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Let's Dance — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tlarx Everfall
Tlarx felt his face warm up once more as Athena's tongue swept across his muzzle. His nervous grin turned to a genuine one. He began to understand his feelings now. His heart felt weak; airy like the butterfly that fluttered around them moments ago. Athena gazed at him with woeful eyes before asking if he would return to her pack with her. She wanted him to go. Feeling the strong attraction that pulled at him like she was a magnet, he nodded his head. "Of course I will." With a toothy grin now, he leaned forth, licking her muzzle.

He slowly rose up to his paws, gazing at Athena who had rose up quickly. Her tail wagged frivolously, like a pup's while playing. "I most certainly need a pack." He turned his head, chocolate eyes looking at his slightly exposed ribs. He was tired of the living as a loner. It was within his heart that he knew he belonged to a pack. The man was strong; a seasoned hunter as well as fighter. He would defend Athena like he had from the cougar- that was when he did not even know her. Now that he did, though, he did not want to let her go. "I'm not losing you" he said evenly, eyes now locked onto hers. His tones went from playful to serious, dark voice sending vibrations into his chest.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
We've made it to 10 posts, so you can archive it after if you would like. <3

Once he said the words that she hoped for, her usually calm facade evaporated in thin air and was replaced with a dance that a giddy school girl would do. She jumped around excitedly, twirling around once then placing a slobbery lick in return to his. She couldn't wait to introduce him to Naira and Rhysis, even Ava. They've become close and with their little Poison Path lady gang going on, she considered her a very close friend. Chantille would probably enjoy his company too. Now, he could meet her whole family that she loved a cherished beyond what they thought.

He suddenly became serious and his eyes locked onto hers. She wasn't all the way calm, she was still bouncing on her toes, but his unwavering chocolate brown eyes make her stop in her tracks. His voice was was even and deep, turning from playful to instant seriousness in a flash. What he said meant more to her to he realized. Her fiery eyes unwavering and voice even as well, she answered him with as much commitment as she could give him, "And I will never leave you." Her delicate head would move to nuzzle into his thick neck. She felt haimish with him and now she could be with him all the time if her leaders accepted him. Breaking from him, she looked back towards the mountains with longing in her eyes. She turned to Tlarx and said, "Ready to go home?"
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tlarx Everfall
Alrighty :D

Excitement exploded out of Athena as she seemed to do a small jig. Tlarx held all of his excitement back, though, waiting to see what Athena would say. And I will never leave you. That's all it took. Suddenly, the serious Tlarx was gone. After the pale woman's nuzzle, his tail began to wag again, seeming as if it were to fly off at any second. Bringing his head toward her, he nuzzled her back, nodding his head afterward. "Why yes I am, my dear" he said, turning with her.

He was off to start a new life. Hopefully everything would work out. He was falling (or had he already fallen? Although confused, he cannot deny his feelings..) for this woman. As they walked along, he could not help but watch her. She was small but beautiful. Her muscles rolled beneath her white coat like a stream as she padded alongside him. He was happy again.

[[Fade out!]]