hand I better clean up, on second thought maybe Cori won't touch you in this state," he half smiled, his mind still on Rhysis. Most grateful to his friend, he carefully nudged his nose under his cheek. "Let's go home."

(This post was last modified: Apr 22, 2012, 04:52 AM by Triell.)
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are you with me through it all?
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