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And Then There Were Two — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski

Aleksei, for all his princely teachings, was lacking in social experience. It was hard to open up to strangers, especially when he loathed himself so much. It was even more difficult to let others into his personal space, even breach it. Before he had fallen before Lachesis, curled up against him and wept like he was a puppy again, when was the last time he had been touched? What a sad, sad revelation—he couldn't remember.

At Inna's words, Aleksei treated his dark furred sibling a rare sight these days; a smile, and a genuine. He mostly spent his time trudging around, perpetually frowning, as if a stick had decided his backside was prime real estate and lodged itself well and firmly up there to hibernate for winter. Inna was a lucky girl! Or, perhaps, she was just reassuring and charming enough to warm up the otherwise cold Aleksei.

A lot has changed, she said. In more ways than one, he thought. He hummed thoughtfully, glancing around them at the towering redwood trees. Yeah, this was still Hearthwood River, and it was still Kingsfall, but the energy was all different. Not that he believed in that sort of crap, mind you—it was just a quiet, melancholy sort of atmosphere that was impossible to not pick up on. Like a dead patch in an otherwise thriving, living forest. “Things never stay the same forever,” he finally offered in response, “and this too will change. For better or for worse. We just have to … pull our weight. We can fix things.” I can fix things. “But, before that happens, I. Ah, I have one more wolf to speak with.”

Aleksei paused, sucked in a deep breath. I have to speak to our mother. When she gets back.”

Let the roots & soil drink of me
Whispering leaves & pointing branches will tell them where I'm lying
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Inna missed having her family with her in Hearthwood and as angry as she was that Aleksei hadn't been there her whole life she was glad he was back. She was sure that their father would be proud that her brother was facing his problems by coming back home to be there for the family he had left. She had made a promise to him as he had to her and she intended to keep her side just as he said he would his but she wouldn't forget the words he spoke to her in regards to it, she also saw it as the first piece of advice her big brother ever gave her. It wasn't something she wouldn't forget, it was to be cherished and held on to forever.

There was no way for her to know what her brother had gone through or how much he was truly hurting but that didn't matter. Inna would be there for him no matter what and help him through it as much as he would let her. They had a chance at a new beginning and she hoped that they would be able to make the best of it which was why she had chosen to put her anger aside.She didn't know how long exactly he'd been back but she wanted to warn him that their home had changed a lot. It wasn't just the fact their family wasn't there or the pack size was smaller but something else she felt it in her bones. It wasn't the place she had grown up in, the feeling was different and it followed her everywhere she went. “No, they don't,” she agreed, it had been a hard lesson she'd had to learn. As for things changing again, “I know you're right I just hope it's for the better. We can make this the pack our father always wanted but you're right about us having to pull our weight and work together.” He spoke of having to talk to one more wolf, Inna had some idea of who that might be and he only confirmed her suspicions when he said it was their mother he had to speak with.

When he said it he seemed a little nervous about the thought of it, “I think she will be happy to see you and to know you are safe. Your her son and she does love you,” of that she was sure if she wasn't about anything else.

(This post was last modified: Jan 06, 2017, 03:13 AM by Inna.)
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