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Let the devil in your house — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
Guardian 3/3

Observing was what the shadow did best. He preferred watching from the background, mercury gaze focused and cautious. However, with Celandine’s absence Greer was having to socialize a lot more than he wanted to, for he could not be a silent scout. There was only so much he could learn observing from afar—some knowledge had to come directly from the source. His nose crinkled at the thought. Being invested in Whitestone was forcing him to step out of his comfort zone and he did not like it. But, he had to comply—for Morganna; for his family. There was no returning to the willows. They would not allow him to return, not after he left to be with his sister and the silver spider. The Ridge had been a ticking time bomb and Greer had grown tired of waiting for something to happen. So he fled. His home was no longer his home and he could not fathom spending any more time amongst the trees.

He listened, patiently, to both the red wolf and his inky sister banter back and forth. The shadow was curious as to what his fiery-eyed sister was going to do with the stranger on her doorstep. While similar to their mother, Morganna was vastly different in the way she led the Whitestone wolves. Greer trusted the decisions she made—a trust that was not given so freely. The boy’s ears twitched at the mention of giving the scarlet wolf five days to prove herself. Interesting. At first he did not think that Zahira would agree, but after a brief pause she accepted Morganna’s terms. As he watched the fiery loner turn away Greer finally allowed his mercury gaze to break away and land on his sister. A single brow lifted, curiosity written clearly across his face. The shadow wanted to know what his raven-coloured sister thought of the loner and hoped that she would regurgitate some of her thoughts as they returned to the rock…

Fade for Greer, unless you want to keep this going Becu <3

(This post was last modified: Mar 12, 2017, 11:00 PM by Greer.)
[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall

That it seemed a shock she may have killed the idiot relative made her wonder if these wolves thought themselves immortal. She had grown on stories of those who thought the same and met their downfall and so she always made sure to never make a threat unless she had the ability to back it up. "I only said I'm almost certain. He attacked m' nephew and I sent 'im on his way with a gapin' wound in his side. He hung around long enough fer the stink of infection ter be obvious, then vanished with th' snows." She gave a shrug, maybe he did still live, but the possibility was a slim one.

When she agreed to the five days and took her leave, Morganna turned to her brother with a nudge and a shrug. "We'll see." She couldn't really hold the woman accountable for the sins of her relatives but she had the same... arrogance that Pierus had. "There's somethin' about that lot that just..." Her eyes narrowed a little and it shrugged it off with a smirk. She would deliver her gifts, or she would not. It would be a step in the right direction if she did as was expected of them all. "Wanna hunt?" she turned to her brother with a nip to the thick fur around his neck and a shove. It was something they could enjoy together without a need for words.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]