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In The Dark — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zerxes Zamora

"Well. Not someone like me. Just me. Specifically." He shrugged it off as if it didn't bother him. In truth, it didn't. They were right to be distrustful. But the wolf whose skin he was wearing? He was shit at hiding it. The masked male shook his head. "Anyway..." he muttered as a way of discontinuing the line of talk.

"I could go for a friendly spar or two. Perhaps another day, you and I can have a go. Once your injury is fully healed, of course." Zerxes grinned as if it weren't obvious that included giving himself time to gain strength as well. "I'll be sure to ask."

When he paused to say his piece, his brows raised when she tried to pin it back on him. "Darlin'...the burden of trust doesn't lie with me." He turned back around to face her fully, smiling gently. "You lot would show more brotherhood to a strange loner over me and I'm part of your pack. If you think that doesn't affect my trust in you, you'd be sorely mistaken." He nodded and began walking off once more. "I am part of the family, Leotie. Maybe give some thought on what family means to you. If you need me, you know where to find me." With the darling little pup.

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

There was a level of frustration she felt by his answer but she kept it to herself, he had not revealed anything about himself that could even remotely help her get to know him better. That was the whole problem for her, she knew nothing of the man before her aside from what he'd said at the border. “Or he’s just being an overprotective dad.” Zerxes made it clear that he felt the conversation on that topic over and Leotie obliged him.

“Great! I could as well.” she said with a smile as she looked at her paw, “That would be best of course.” Her injury wasn't completely healed but she felt it was getting there but the progress was slow. “Well I hope you do, soon.” She was curious what it might be like to spar with the man who seemed to have a lot of life experience.

It seemed what she had said hadn't gone over well and but despite that she couldn't help feeling he was correct in his words. It also gave her something to think about, actually more than one something and she fully intended to give what he said some thought. “You have a point and I will evaluate what family means to me as you suggested as well as some of the other things you've said.” It was the least she could do being he was a packmate and deserved that much at the very least. “I will be sure to come for you if I need you.”


~Table by Switch
(This post was last modified: Apr 02, 2017, 11:28 PM by Leotie.)
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