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hungry eyes — Rogue Outcrop 
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Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
lorcán & inna
I don't have to tell you what this is all about
because baby half the fun is figuring it all out
So don't turn off the lights, I don't wanna be In the dark tonight
because I can't read your mind, I need to know if What I'm doing is right

Lorcan had certainly grown protective over Inna and her condition had also brought about other urges in him, ones that he hadn’t yet fully discussed with the girl in great detail out loud. The implication was there though, and the way she continued to tease him with her scent and steal affectionate touches drove him crazy - had him wanting more, and made him believe that perhaps she wanted more, but just hadn’t come to admit it yet. He wouldn’t pressure her though, he wouldn’t even dare to ask out loud. He valued her as a friend first and foremost. Everything was on her terms.

The agouti nodded at his companion’s suggestion and give a swift shake of his tail in agreement. A deep purr rumbled in his throat when Inna returned his affectionate gesture by placing a long lick along his jaw. The male had noticed that she seemed to be getting gradually more affectionate over time and she was warning him away less frequently now. He enjoyed this side to her and made sure to take advantage of it with playful nibbles and affectionate licks whenever he got the chance. He would never persisted for too long though, in case she should switch and turn around a snap at him.

He lowered his head to nuzzle behind her ear, hot breath snaking down her neck as she thanked him. Standing over his golden eyes scanned through the fading light. He desperately wanted to find an area of shelter, but up here in the mountain they were exposed. The best option he could see was to use the steep cliff face as a shield against the wind and snow and curl up there for the night. “I don’t see any shelter..” He murmured through the dark as he stepped away from her to wander a little further down the path. “Nothing close by anyway.” He turned back to Inna with a disappointed look.

“Maybe we should just stay here?” He asked, with an anxious tilt of his head before he traipsed over to the ledge and sniffed around at the bottom of it.

(This post was last modified: Mar 09, 2017, 02:01 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski
lorcán & inna
I don't have to tell you what this is all about
because baby half the fun is figuring it all out
So don't turn off the lights, I don't wanna be In the dark tonight
because I can't read your mind, I need to know if What I'm doing is right

After delivering the licks to his chin Inna set about cleaning herself up from their meal while he surveyed the area. The needed to find a place to stay for the night so they could be rested for their journey back. Once the Baranski was satisfied she had gotten all of her meal off her she rose to her feet brushing against Lorcan as she did so. She had started to come to understand more of what was happening to her but was she ready for what she knew he wanted, did she want it too? The more she was with him the more she felt she was ready and if it was going to be with anyone she wanted it to be him.

Standing next to him while they searched for a place to shelter for the night she rubbed her muzzle along his throat. He spoke about not seeing any good place close by for shelter, she hadn't either.“We can stay here, I think we will be fine if we're together,” she told him as he moved over to the ledge. She had asked him to stay with her because she trusted him and knew he would be good to her. She moved to join him at the ledge to come standing next to him, “It's just for the night.”

She touched her nose to his shoulder, “Come Lorcan,” she said quietly before she moved back towards the carcass but a little distance away. “Rest here with me.”

(This post was last modified: Mar 09, 2017, 02:02 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
lorcán & inna
I don't have to tell you what this is all about
because baby half the fun is figuring it all out
So don't turn off the lights, I don't wanna be In the dark tonight
because I can't read your mind, I need to know if What I'm doing is right

He accepted her affection, remaining still as Inna rubbed her muzzle underneath his, but he didn’t return the gesture. He couldn’t properly relax until they had decided where they would be sleeping for the night. Thankfully, Inna wasn’t too discouraged by the lack of shelter and willingly agreed to spend the night by the rocky cliff face near where they had taken down the mountain goat.

“If you’re sure.” He murmured, golden eyes looked across to her in question. It wasn’t perfect, but as she said, it would do for one night. He felt his skin shiver as she touched her nose to his shoulder, wishing that she would continue. Watching quietly as she stepped away to choose their sleeping spot, Lorcan observed the girl, salmon pink tongue sweeping nervously across his charcoal lips before he followed after her.

Settling down beside her, he allowed her dark form to curl up against his and gently placed his head protectively on top of her side, enjoying the close contact with her and her scent which clung around them as he stared out through the darkness.

# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together