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I don't bite, kinda — Kingsfall 
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Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Inna hadn't been expecting much from the the rye wolf that had come to their border, this was after all the first time she'd had such a visit but that didn't mean she wasn't hopeful. The more that he spoke about the Whitestone wolves in a negative manner she couldn't help but wonder what had happened between the two packs. In the end she felt that she needed to know not only for her own piece of mind but the safety of her pack as well. The thought had occurred to her though she pushed it away many times that Craw may not be telling the whole truth. It had come to the point of her pack's safety was more important and she needed to know what he was talking about. She could not however let the fear and worry she had at hearing that things might come to a head in the coming months. Instead though eager to hear what needed to be said she remained calm and alert to gather as much information as she could for Lachesis. She would bring this to him and let him be the judge.

As Askan spoke giving her the information about Craw being a bully and what he had done to the man's pack mate she frowned. It only got worse from there as he described the conflict between Craw and his own Alphas as well as what sounded to her as he was worried about a fight between his pack and Craw’s. Askan was also worried that if this happened it would not go well for his pack. Inna nodded when he had finished to show she understood his concerns.

“I'm sorry to hear about your pack mate and I hope in time she will be okay and feel more comfortable with leaving. It was wrong of him not to stop the attack on her,” she spoke the sympathy she felt for his attacked pack mate but then let a moment pass as that settled. Inna tried to think about what her father would do with this information. “I see your concerns and understand the fears of being run from your home or worse. I would have the same if I were in your position,” she said trying to keep any of her personal opinions on Craw to herself. She couldn't defend the man she had only met once and she was cautious of this man in front of her. Being that she didn't know either of them well she couldn't be on either of their side. “I do hold the same fear you do for your pack. Hearthwood is some distance from Whitestone but it is not that great of a distance that we will most certainly remain unscathed if things come to a head,” she felt it important to explain her view of the situation.

(This post was last modified: Jan 30, 2017, 09:37 PM by Inna.)
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
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Askan Selwyn

Inna certainly was the reasonable sort, wasn't she? It seemed as though she took everything he said into consideration, thought it through for a long hard moment before a word passed her lips. By no means did Askan assume she was coming to a conclusion right here and now, but the fact that she was thinking it through at all was a good sign for the Rye wolves. It meant that they had a chance, that the other packs would be aware of who they were neighbours with.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not asking your pack to deal with them or nothing. It's just I know Craw, I know what he's like. I know that he's been around talking to your alphas, acting all nice and reasonable. Whilst to my alphas, he and his mate were all smarmy and rude. They even threatened their pup, right to their faces." He almost snarled at the memory. If he had been there, surely he would have gone for Craw's bitch's throat. That would have just made things worse.

He sighed and shook his head. Getting angry like this wasn't helping and it wouldn't improve their relationship with the river wolves either. If anything it would make it seem as though the Whitestone wolves had every right to hate them.

"For now we're just avoiding going north if we can. Keeping to the south of the lowlands. But you know with winter, we have to go further and further following the herds, so seeing them again is inevitable." He shrugged. "Sooner or later."

As worrying as the Whitestone pack were, they weren't the reason Askan had come all this way. He'd said all he had to say on this matter, so he figured he might as well move things along. Unless she asked another question, then they'd come all the way back. Ugh. The thought of it alone was so tedious.

"So has your pack been in these woods for long?" He asked, peering about at the tall trees that surrounded them.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

There were times when Inna wished she could be the one to make decisions about things such as what Askan had brought to her. Of course she knew she wouldn't be able to make any rash decisions anyway. She knew neither her father nor Lachesis would do so and she wouldn't either but as of now it didn't matter, she knew her place. It also mattered that she had only just met Askan and he could be telling her lies about Craw to get Hearthwood to choose a side. However, he did seem to be genuinely distressed about the situation in the lowlands which she took into account. Just as she was going to speak her thoughts on the matter he spoke again giving just a little more information.

“I never thought you had come to ask for us to deal with them,” she stated so he knew she understood this was him letting Hearthwood know the situation. It was considerate of him to make her pack aware of the situation. “The Craw I have met is not the man you describe and this concerns me. His behavior toward your alphas and their child is I agree is beyond unacceptable,” especially threatening the pup. She did not know if the gray man was giving them a false hope of security only to destroy them later or if he was trying to turn Hearthwood against the rye wolves. Whatever his reason Lachesis needed to know because Askan was right that Craw had been talking with the healer.

The sigh that left him made her even more aware of the distress or frustration she thought he might be feeling. She herself was feeling a little of that too as well as deceived by the smooth talking Whitestone wolf. For a moment she had considered not taking the trip to the Monadnock in the spring but then she felt it might be better if she did. Perhaps she could gather more information for Lachesis so that if things came to a head Hearthwood could be better prepared. Askan had given her a lot to think about and a lot to tell Lachesis, she was sure he would be interested in the information she had gathered.

“As you are aware I am not the alpha of this pack so unfortunately can't not make you any promises as to an alliance or help if this come to pass, I am sorry.” She wanted to make that perfectly clear to him as she was not in the position to do so and she would not overstep Lachesis. “What I can do for you is speak with my alphas and explain what you have told me here I am sure they will want to know this information.” It was the best she could do for him at that time and perhaps she could visit with some news for the man soon.

His attention turned to the trees behind her as he asked about the time Hearthwood had been on the forest. “Awhile, yes. Nearly two years to be exact,” she told him, “It is the only home I have ever known,” she added with a small smile.

(This post was last modified: Jan 31, 2017, 01:02 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

"Don't be sorry, I don't expect that of you." Askan told her, his voice firm but level. "But thanks anyway."

Just like with Emrys, he didn't expect an immediate response. The Yukon wolf wasn't unreasonable, he didn't expect the River wolves to swear their alliance, or anything like that, he simply wanted everyone to be on the same page. And if Inna got his words across right, they all would be. He was putting it all in her hands, or paws. Time would only tell if anything good would come from this conversation.

When she told him that her pack had lived in these woods for two years, well he could see why they would settle here. The woods provided a natural shelter from the elements and he had no doubt that they were full of life during the warmer months. He could almost see it, vibrant greens instead of white and sunshine rather than snowfall. He supposed the only issue of living in woodlands like this was the lack of big game, but that said they didn't live far from the Lowlands either, so a hunting trips weren't impossible. All in all, Askan had to admit the River wolves had hit a gold mine here. He was almost envious, that they were far enough away from the Whitestone wolves for them not to be a problem.

"I can see why your pack chose this place. Our territory has a portion of woodland in it too, but it's on the edge so it's not nearly as thick. And the trees are mostly pine." He figured it was only fair to tell her about his territory, seeing as he was so close to hers. "Other than that, it's pretty open.Not much to see with all the snow."

As envious he was of the River wolves safe forest, Askan knew if he ever tried to live in a thick forest like this he would miss the open space and freedom of the tundra. Sure, it was cold and the winds were harsh but it was worth it in his eyes.

"Maybe you and your packmates could come and visit when it clears up. The rye is a sight to see in spring and summer. It looks like a golden lake that goes on forever and ever."

(This post was last modified: Jan 31, 2017, 10:29 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

A smile graced her features at his words, “I am sure you didn't but feel it necessary.” He was right she didn't have to apologize nor did she have to promise him anything but she wanted to give him something with his distressed he seemed, some small piece of hope to take with him.

She did feel that it was important for Lachesis to at least be aware of the situation, she knew he felt the same about Hearthwood as she did. This was something that might not affect just the Rye wolves but them as well. The needed to be prepared if things in the lowlands did come to a head as Askan had put it. Inna felt it was her responsibility to do everything thing she could to protect what her father had built. By bringing this to the healer she felt she was doing her part, at least as much as she could do in her position.

Questions such as the dark furred man had asked were ones she didn't mind answering, she had done so before. Besides she was proud of her father's accomplishments and choice in bringing the pack here to the river. It was her home and she didn't see any reason she couldn't talk about it. Though she as always would be cautious of the details she offered anyone, including the man at her border, who came asking. While speaking of how long her pack had been in the forest she was reminded that she had been back nearly a year and in that time she had never once regretted the choice to return. Even when things had gone so badly for them and when she had been the only Baranski left in the pack. Like the trees she'd stayed strong and helped the pack as her mother had asked of her before her departure.

“It is quite nice here regardless of season but to be honest with you I prefer spring,” she said with a wink. “Still having just a bit of woodland has to be a nice change from the tundra when you need it of course.” She didn't know if he ever tired of the flatness of the land but she imagined she might. It could be different for him though since he lived there and she was used to the forest. “The pine trees also have a lot to offer,” at least I'm her opinion. Soft bedding and squirrels to eat, to add some variety and then the scent. His last statement sort of confirmed her thoughts, “Do you ever tire of it?” She asked seeking to satisfy her own curiosity.

Inna found herself smiling at his offer to visit the lands of his pack. The same as Craw had done and she wondered if perhaps she might really be cut out for the role she had chosen for herself. “I don't know about the rest of them but I would love to visit and see the Rye, it sounds like it is quite the sight. I will however speak with them about it as it would give our packs a chance to meet and get to know each other better. Is that why your pack chose to settle there?”

(This post was last modified: Jan 31, 2017, 11:40 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Did he tire of the field and the pine forest behind it? No, not at all. To him it was home, it was safe and more importantly it was theirs. At first he had wondered why Drestig and Jessie had claimed the field. It was so open and vast, but worse yet it seemed so vulnerable. Where were it's natural defences? Why would they choose a location that was so unsafe? But Askan had jumped to the wrong conclusion before he'd even had a proper look about the place. The hills to the north and east formed a perfect barrier separating their lands from the main body of the lowlands, and as a bonus they served as a great place to use as a lookout. The easiest way to enter the field was via the gateway to the north-east, which followed a small creek that weaved through the tundra. Best yet, was that the gateway was thin and narrow making it difficult for wanna-be invaders to traverse.

The field was like their own little secluded paradise, Askan couldn't think of a better place to call home.

"No."Askan told her, his voice sure and firm. "I mean, it's pretty open and can get cold if you're out there, but the pine forest does a good job of sheltering us. I travel a fair bit anyway, so I've seen a lot of the north and bits of the south-east." He shrugged.

As for her next words, Askan nodded. Like before he didn't expect a response right away, it could wait and so could he. It would be better if they came to visit when the weather cleared up so that they could see the true beauty of the rye field in all of its glory. Not only that, but at the moment they were merely focusing on getting through the winter unscathed. Social visits were the least of their worries.

"I'm not sure. I think my alphas just liked the spot, it felt right to them. They didn't really know about the neighbours really. They came from Oak Tree Bend so it's not like they knew the area."

(This post was last modified: Feb 06, 2017, 05:51 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

The place he described his pack to reside was one that Inna thought would be nice to see at some time. She also felt it would be nice to get to know their neighbors a little better especially since he seemed rather nice. She felt that was a reflection of what his alphas were like which was a comfort if Lachesis ever decided to visit or she did on her own. Still she was curious what he felt about it, did he love it there like she did Hearthwood? Or did he settle there because it was an available pack to suit his needs for the moment. His answer was in part good, he never fired of his home however he did travel slot. “Is it the adventure that has you traveling so much or is it just this sort of thing?” She asked Gesturing between them meaning working for the pack, going to the other packs and talking with them.

The more he spoke about his home the more she wanted to visit but when he spoke about his alphas and where they were from she couldn't keep her ears from perking up. Oak Tree Bend, that was where her mother went and where she had family. It caused her to want to visit all that much more, to meet his alphas, she wanted to know more about her family. “Perhaps it reminded them of their home?” She supplied though she had no knowledge of what Oak Tree Bend was like, “Do you know why they left?” She asked letting her curiosity get the better of her.

A change in the wind allowed the scent of rabbit to come to her nose causing her to scent the air further. She took a few more steps toward him, “You wouldn't be up for a hunt would you?” She inquired, “Perhaps we can both get lucky and have a snack. Surely you're a bit hungry after your journey?”

(This post was last modified: Feb 06, 2017, 07:38 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Want to start another thread or continue in this one?

"I don't adventure." Askan corrected her without hesitation.

Sure, he travelled a fair amount but it wasn't because he wanted to see the world or to meet new people. It was simply a matter of necessity. He'd gone down south to Oak Tree Bend because he had been ordered to.  And he ventured around the Snowmarch expanse out of imperative as well, that said it was hardly a chore so it wasn't as though he hated it. He simply didn't feel as though it was anything grand enough to be described as an adventure. The sort of journey young sheltered pups wanted to go on to break up the monotony of everyday life. Rather silly, now that he thought about it.

"I just go where I need to go. I'd rather be at home really, but you know how it is." Sometimes he didn't really have a choice. Not that he was complaining. As for her next question, well yes he did know. It was harmless really, he was sure that Inna was just curious but it wasn't his story to tell. Drestig had been pretty willing to explain why he'd left Oak Tree Bend but Askan liked to think it was because he trusted him, that he didn't mind sharing his past with his second. But would the same apply for Inna? It was difficult and the Rye wolf had to come to a decision sooner rather than later, lest he keep his company waiting for too long.

"From what I can tell they left because of a disagreement. Jessie and Drestig felt a certain way and the other's didn't, so they just left. There doesn't seem to be any hard feelings. They were willing to speak to me when I visited anyway so..." He shrugged. That was a decent summary, or so the Selwyn thought.

As for her next line of words, they caught his interest and his ears twitched in response. Food? He hadn't eaten in a while so he wasn't in the mood or position to turn any offer down. Hunting alone was possible sure, but the more wolves present the better, or so he'd been told. Inna had made him an offer to go on a hunt, so it'd be rather rude to say no wouldn't it? Not that it's ever stopped him before or anything like that, but he was having a hard time thinking of a reason not to join her. So he just went with that.

"I'm pretty hungry. Yeah, all right then. I'm game."

(This post was last modified: Feb 06, 2017, 09:56 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

She rose her brow when he clearly stated that he didn't adventure, she supposed that was alright.  To each their own and all that, going on adventures wasn't his thing it seemed.

Of course Inna saw it a bit differently, to her each time she ventured from pack lands was an adventure. She was going somewhere new and maybe seeing new wolves.  It was exciting to her which was why she had chosen the role that she had.  So she could have the chance to adventure and help her pack though she hadn't been able to do much of that this year.  She considered Askan a moment as he spoke about preferring to stay home.  From the conversation they'd had Inna for the impression he was a all work and no play kind of guy.

“That's understandable,” she agreed, “If the pack needs you to travel you do it,” it was a statement to show she did understand.  Just like she had spent the winter at home instead of working on her role.  They had needed her in Hearthwood and she had stayed to help where she could.


(This post was last modified: Feb 06, 2017, 11:50 PM by Inna.)
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Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.