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Potential — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark

A laugh rolled off his tongue at her comment, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “You make your mother and I sound so old.” So much had happened in the years he had spent in Relic Lore—some days he certainly felt much older than he was due to the unexpected trauma he had experienced. Even now, as an adult, he was still learning; still making mistakes.

He considered her question for a moment, his lips curving into a soft frown. She had voiced a thought that often plagued him, for he often worried about getting involved in something that did not concern him or the river wolves. The ghost had already made a promise to the Whitestone wolves, that if things went sour between them and the Fields pack he would offer Hearthwood’s services. If he thought it was necessary. But how would Drestig and his pack react, to see the river wolves aiding Whitestone? “It could be,” he mused aloud, his apple-green gaze focused on the raven Baranski, “but their problems are their own. Unless it effects us directly. But remaining neutral is the best thing for us to do.” He nodded, softly, as if to confirm his words. “We have done well in keeping to ourselves thus far; I’d like for that to continue.” Hearthwood had always been a private, quiet pack. Minding their own and remaining impartial to their neighbours. He would not allow some feud between packs to ruin that for them.

“I think that’s a great idea.” His tail wagged excitedly behind him, his former frown quickly turning around. Lachesis was pleased to hear that she had been building relationships with their neighbours. The Baranski was proving herself to be an excellent scout. “Lorcán and I hunted for herbs not too long ago,” he commented, absently, after she responded to his question. “I’m glad to hear that you two got along. It looks like his advice is working, you’ve been doing an excellent job.”

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
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Inna Baranski

She'd talked with Lachesis about the past before, mostly about Cut Rock River and her father. This time the topic of conversation was about her mother and her relationship with the leaders of the rye wolves. She smiled when the healer laughed, “I just mean her family is in Oak Tree Bend so she could have been my age when she met them.” Inna didn't know for sure and she wasn't sure Lachesis knew either meaning it was something she would have to talk to her mother about.

Her question was asked more out of curiosity of the way pack relations worked as well as concern for her pack. She'd spent too much time and worked too hard to see it destroyed by a conflict between the neighborhooding packs. What he said first was not a comfort to her. If they found out she feared they may turn on Hearthwood, she didn't know what the pack would do if that happened. “I hope that the conflict doesn't end up bringing us into it and that we are able to stay neutral. I would like for us to continue as we have as well.” She felt that staying neutral was the best choice but she feared there would be a day that Hearthwood would no longer be able to stay neutral.

A smile spread across her face when Lachesis expressed that he liked the idea of her visiting the packs. “It's settled then,” she said with a nod, “Once the weather is warmer I will set out for a visit.” When asked about meeting Craws wolves Inna spoke of Lorcan and as it turned out Lachesis also had the pleasure of meeting the up and coming healer. “He’s a nice guy. I take his healer training is going well?” Since she hadn't seen him in awhile she hadn't had the chance to catch up with him.

(This post was last modified: Mar 08, 2017, 04:08 PM by Inna.)
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Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

“It’s certainly possible,” he chuffed in amusement at her response, the corners of his eyes crinkling. The ghost did not know much about the agouti queen before her arrival in Cut Rock River. Her stay was only supposed to be temporary, but as her connection with Maksim grew, so did her time in the west. She had been a wonderful addition to the pack, eventually making her way to the top at green-eyed king’s side. XIX had no quarrels with the raven’s mother. They worked well together due to the mutual respect they had for each other; it would be strange to lead next to a wolf other than Kisla.

His expression grew grim as the Baranski spoke once more. XIX nodded, softly, in agreement, but his lips did not quiver. The ghost was happy where the river wolves stood—he did not want it to change because of an unnecessary feud. The two packs west of the Kingswood could fight all they wanted but XIX wanted no part of it. “We will see,” he commented absently, ears twitching. “I would not minding forging an alliance with the Fields pack in the future, but for now I would like to observe both packs. See how things go with them and try not to get involved in their affairs.” He was still wary of the new pack, yes, and did not know if he could trust them entirely, but he knew it would be foolish to ignore their presence. There was always the potential for things to go sour between Hearthwood and Whitestone in the future; he did not want to be left without assistance.

She was eager to do her job and do it well; another fine quality of a scout. “He appears to be doing well,” the ghost responded quickly, tail waving softly behind him. “He has the makings of a fine healer.” Having another healer within sprinting distance was important. There could be herbs that Lorcán possessed that Lachesis did not have in inventory, or potentially situations when Lachesis was not available for his packmates. A relationship between the river wolves and the tawny healer was important, regardless of how strong their alliance was. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Inna had only know her mother as she was now so thinking of her as a yearling nearing adulthood was hard to imagine. Thinking about it only made her realize how little she really knew about her mother and even her father. With all that had happened in the last year if her life it was hard to find time to talk to Kisla about it. Maksims passing made it even harder, Inna didn't want to upset her mother by asking questions about her father. “I have been thinking about asking her of our family in the bend since she told me she was going to visit. Maybe I shouldn’t delay any longer?” she mused allowed as she looked to Lachesis wondering if he might have an opinion about it.

The two packs that shared the Lowlands worried Inna after what Askan had told her but she knew that Lachesis was right. As long as they stayed neutral and the flight, if one broke out, stayed in the Lowlands Hearthwood should remain safe. She was pleased to hear that the healer was willing to form an alliance with the fields pack one day in the future. “I feel that is best especially with the knowledge Askan brought us it would be best to see what will happen between them. In the future it might be a good idea to form an alliance with the rye wolves since the alphas are from Oak Tree Bend.” She didn't think it should be the sole reason to form an alliance but it was a start. Finding out what would happen between the two packs seemed a priority.

Inna was happy she'd gotten the permission she was seeking, it would give her a chance to work toward her goal and take Askan and Craw up on their offers. It had been a while since she'd seen Lorcan, they would have some catching up to do next time the saw each other. A smile did cross her face when Lachesis informed her he seemed to be doing well. “I'm happy for him.” Lorcan was her friend and she only hoped the best for him. “He seemed eager to do well in his role, I'm glad to hear he will accomplish his goal.” She hoped like Lorcan she could reach her goal of becoming a scout. The Whitestone wolf had pushed her to speak to Lachesis about obtaining the role and she wanted to see it through.

(This post was last modified: Mar 21, 2017, 01:02 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

The ghost nodded softly before answering verbally, his forehead smoothing as he studied the raven Baranski. “I think that would be a good idea.” There was much of Kisla’s history that even Lachesis did not know about, but he did not pry. The duo had a healthy relationship, co-leading alongside each other. They had done so for so long Lachesis could not imagine leading next to another wolf. It was still her pack, and it always would be. As a founder of Hearthwood he wanted to ensure the longevity of the pack. Letting it fall to pieces meant failing Maksim, and the thought of that alone made his stomach knot. “I’m sure she would not mind discussing it with you before she leaves.”

Perhaps the river wolves had grown too comfortable in their time alone in the tundra. They had been without neighbours for quite some time since their move north, aside from the pack that used to reside south of them. Lachesis had remained on good terms with their former leader, Koda, but he had disappeared shortly after a friendship had been established. After his disappearance it had not taken long for the pack to crumble; truthfully, Lachesis was more disappointed to see that former Pines wolves had not made the journey north to Hearthwood’s borders. “I feel the same—and so does your mother. She is still fond of Drestig and his mate,” Lachesis added in response, his tail wagging softly behind him. The river queen had spoken no ill words of the Rye leaders and trusted them wholeheartedly. It would be foolish for them not to forge an alliance with them, even if it put a strain on the relationship between Hearthwood and Whitestone.

“I’d like to see him more, as well. It’s always nice getting together with another healer and trade remedies,” the ghost mused aloud, his ears twitching. He would not mind getting together with the agouti once more to collect herbs before the arrival of spring. He did not know if puppies were to be expected this year but still wanted to be prepared. Lorcán had led him to the creek that supplied both of them with sweet grass before, surely he would do so a second time. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski
Wanna start wrapping this one up? These two could talk forever I think.

Learning about her family was important to the young Baranski, she'd wished she could go with her mother to meet them. She understood why she couldn't but it didn't change her desire. Instead she hoped that one day she could go and meet them, maybe she could make the journey on her own. Still Lachesis thought it was a good idea for her to ask her mother about her family and her past. “I will talk to her, maybe when the snow melts and the prey is abundant. She and I can spend some time talking.” It would be nice to spend d that time with Kisla especially since Inna felt it had been a long time for them. “I don't think she will mind either,” Inna agreed and in fact it might make Kisla happy to know she was interested to know.

With Askan's information Inna was in agreement with Lachesis about keeping a healthy distance from any conflict that might erupt. Like her mother and Lachesis she didn't think an alliance with the Rye wolves was a bad idea. Still they needed to take their time in such decisions to see if it truly was a good idea. “Then it seems a decision has been made on the subject?” If both Lachesis and Kisla agreed she didn't see how it couldn't have been. She supposed it was just a matter of time for it to take place. Of course she wondered how it would all work out in the end and she hoped it didn't go badly for Hearthwood.

“I think he would like that very much,” she said with a smile, “I have thought about asking him to go on another hunt, we worked so well together last time, I wouldn't mind having another hunt like that again.” It truly was a good hunt, he'd just showed up and without a word they both knew the plan and executed it. She didn't feel like that sort of hunting companion came around all of the time. Of course she would admit she had a limited experience but it had been the best hunt she'd had with another. Inna had also considered asking him to go scouting with her so he could see her progress. After all it was him that urged her to talk with Lachesis, she felt he might have an investment in her progress.

(This post was last modified: Mar 27, 2017, 06:02 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
sounds good to me!! <3 sorry again for the wait :c @Inna

The ghost nodded in agreement at the girl’s suggestion. His tawny co-lead was often in her own head, still grieving the lost of her mate as the seasons changed. It did not help that her children had a bad case of wandering paws, constantly seeking out their own adventures and forgetting about their mother and their legacy in Hearthwood. He could not be angry at them, for he had suffered the same bought of wanderlust in the past, but he worried about Kisla. Lachesis thought it would be best if the raven Baranski tried to strengthen her relationship with the agouti queen, for she had always remained loyal to the river pack, never straying too far for too long. “I think that’s a great idea,” he mused aloud in response, his ears twitching as he offered the girl a small smile.

The smile faltered at her next question, his brows narrowing slightly. “Yes and no,” he answered after a brief pause, his shoulders rolling as the words dripped off his tongue. “I worry it may put pressure on our relationship with the Whitestone wolves,” he admitted, his frown deepening. “I’d like to meet with the Wild Rye wolves myself and get a better understanding of their plans in the north before making a decision.” He respected Kisla’s opinion on Drestig and Jessie but Lachesis wanted to converse with them himself. Even Lilya had admitted that she was partial to Jessie, for the she-wolf had helped the blue-eyed sparrow when she was in need. He was sure an alliance could be forged between the two packs, XIX just wanted to get to know them better himself before potentially putting strain on the alliance between the other two northern packs.

“I may have to join you two sometime,” the ghost offered with a soft wag of his tail, head falling slightly to the left as his chartreuse gaze narrowed. He was not opposed to spending time with the tawny healer. It was important for the river wolves to have a good relationship with all of the monadnock wolves in order for their alliance to succeed. “Would you care to join me on a hunt now, or perhaps to collect some plants?” He suggested warmly, his former smile returning with a vengeance. “If we can find any plants beneath all this snow,” he snorted in amusement despite his features twisting in annoyance. The Arctic wolf was growing tired of the cold weather as winter trudged on, plaguing the land with heaps of the white substance, which made both prey and medical materials scarce. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski
Don't worry about it.;-) If you wanna fade in your next post you can pp her going with him.

Lachesis thought spending time with her mother after spring had really settled in was a good idea. It was something that Inna was looking forward to with Kisla's trip it felt like a long time since she'd spent any real time with her mother. She hoped that it would also help to brighten her mother's spirits. Inna hadn't been able to help Kisla much before she'd left she'd been so caught up in her own mourning that she hadn't been there like she should have. She thought they could spend an afternoon by the river or something.

The ebony Baranski was glad that Lachesis had such patience with her when it came to discussing some topics. She could ask all the questions she wanted and he always seemed happy to answer them for her. This time was no different as he explained why they hadn't quite settled the matter of the alliances they had with the wolves in the Lowlands. It seemed a very complicated thing but she was at least understanding. “Since the alliance with the Whitestone wolves has already been established I think talking with the rye wolves wouldn't be so bad. I don't feel just talking would put too much pressure on the alliance we already have. Then you could go from there to decide about moving forward, right?” It seemed the logical thing especially when the alliance with Whitestone could be very fragile where the Rye Wolves are concerned.

A smile crossed her ebony features when Lachesis stated that he might have to join her and Lorcan on a hunt. “I would love it if you joined us and I think Lorcan would like that too.” She didn't see why her friend wouldn't want to spend more time with the healer since they both shared the same passion. She nodded when he asked her about joining him for a hunt or collecting some plants, “How about we do both?” She suggested but laughed a little when he spoke of the snow, “Or at least try to find some plants.” He would know better then she if there would be plants to find at this point but she was ready to find whatever they could.

(This post was last modified: Apr 11, 2017, 01:36 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Inna archived! <3

Lachesis wanted to believe that all the packs of the north could get along without quarrels but with tensions rising between the Rye wolves and his friends on the monadnock he did not know if that was possible. For a fleeting moment his expression drew more stern, brows pursed and the top of his nose wrinkling slightly. He had already established a relationship with Whitestone and while he was wary of their southern neighbours (though he was beginning to question if that was his due to his only feelings or the words of Craw) XIX also wanted to seek alliance with them, as well. Kisla was closer to them, however; it would be best if she was to seek them out with or without his company. He mused the idea of Inna joining her mother—it would be a good scouting experience. Perhaps he would discuss it with his tawny co-lead… “I think you’re right,” he answered as his expression softened, his chartreuse gaze focused on his raven sidekick. “A conversation certainly wouldn’t be a bad idea.”

At least the river wolves were getting along with the pack on the rock. His tail wagged in agreement at the raven’s words—a hunt with the Whitestone medic seemed like a splendid idea.

How about we do both? The ghost grinned at the suggestions. “Sounds good to me.” Finding plants was not going to be an easy task but it was worth a shot. While they were looking for something to sink their teeth into they could also poke around the trees for some herbs that might have managed to escape the frigid grasp of winter. His inventory could use replenishing. Without further hesitation the ghost motioned for the raven to follow him away from the dens and into the woods that surrounded the river, his pace quickening as she sidled up next to him.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you