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My Mind Is A Tearing Cloud — Lost Lake 
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Narimé smiled gleefully after Treena touched her.
She was not expecting the female to do such a thing. Narimé was
quite happy that she had found herself a friendly acquaintance, or maybe a
real friend. But she knew that these mountains were not for her. Perhaps one day
she would meet this elegant woman again and they could chat about life and its stupidity.

With a turn of her silver head Narimé gazed down at the lake. Its waters were
almost reflective and she could see the colors and shapes of trees in the shifting water.
"Well I guess it's time for me to go now." She twisted her head around again and
watched Treena while she seemed to fade into the landscape. She was truly apart of these
mountains. Narimé hoped she could find a place to call home like this she wolf has.
With a last nod of farewell to Treena Rose Narimé turned around and began padding down
towards the lake. She would probably stay here for a day to heal up her scratches
then leave and continue on into the forest. To the forest, where her new home waited
for her someplace.
--Exit Narimé

OOC: I just realized that I don't know how to finish a post. Or make it a finished post you know what I mean? Thoough I will try to find out how. XD Your welcome to do it If I don't get there fast enough. XD