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Just Follow My Lead — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok

Treena wanted to be mad. She wanted to tear Ash’s throat out, yell at him until he listened, make him understand the fear he had put her through. Instead she placed her head in his shoulder, whimpering like a pup. Her tail was beneath both legs, still shook up from the previous event. She had tried to protect him, but then he had gone against orders and took down the deer anyways. He had done it for her, but she needed his comfort more than anything. She wanted to give him the silent treatment, keep her perfectly portioned muzzle clamped shut until he apologised. But, what was there to apologize for? He had caught the deer for her, but now she didn’t want it. She wanted to be stubborn, but she couldn’t. It wasn’t in her nature, not a personality trait she owned. Instead she pulled away for a second, fighting the voice that screamed for her to pull closer. Looking into his eyes, the she-wolf mustered up all the strength she had. <b>“Don’t do that ever again.”</b> Her voice was barely above a whisper, but she lost her will-power, and let the magnetic pull tug her closer to the large male.

The meal meant nothing, for now she wanted to make sure he was okay. <b>“I’m fine.”</b> She investigated his wounds, taking extra time on his back-leg. She was careful not to touch it, but really she had no idea if it was healthy or not, if it would heal or not. She couldn’t tell. Pouting a little, she resorted to asking. <b>“Are you okay?” </b>

She didn’t trust his word. He could lie. Pretend like taking down the beast had been nothing. She wouldn’t believe him, but maybe she’d get some comfort from it. Taking a step back, she pushed the food towards Ash, letting him choose what piece he wanted first.
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
His little Treena seemed pretty mad but relieved that he was okay. Well good enough in the slightest. He couldn't feel his leg which probably wasn't a good sign. Leaning all his weight on his other paws he signed. What was he to do? Treena would be worried about him even more. She commented something to him, ignoring his question. After awhile of silence he heard her voice again. She was okay, and just like that he limped over to her halfway and licked in between her ears. And then she was checking him for injuries before quickly checking out his leg. Was he okay? Yes, he was okay, she seriously shouldn't be worrying about him. He wasn't gonna lie, but he didn't want to answer either. Then came the meal. She nudged it towards him slightly and the only thing he could do was stare. Was she being serious? He definitely wouldn't take the meal first. She was hungry and he knew it. Opening his mouth he said in a strong voice, "No. I'm not alright but I'm sure I will be. Do you know any healers nearby that we can see?"

The only way he would know if the two of them were okay was if they got checked out. And the only healer he had seen was the one who had healed Finn. . .the one who he didn't even know, which didn't really help the situation. Frowning at the thought of the female he turned back to Treena and pressed his nose against hers before nuzzling her on the cheek gently. He was happy he hadn't lost her and only knew that he would need to watch out for her more.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
Treena dug her teeth into the animal’s flesh, ripping the skin open as the life slowly drained out. It was still breathing, extremely slow soft breaths, she hadn’t expected that. She could feel the pain beneath the empty expression, but did not seem guilty in response. It didn’t even try to kick. It knew it was done, that it was at death’s door, it had accepted fate. What pissed her off were the ravens that were already crowding around, waiting for their turn to eat. They hadn’t caught the damn thing. She hadn’t even caught the damn thing! It was Ash’s food, and he was already sharing with her. Still, the brave ones jumped forward and cackled like an elderly old witch in an attempt to scare her off. She watched them for a moment, before grabbing a mouthful of the kill and then returning her stern glare towards Ash. Her eyes stayed trained on the male, pouting slightly at his question, while her jaws chewed the small mouthful rhythmically. <b>“I only know Nina.”</b>

She swallowed, her smooth neck bouncing. <b>“Would you want to try and ask for her help?”</b>

She didn’t want to leave the meal. It tasted so good on her tongue, the food recovering her from her past state of starvation. She had to check on his leg once more though, try and help the most she could. <b>“Lay on the ground and rest. I’ll bring the meal to you.”</b>

She grabbed the creature’s back-leg in her firm mouth. Her butt high in the air, face low to the ground, she pulled like a pup in tug-a-war, a playful snarl echoing through her throat. It moved slightly, enough that the ravens that had scattered around let out yelps of confusion and tried to race after. She barked, warning them off, still pulling. They seemed to have understood, a couple even took flight in fear, catching the breeze and riding it like water away from Treena. It wasn’t worth the risk.
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
Treena's eyes never seemed to leave him and it drove a warming sensation into his heart. She was his and no one else's. His sister. . .his best friend. . .his romantic interest? Woah. . .hold your horses dude. Longing drove itself into Ash's system and watched the girl closely. When she spoke it held a hint of command to it. But what she had first said startled him. I only know of Nina. He was not making her go back there. There was no way in hell he was ever going to let her go back there. It was instant instinct not to let her though. She could get injured or even embarrassed and he didn't ever want that for her. He would protect her until his very last breath. No matter what it took away from him. She was his reason for staying here. He was finally ready to admit that he really did love her but he knew he would have to push his feelings away. 

As she bent down to tear a piece off of the meat he couldn't help the cock of his eyebrow as he stated at her. She was strong, which was a good thing for such a small wolf as herself. As she walked over to him a small lit up his features. "I would prefer not to see Nina. And thank you, T, I appreciate it." Ash sat down as he was commanded to and licked his paw before sinking his jaws into the carcass that Treena had torn off for him. Biting a small piece of meat off the thing he chewed and swallowed repeating the process several times.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
Golden eyes blinked only twice as she stared at Ash, searching for some sign further beneath his body language. Treena was pulling out blank cards, no reaction, no hints or clues. She hoped her own face revealed so little, an empty slate of what she was feeling inside. <b>“It feels good to have such a nice meal, thank you.”</b> She took a seat beside him, but slowly her forepaws slide down until she was curled up at his side, the gesture comforting. She did try and eat, but sleep was a priority she couldn’t avoid any longer. Her small face scrunched up in a giant yawn, and she nuzzled herself closer to the warmth of his body. Her fur was mottled with blood from the kill, but she was too fatigued to clean it off. It was a strange sight, such a well-kept pelt, now covered in stains and dirt. It was a once in a life-time experience, it was almost positive by morning she’d have cleaned it back to a normal state of perfection.

She looked like a child, so young and careless. There were no troubles in the world, not when she was with Ash. Each muscle in her body relaxed, including her jaw, which loosened and wiggled until she was nearly asleep. That was when her perfect façade of friendship started to slip. Her mind was doozy, covered in fog and uncontrollable. Her mouth opened once more, and she strained up to give Ash a lick on the muzzle. <b>“I’m glad you’re here, with me.”</b>

She was glad he was there with her, but something rested deeper in those words. Something she had tried to hide so hard before was blow wide open, she cared for him.

She was in love with him.

OOC: Feel free to reply, or leave it a cliff-hanger and archive.
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