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you can't ride in my little red wagon — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Kydnt who has 244 posts.
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Spieden Coho
Guessing now's a good time for it to run off??? But anybody let me know if you have a problem with it

Spieden felt a temporary jolt when a dark bulky form appeared from her peripheral, her head swinging to glance at the shape in her swiftly tunneling vision. She heaved a small sigh of relief, it was Triell. It still wasn't exactly a fair fight yet, but the odds were a little bit more in the pack's favor. The bear swung side to side as it began to slowly amble back, shying away from Triell's growls and Aponi's persistent bites. Spieden limped forward, closing the space and growled, a reedy, breathy sound compared to the woman's usual baritone. 

The bear rumbled and grumbled, huffed and puffed. A keen observer might note the gears working inside the great ursine's head, slowly sizing up the change in situation that it found itself in. At some point something finally clicked, and while none could be sure which bite or growl was the exact straw that broke the proverbial moose's back, the bear decided she had had enough. Spieden watched as the hulking brown form slowly turned with all the speed and deliberation of a cargo ship.

Spieden loped forward a few steps, delivering a halfhearted bark at the bear's retreating backside. Spieden's legs wobbled, finally giving up and landing in an awkward sitting position on the ground. 
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
His presence gave Aponi the opportunity to lash back, and Spieden to recover. He kept his persistent growls, adding a snap of teeth. Ready to take the next leap should Aponi falter. But, the silver woman seemed to find a rhythm. With the Coho woman adding her rough voice to the mix it was clear the bear was backing off. The Tainn did not stop. His posture remained rigid, teeth bared, and his inky coat on end. It was  uncertain how much the bear could take, and he would hate to lose ground by breathing a sigh of relief too soon. If no one else arrived he doubted the three of them could keep her at bay.

In a swift heartbeat, she turned, and on all fours made haste out of the Bend. Maybe, she knew it was only time before more wolves arrived. Or she would do better looking for her child elsewhere. He watched as Spieden gave a last warning, soon falling to her rump. Inwardly, he winced. But, with a hitch to his walk, he stopped. "I'm gonna go check on them, so if you want to take a moment." He was confident they were all still where he had left them, and since he did not see Lila he figured she had made it to her own safety. He, dipped his head to the Aquila woman, knowing well how she felt of him. Then made his way to the den where he assured the others the bear had gone, and their mothers would soon be here.
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
@Spieden you're the last one to exit

Aponi was quickly becoming exhausted from the dodging of claws and lunging towards the mother bear but they couldn't stop now. Step by step the beast wove backwards before finally it gave up and conceded that it could not win the battle. Turning slowly but deliberately it left and Spieden's last bark echoed hollowly through the Aquila's ears as her adrenaline began to subside. Panting the silver legs quivered beneath her, blue eyes turning to see the alpha's rear collapse upon the earth.

Triell's exit was given hardly more than a passing glance as she made her way over to look at Spieden's wound. Growling slightly at the way the blood seeped around the edges and mingled with the grey fur Aponi sighed, "you'd better get to the medical den before going to the pups, Mako may think it's cool but Marina probably wouldn't." No use terrifying them into never leaving the communal den again out of fear that a ear may wander into the area and tear them up.

Once assured that Spieden's injury wasn't life threatening she took her own leave, pace quick despite her screaming muscles. Ducking her head into their own little den Aponi let out a sigh of relief once she took in the sight of Lila's shaking body tucked safely within the walls. Clambering inside she nosed her daughter against her body and draped her head protectively over the girl's torso, "It's okay now Lila, it's gone now." Humming to comfort  her she ignored the ache of her muscle's, at least all of the children had been safe.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]