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Keep Holding On — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
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Lilya Valrorys
One more post from you or we can archive it here?

Lilya let her smile grow a little more as she nodded. Inna agreed with her plan and Lilya’s attention turned to how they were going to get the remaining food back to the cubs. They could rip portions off to bring to them, but they could also haul the entire carcass. She worried that the lynx would come back, and it’d be looking for the rest of its meal and it would follow the scent… if it did that, and it found the pups? That was what she worried about it all. The pups didn’t have fighting experience and a lynx would likely devour them lest a miracle happened.

Perhaps Lachesis could provide her with some guidance on the matter, something that Inna also suggested  because it would be a while before the Baranski child spoke with him again. She gave a nod, poking her nose at the deer. “S’prolly easier to carry it, ain’t it?” She asked with a dash of uncertainty. She really wasn’t too good at the whole “alpha” thing, but she also knew it was only temporary until the true Queen of Heartwood River returned home… that was what kept her going and pushed her to do the best job she could. It was, after all, the least she could do given how Kisla and Lachesis had taken her in.

She started to find a place to sink her teeth into in order to help her move the deer, looking at Inna for her to do the same.


[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

They had a plan for what they were going to do with the deer they had found and now all they had to do was get it back. They had two choices but Inna felt getting the whole carcass back was the best choice if they could.  That way they could save time and energy not to mention the pups would get the meat sooner.  Once they had gotten the deer back Inna could go out hunting again especially if Lilya was going to be speaking with Lachesis about the Lynx. Then again she wondered if perhaps she should stick around the den in case he decided that something needed to be done about the feline immediately.  Inna shrugged to herself, it was something that could be decided later once they had gotten the deer home.

“It probably is,” she said agreeing with Lilya, “The faster we get this taken care of the sooner was can feed the pups and find out what Lachesis wants to do.” Inna had to wonder about Lilya and her leadership skills after all of the questions, had her mother left the right wolf in her place before she left? The fact that the leader seemed to be seeking her advice about what to do unnerved Inna but that was a problem for another day, perhaps something to take up with Lachesis.  For now getting the deer home was her only worry since Lilya would be taking care of the rest.

As her pack mate started looking for a place to grab the carcass so they could carry it home Inna did too.


[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
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