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tooth fairy — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Ghost who has 61 posts.
Inactive Pup
Kára Archer

Normally Kára would have chewed her lip in indecision at the thought of not knowing which berries were poisonous and which were okay to eat but given her current condition she skipped the routine movement. Lorcán also seemed rather concerned about having to say he didn't know but the pup wasn't sure whether it was because he was worried or he didn't like not knowing. The pup also didn't like not knowing, and if she didn't know and was questioned about it she had a bad habit of fibbing and saying that she did. Case in point when the man went on to explain to her what nutritional value was she blinked back at him and said, "I know what a nutritional value is," as if it was obvious and everyone knew.

Still the lie was quickly forgotten at the sour taste of the berry that Kára had bitten into. Puckered lips and slightly watering eyes were a comical sight as the pup fought to swallow it down rather than spit the whole thing out. Finally, she got it down and made a soft "pleh" sound as her lips parted and tongue lolled out into the fresh air as if that would clear the taste. Staring up at Lorcán in clear displeasure she did the action once more and once more again as she ate the final of the three berries.

The sour taste certainly had been a distraction but now that all of the berries had been swallowed the radiating pain was on the forefront of her mind. Moving forward again the pup pressed her face miserably into the chest of the adult, "When will the berries make the pain stop?"

Coding and image by becuffin
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Healer demonstration post 6/6. Let me know if you want me to change anything. Last post from you, then feel free to archive :D
Lorcan watched with baited breath as the fiery haired girl gathered up the remaining berries in her mouth and chewed on then, a small awkward grin tugging at the corners of his charcoal lips as he watched her face screw up at the bitter taste of the fruit. A shallow sigh of relief was breathed through his lip when he heard her gulp, russet ears perking as she signified that she had done what he had asked of her.

“Well done, now you just have to wait for them to kick in.” He praised her, leaning forwards to rub his muzzle along her side affectionately.

Upon noticing the obvious disgust on her face, the agouti subordinate dipped his head down to catch her silver gaze. “You should go and have a long drink, it should help wash down that bitter taste…” He advised the young girl, smiling at the sight of her salmon pink tongue spilling comically from the side of her mouth.

However, her expression changed to a more pained one – one which he recognised from when he had first happened upon on her. Leaning back onto his haunches in a sit, he hadn’t expected the normally confident mischievous girl to move in to press her face into the soft fur of his chest. He tensed a moment, wondering why she was suddenly seeking such close contact, but then her words explained it all to him.

Leaning in to accept her smaller form, Lorcan allowed the girl to snuggle up into his warm for comfort as he placed his chin on top of the smooth curve of her head for a moment. “When the sun has reached its peak in the sky, the pain shouldn’t feel as bad then.” He murmured, glancing up momentarily to check on its position. When he had first approached her it had been near midday, so it wouldn’t be long, half an hour at least.

“Why don’t you go and find something nice to chew on, for later when it doesn’t hurt as much? It might help those puppy teeth to fall out quicker.” He grinned down at her before lifting his head and stepping back to allow her to move.
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Ghost who has 61 posts.
Inactive Pup
Kára Archer

The pup accepted his affection easily, the wolves of the Monadnock had always been a touchy feely group. Pressing her muzzle deeper into his chest fur as he stroked her side in an attempt to comfort her from the pain and awful taste. The feeling of his head upon her crown did provide some sort of comfort but not nearly as much as his words did. Pulling back so she could check where the sun lay the red tail thumped upon the stone, it wasn't that far from the peak.

His idea was a good one. Leaping to her feet with a grin Kára nodded confidently, she would find something great to chew on and then Odin would be so jealous. This time when she moved there was no dragging of her paws or hesitation, instead she was back to practically bouncing across the territory. Checking over her shoulder to make sure that Lorcán was following behind her towards the watering hole she grinned. Waving her tail teasingly she cackled, "I bet I can beatcha to the pond!" Without any further warning the pup was off at a sprint, at this speed she was definitely going to win the race.

The berries hadn't kicked in yet but the distraction was enough to keep Kára from focusing on her throbbing gums. She was just having too much fun to be held back now by a little tooth pain.

Coding and image by becuffin
