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Metanoia — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
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Wraith Kael
The dark brute winced as Odin let loose a shrill bark that echoed through the chambers beneath the monadnock. What had he just said? Apparently nothing as the pup understood about as much in that moment. Thankfully, the more spirited she-pup didn't stir, fully tuckered out to Wraith's immense relief. But that did leave him with one bored, fully awake pup. Without trouble, he could bully the lad into laying peacefully between his paws while he groomed him. However, the northerner had been raised with far more patience and planned to help raise these little ones in a similar fashion.

So what to do, then? Kara was most assuredly down for the count. If she did wake, he would no doubt hear her long before she made her way into any sort of trouble. With a long suffering sigh, the wolf stood and shook out his coat. Dust rose from his fur, sparkling in the dappled sun that was already on its way to setting.

Looking back to @Odin, Wraith smiled kindly. "Would you like to see the world, then?" Inclining his head in a simple gesture for the lad to join him if he was brave enough, the Second slowly padded away from his vigil at the entrance and fully into the sun. Exploration was healthy for a young pup. If he was awake, he might as well stay awake and explore the area to his heart's content. The up and rising teacher was just as content to let him discover everything all while keeping him safe.

~thread fade~
[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]