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It ain't my fault I'm a screw up — Windsong Fjord 
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Played by wolfsi who has 50 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zahira Asurn

Yes, yes she could not do anything but dance. Dance in this blood walls with adrenaline as her guide and murder on her mind they danced together. With a grip around his head, she got careless thought she won but it appeared that this carelessness would also be her fall. With a show to her shoulder pain exploded like a fire burning down her front leg and she tumbled back into the river fighting to keep her balance as the water and fish created a pull.


She laughed like a maniac. Laughed and laughed her heart out as blood ran down her leg coloring her already russet fur crimson and leaving a blood trail in the water. She looked back at him body shaking as she relived the weight from her injured leg. "Drown you?” she said laughing as the taste of iron spread in her mouth dripping from her jaw. "Why in the world would I drown you?” Her laughter faded into a serious grin, or as serious as a grin could be.


Her eyes darted to the bank behind her, she knew her standing she knew she lost. And how much she hated the idea she still had a job to do and had no plans of dying before it was done. She returned her eyes to the dark male. "Let’s play another time big guy, and next time I be the one coming out on top” she said with a snarl before she spun around, as quickly she could with an injured leg and headed for the bank. Once back on dry land she turned back on last time with a grin on her lips "Say hello to mom and dad for me mutt” she called out before making a limping run for the forest.





(This post was last modified: Nov 20, 2016, 06:32 PM by Zahira.)
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Askan tilted his head as he watched her lift her lame leg. It gave him a grim sense of satisfaction to know that he wounded her enough that she couldn't walk right, that every step would cause her pain but.... Why was she laughing? There was a slight nuance of pain to it, her was voice was raspy but more than that, she had the audacity and ability to mock him. Who was she? What sort of monster had he clashed with?A snarl slipped loose from his lips, and despite the stinging pain that addled his body, he was more than willing to keep this up. He'd kill her if he had to. 

It seemed as though she wasn't as stupid as she appeared, that she had no plans to die today, so she backed away.

Oh, why didn't she know when to shut up? Did she always have to have the last word? The mere thought of it, was enough to make a shiver of annoyance run up his spine. But then she had to go and mention his parents-  didn't want to let her go. His pride wouldn't allow it. But did he truly want to waste his time and effort pursuing her? She wasn't worth it. She was the lowest scum, there were scarce enough words to describe how low of a creature she was. Craw, for all of his douchery surely had some sort of redeeming feature. But this one? Askan saw nothing. He wanted nothing to do with her. But if push came to shove, he'd most certainly remind her of how thoroughly he had kicked her arse today. Hell, he'd barely even worked up a sweat. 

"If you say so." Askan grumbled, a pleased grin stretching his lips. "Can't promise I won't kill you next time, though."

The whole parent comment didn't even warrant recognition, let alone a response. She could think what she liked, after a display like that- a shoddy one- she had absolutely no right to judge him and his own. As long as she slinked off with her tail between his legs, he was happy. He was thrilled actually. His grin still hadn't faded.

Once she was out of sight, Askan sighed and allowed his body to wilt. Goddamn it, his neck hurt. The wound was shallow, but it was enough to warrant maybe a little bit of concern. His head on the other hand, it'd be fine. He'd have a headache for sure, but it was tolerable. It was worth it either way, he'd won. He'd proved his might, both to her and himself. 

The fish squirming in the water no longer held the same allure as they had before. And he was beginning to feel the chill creep up his legs into the base of his body. He just wanted to go home, and so that's what he did.
(This post was last modified: Nov 20, 2016, 07:08 PM by Askan.)
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