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it's empty in the valley of your heart — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
It seemed conflicting thoughts ran across the youth’s mind – the purse of her inky lips and the hesitance she took in her reply was apparent enough to the male. She offered little insight to her thoughts on the matter, and the regal Tainn was impressed at how mature she seemed. His niece, Kisla, would have blurted every question she could think of that came to mind, not even stopping to consider the personal lines she might have been crossing at the time.

“I’m not sure yet,” he offered truthfully, though a small grin hinted to the corner of his lips. “But I believe perhaps in the northern parts of Relic Lore. Perhaps somewhere near the Thicket.” There was a pause then, his gaze taking in her youth and realizing she had very likely not been that far from home before. “Have you been to the northern parts yet?” The question was curious enough. The girl was full of questions, but hence far he had yet to question her. It seemed only fair.
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote>She may have been interested to learn more of his present home, but since he sounded to be leaving she hated to inquire of what it was like. Possibly she could ask that next? She had never had met a stranger who could fulfill her her hunger for knowledge beyond her pack borders. Her mother offered insight on the subject. Lettie assumed she had always lived in the forest, and she doubted she had seen other pack lands. She was aware it was very rude to enter another's home without invite.

The small grin, and words of north settled her worried mind. She smiled a bit wider, her tail giving an evident wag of sorts. The Thicket was near her home, but great enough away she did not see it causing conflict. Did mother know this wolf? She had no name to put with his face. She'd never asked someone their name before. Once more her train of thoughts shifted as he inquired of her instead. She shook her head slightly out of habit from answering with gestures instead of words. <b>"Sorta? I've seen the Thicket, and kinda got lost in Blackberry Fields once,</b> she said with a sheepish smile. <b>"I try not too go far, my mom worries."</b> She admitted her face dippiing into a sad expression. She was probably too far now, or should be headed for home. <b>"I..I should probably head back."</b> She said quite softly, her ears drooping once more. Head quickly perked up, <b>"But um, what's your name? I'm Lettie Lyall."</b></blockquote>
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The cringe on her features at the mention of the fields drew a faint smile to the male’s lips. He recalled his youthful days – he and Indru would explore as much and as fast as they could, much to their parents chagrin. Rihael and Lani had constantly followed them, dragging their sorry asses back home the moment they were found. Ruiko’s first discovery of the fields had been a brief one – Indru had dared him to try the small black fruit, and the large pup had done so with a cocky air about him. The entire trip back to the Hidden Tree pack had been a miserable one, not just because of the heavy lecture his father had given them but from the horrible stomach ache the berries had given him. Needless to say Ruiko Tainn had never eaten another one since.

“Ruiko Tainn,” he offered after she asked his name. At the mention of her leaving, the tawny wolf gave a nod, thinking it perhaps a wise idea. Jaysyek was likely worried for her – and after everything the pale she-wolf had been through, the regal male was loathe to add to her anxiety by keeping one of her children here. “Tell your mother I said hi,” he asked with a flick of his tail, his figure turning to continue to his exploration. A small pause in his step caused the male to swing his muzzle in the direction of the girl once more, his brows lifting. “Did you need an escort back home?”
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote><i>Ruiko Tainn.</i> Her jaw lifted, and her ears swept forward, a fleeting grin curled on the side of her face. <b>"Cool."</b> She liked the sound of it, but did not repeat it out loud. She stared at his face once more, his scent coming to mind, and now she would have a name too. She'd put him on her list of friends because in her book he was a nice sorta fellow. Quiet, but she didn't mind. He seemed to be quiet for different reasons, not like Trisden these days. A frown hung on her lips, uncertain how to help her sister from her dismay. It left as soon as it had come, seeing he was in agreement. It was time to leave. She was kinda excited to tell her siblings about Ruiko. It would be good to pass on that not everyone outside the Hollow was bad. It gave the girl that hope of evil being conquered by good.

She too about to turn was caught off guard. He knew her mother? Small snot parted, and she titled her head in clear puzzlement. She stood there thrown off, till she manged to mutter,<b>"Um, okay."</b> How could say something like that? Now she was dying to know how he knew her mom. Something told her she should ask her instead. She about to turn around too, when he stopped. <b>"I think I'll be alright,"</b> she said giving a reassuring wag of her tail. A final look, and nod of her head, she headed on her way, running only when she reached the cover of the forest.

(This post was last modified: Mar 12, 2012, 07:26 PM by Arlette.)
[Image: oaktreebend.png]