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Through the woods... — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
There is a sense of pride in Koda as he takes notice to Elettra's arrival, a smiling upon his lips with the dipping of his muzzle, directed for his to-be alphena, his queen. After which, his attention falls to the man in question, explaining over the situation. Apparently a fight had risen about a woman, not of which Elettra knew herself, but a friend of his, someone whom had healed him when injured and with it, grew his friendship and loyalty to the woman. Elettra wouldn't be left to question if this lady was a threat to herself, as she hoped Koda's promise to join her side had been sound.
As Koda is left to address the man which Elettra's stood behind, awaiting any moment in need to attack, her attention flickers towards the third male- hunched up and protective of himself, surely just caught in the crossroads of this fray and playing submissive should they strike their attention towards him instead. His reasoning of being here left Elettra to question, though her attention might have been somewhat on the male, he seemed much less likely of a threat and so, diverted her attention back from which it came.
By this time she turned back to the irate man, his head had tossed around to offer her his attention. No longer, however, was he irate. He offers her a bit of information of the healers he had met in these lands thus far and, it seemed...odd. To think that the rogue male had been here long enough to meet numerous healers, all of which had healed wolves which all lead to their death was not all that believable. And if so? She didn't care. Another wolf's life was no hers to control, or care for, if she did not know them. Besides, the life of a rogue was hard as it is, whats a few wolves knocked off going to do but supply less mouths to feed? She didn't mention this. In fact, she said nothing at all, because Elettra didn't care. Other wolves were not her problem, Ash, was not her problem: he problem was Koda, her wolf and backing him up was what she had come to do.
Although the man, Ash, had become less hostile since her arrival, he was still a treat to them which stood here. Still, her defenses remained firm, her tail high in an act of dominance in her protectiveness over a recruitment which would do well for her pack. "Your business is finished here." She states, matter-of-factually to Ash. Whether he had gained all the information he had sought from Koda, Elettra made it clear that this conversation was over. Her muzzle jutted with a quick gesture out to the side then, suggesting he skit whilst his tail remained in tact.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda was getting under a semblance of control and he glanced at the terrified male that had first approached him. <b>"Don't worry, you won't be harmed,"</b> he said in as comforting a voice as he could muster given the anger that was seething in him for the hate filled male before him. A sense of pride filled him at the strong and demanding words of his leadess. She was indeed one to be reckoned with, of that he had little doubt. She told the other in no uncertain terms that he had better make his exit and quickly. A part of Koda rebelled at him leaving and therefor losing the chance to attack him. Other than venom filled words though, there was no real reason for attack. <i>Yet. </i>

He kept his darkened gaze on the stranger and a deep and ominous growl came forth, promising much pain if he did not take the regal woman's advice. <b>"I advise that you take her up on her offer and quickly!"</b> His voice was calm, yet filled with his own venom. This one he now marked an enemy, simply for his hate of one that he cared for deeply. It was enough of a reason. Koda protected his own. As of now, there were few in this circle, but he would die for them. Nina, Elettra and even shy Sibyl. The other had crossed a line that he had no idea was even drawn. It was no excuse though, for such dark hatred was evil and Koda despised evil.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by xexes who has 83 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Stay or go, stay or go, the question that was ever on his mind since arriving here. The situation likewise bounced from more to less dangerous, always in accordance with how many words that were not to be spoken were unleashed. This was exactly why one was not supposed to use their outside voice, especially to say things that were not to be said. In his own mind, his purpose was simple : to bury the dead which surely would occur from this situation. Nothing more, nothing left.

But his skin jolted off his bones as one of the demanded that someone leave. He wasn't sure who they were talking about, even though their gazes had been fixed in a general direction, he couldn't help but become unnerved himself. His ears twitched nervously, his skin feeling like an army of ants were crawling over him. But when the other one insisted, he got up faster than his body would allow, stumbling on his own feet. Not taking the time to right them, he began to lope as fast as tangled feet would allow, the first two strides undoing his mobile hindering.

He didn't want to be there, near any one of those wolves, nasty, mean, demanding, and saying tabooed things - mean things. He could only hope that these wolves weren't the type to tell him to leave and then chase after him. The stories that he had heard about cannibalism had frightened him and the fear ever loomed in his head, depending on the amount of energy he could spare for his imagination. They could bury themselves, he was done, whether they were talking to him or not.

-- runs away, exit --

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
The others seemed to notice the immature male's fear and almost as soon as the group commented on it was the time that she boy ran off. Hah. . .stupid old man. Twitching his ears he watched the female carefully. She wanted him to leave. . .and she was being dominant. THis was not her territory. Who the hell was she trying to fool? He wouldn't disobey her this time though for he figured she was just as annoyed as he and a fight was the last thing Ash needed before he got into a fight. Nodding his head to the female he shot a glare at Koda before spinning on his paw and heading towards the Fireweed Rise. The male wanted to get close to Poison Path again and see how they were going.

His little Treena had joined the pack and he had yet to see her. Bobbing his head he padded forward his eyes flashing micheviously. When would the time be right for him to act. . .he wanted this monster dead. . .yet she seemed to dance her way around him all the time. Soon. . .blood would be on his tongue and someone would be crying for his mercy.

(This post was last modified: May 27, 2012, 02:36 PM by Ash.)
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
As quickly as it had begun, had it finished. With one last warning of Elettra and Koda's quick need to back her up, did not only Ash leave, but the other man turning tail and running off as fast as he could as well. She paid little heed to the fearful, skittish male but kept an eye on Ash wearily. As he had respectfully dipped his head to her, did she do the same in turn. Though she had no interest in the beast which had crossed her and her own, as a lawful wolf, she even held a way to respect those whom respected her, despite their vast differences. Little did she come across wolves as this within these lands, who let their hot-headed nature gain the best of them. Ash, nor Elettra needed a fight and, knowing he was outnumbered, Ash had done the smart thing, and left. With the battle having been vanquished before it had a chance to fully bloom, Elettra considered it a job well done and, without a single word, jutted her muzzle outwardly for Koda to follow and leave whilst they could.

Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda sensed rather than saw the odd older wolf run off. He never let his gaze waver from the other male as he waited for him to respond to Elettra's command and his...<i>suggestion</i> that he listen to her. He had to know that he was hopelessly outnumbered. In Koda's state of mind with the others' obvious hatred for his friend he was sure that he could have defeated him alone. However, he was now faced with two strong healthy wolves and he would not fare well in a battle. Not at all.

Finally, after what seemed like forever he dipped his head respectfully to Elettra, gave him a hate filled glare and took off. Slowly the tension left his body and his temper simmered down. It was not a common state for him and now he felt empty after the hot emotions that had fueled him. He dipped his own head to Elettra once he was back to normal. At her signal to follow, he walked closer to her and licked her muzzle by way of thanks for her support. She had only done what any good leader and pack mate would do, but it was appreciated nonetheless. Although his mind was still on the stranger and his worry for his sweet Nina, he followed his leadess away from the area obediently.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.