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I'm not here for your entertainment — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

“You're quite welcome,” she said with a nod and a smile. Living in the Lore had taught her it could be rough going. Sure he would have Sahalie with him on the way back but it could still be dangerous. Even though she didn't know him well it wouldn't be right to send him off without well wishes. Again she smiled at his words, “Thank you, I really appreciate that.”

He then wanted to know about why Jessie and Drestig left which left Leotie wondering just how much she should tell. She also wondered about how much he already knew, if he knew anything. For a moment she considered the question, what she should tell him. “All I know is Drestig said that he couldn't stay in the bend any longer and wanted the rest of us to follow. He made it clear that it was our choice what we wanted to do and wasn't going to force anyone to go.” She explained thinking it best to leave out the part about bad memories and it being difficult for him to stay because of it.

Askan also was curious about what the others thought about what had happened. Leotie knew she couldn't speak for each of her pack mates opinions on the subject. She could however give an idea of the general response to the announcement, at least what she remembered from that day. “Well everyone wanted to stay, it's their home and they didn't want to give up. There were also others that were angry that he wanted to leave but they let him go. It became clear as well that Jessie would be going with him at that time too.” She thought it best to leave out names and such since she felt she had to keep some things to herself for the sake of her pack.

(This post was last modified: Dec 15, 2016, 12:46 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
wanna wrap it up with your post?

So it seemed as though they were on the same page then, more or less. Or at least that was what she was trying to imply. It wasn't as though he thought Leotie was lying to him, because he didn't peg her as the sort, it was simply that there was a chance she was withholding information. Perhaps she wanted to respond to his questions, but not give too much away. For the sake of her pack. That was okay, Askan would have done the same. He had done the same on several occasions.

"That's about the same as what they told me." He told her, after a while of silence. "Said they didn't want to go, but couldn't stay after what happened. They don't have any hard feelings though, they told me to make that really clear. Guess that's why the said you guys can visit if you want. With winter so close, not surprised there weren't many biters."

It wasn't that he wanted to shepherd more wolves to the north, cause he really didn't, it was just that he didn't want his alphas to be disappointed. He didn't want them to think that he'd done a poor job in relaying their words, and thus no one wanted to come visit. He knew he wasn't going to be able to charm the Bend wolves into leaving their home for an adventure north, but he'd tried to be civil. To represent the other Rye wolves well. From the way this conversation was going, he thought he was doing well enough. She hadn't insulted him yet, or glared at him with loathing. If anything, this conversation was going well, because it actually was what you could consider a civil conversation.

Askan's ears twitched at the sound of paws thudding against the cold hardened ground. He twisted his neck and eagerly looked through the trees. Was she done? Could they leave now? Askan glanced back at his company and frowned a little. He didn't want to just dash off and leave her hanging, but how was he supposed to end this conversation? This perfectly civil and not at all awkward conversation?

"I better be off. It was uh, good luck with winter and all that." Askan offered her another, faint, and rather awkward smile before bounding after the Bend wolf. They had to get moving before the sun set. 
(This post was last modified: Dec 15, 2016, 01:32 AM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys
Sounds good.I'll go ahead and archive too.

Leotie had given him as much information about the reason Drestig and Jessie leaving as she felt comfortable with. She didn't feel that her position in the pack allowed her to offer more information than what she did. If he wanted to know more then she felt he would have to ask Serach or Triell. Leotie felt they were in the position to decide something like if Askan should know more about what had happened.

“I was sorry to see them go,” she said sadly, “But I understand why they felt they had to. I'm glad to hear that they don't have any hard feelings and perhaps one day I'll be able to visit.” It of course would have to wait until she felt more comfortable leaving the bend. “I expect you're right, with it being winter they probably want to stay close to home but perhaps in the spring.”

She couldn't say for sure if many of them would go for a visit since emotions had been so mixed that day. It was good news that Drestig and Jessie didn't have any hard feelings in regards to the bend and what had happened. She also thought it was great that they seemed to want to keep communication open between the two packs. Though she knew next to nothing about pack politics she did know having different packs as friends was a good thing.

<>Her ears rotated back to hear the sound of footfalls falls coming toward them, she assumed it was Sahalie. She was sure Askan would be happy that her friend had finally arrived. Leotie looked into the trees for any sign of the girl before looking back to Askan just as he spoke again.

Leotie smiled at his awkwardness and nodded, “It was good talking with you Askan, good luck to you to.” She wondered if she might get the chance to speak with him again someday. With one last glance at him she turned to continue what she'd been doing before.


(This post was last modified: Dec 15, 2016, 06:45 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you