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called to the torture — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

It wasn't Craw who answered his question about the rye wolves and if they were a threat to anyone but Gent.  Once the dark Alpha had said his peace on the matter Emrys gave him a polite nod showing that had understood.  The healer liked the young girl Sylva but sometimes he did have to wonder why she was at the border.  The blurting  of the name Askan was something that he felt should have been kept to herself he looked to Gent once more to see what thoughts he has in the matter of her speaking out of turn.  He however didn't say anything as wasn't his turn.

The two alphas were talking, an offered for Craw to cross their borders for some food and rest before he was on his way once more.  He thought perhaps this would be a good opportunity to learn a little more he didn't think it a bad idea at all.  A dip of the head was given the too Monadnock alpha as he passed in return for the dipping of his head.  He then turned to follow feeling is was best to stay close to the alpha’s just in case he was needed.

(This post was last modified: Feb 28, 2017, 10:58 PM by Emrys.)
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