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ghost of you — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Brian who has 77 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Saradathia Kethian
The young wolf blinked quietly, slowly realization dawned on her as Lorcan seemed to freeze up in response to her trying to get the dirt off his cheek. She wasn’t sure why she had done it. She usually wouldn’t ever think to touch another wolf uninvited but the whole action had been unconscious and without thinking. Something about Lorcan had always made her a little bit off balanced then how she’d usually act. She felt her heartbeat racing as she glanced upward at the male, hesitating to speak. Then he suddenly rubbed more dirt onto his muzzle.

“Y-yea, there was some dirt on your cheek..you..you just added more, I felt bad about being the one to cause it so..I thought I’d..I didn’t think..it kinda happened without thinking…” she cut herself off and glanced around, still no convenient hole to shove her head into. Instead she glanced away awkwardly before mumbling “S-sorry, I really didn’t mean to, it sorta just...happened..you remind me of an old friend back home…” A small sigh escaped as she pawed nervously at the ground, a few brief memories surfacing as she sighed again, trying to bury them deeply.
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
@Saradathia last exit post from you? Or archive if you prefer
Lorcan gazed across to the pale girl with confusion swirling in his golden eyes, wondering what had caused her to reach across and lick him so suddenly. Unaware that he had just managed to re-stain his freshly cleaned cheek with yet more mud, it was only as he listened curiously to Saradathia’s stumbling explanation that he felt his cheeks grow warm with embarrassment. “Ohh..err—” He struggled to find the proper response, sifting through the flurry of words that echoed in his head.

“Thank you.” He nodded, cheeks still warm as he let out an awkward chuckle before smiling towards her, though her gaze was diverted.

Russet ears perked up as she continued to mumble half sentences to herself and Lorcan found himself slowly leaning in towards her, golden eyes warm with forgiveness. “It’s okay, don’t worry about it.” He grinned, nudging her neck softly with his muzzle to reassure her.

Stepping back then to allow her some room, Lorcan’s nose flared as he tested the wind, searching for some kind of distraction from the awkward situation. Black tipped tail flicked in decision as his golden eyes glanced back towards her. “Fancy going on a hunt together? We might be able to take down something larger with the two of us..” He leapt back into a play-bow then, tail wagging enthusiastically, as he pawed at the ground towards her. “Maybe you could tell me all about your friend whilst we search?” He tilted his head to one side as his golden eyes brimmed with encouragement.
(This post was last modified: Dec 12, 2016, 09:21 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Brian who has 77 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Saradathia Kethian

An involuntary squeak escaped the female as Lorcan nudged the thick ruff of fur that covered her neck with his muzzle. Caught up so in the embarrassing moment, she had actually lost focus on the situation, the almost overwhelming urge to bury her head inside of a hole growing, but alas, a quick cursory look around revealed that no such holes had materialized in the rock around her in the span of minutes since her last urge to perform the same action.

“That sounds like a great idea Lorcan..I’d love to hunt with you.” As his actions became more playful, the small female’s embarrassment melted away, replaced by a nervous and thrilling excitement at the thought of a good hunt to distract her from her confused feelings. Nothing settled your nerves more than warm, wet blood coating your muzzle after a long chase. “I can, he was a good wolf.” The memories came back slowly for Saradathia, jake, one of few wolves she remembered fondly from her old home. Talking about him would do good, honoring his memory and the fact..in a dark and ironic twist that his death was what had lead the girl so far south. Coming across Lorcan that stormy day by the lake..