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Flesh & Blood — Kettle Pot Pond 
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Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
Something about Cheedo's voice was making her feeling a mixture of nervousness and anger--a feeling she'd rarely felt before. The woman chastised her taking the rabbit and she huffed softly, feeling a sense confusion wash over her at the idea that the woman expected to consume both deer and rabbit in one night. No, it didn't work that way honey she thought, and would have rolled her eyes if she didn't expect the woman to see if and question the reaction, seriously she had only wanted to eat the rabbit in peace. "I don't want trouble." she started, knowing the woman wouldn't allow her to leave the area without either a fight or the relinquish of the rabbit, and Rory wasn't comfortable with either option. When she turned, taking two steps at most in the opposite direction, she felt the tight grip of teeth on her shoulder and almost immediately lowered to her stomach in a whine, the dull pain of pain seething in. 

"Do not touch me!" she bellowed though her voice seemed weak and unsure as she shifted her weight to lift herself to all fours once more, this time with more strength then before. She held even tighter to the rabbit and turned toward Cheedo, giving her the hardest stare down that she could muster in an attempt to ward the woman away from her, she was too stubborn to give the woman the rabbit and if needed be, she'd take a few teeth marks to secure this meal. "let go of me." her voice was muffled as she squirmed beneath the grip of the smaller woman and the fatigue that wore on her limbs, the hill still a factor once she was able to get Cheedo off of her.
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank
OOC: Scuffle post 2/?

There were rules even when living as a lone wolf and the girl had broken one that Cheedo stood by.  She couldn't expect to take a hard earned meal for the one who’d caught it without some kind of consequence.  However, Cheedo's heart wasn't completely cold, she would show the girl mercy if she gave the rabbit up.  There would be no more chasing and the small woman would leave the carcass they had found to Rory. Cheedo's ears came forward as the girl stated she didn't want trouble, a short laugh left her, “You invited trouble when you took my rabbit instead of eating the deer.  You will invite further trouble if you do not give me what is rightfully mine,” she growled.  The small agouti felt she'd given enough warning, if Rory still chose to keep the rabbit then Cheedo promised things would get much worse. Once again a poor decision was made as the pale girl decided to turn tail and try to run. Cheedo was having none of that as he came up and grabbed Rory’s shoulder. Immediately the girl dropped to her stomach and Cheedo stood over her tail raised, ears erect hoping the display would change the outcome.

The command was ignored, Rory had brought this on herself.  She should be glad that it was going as it was, anyone else and the pale girl might not have even gotten this far.  A low growl left the small agouti to further impress upon Rory the seriousness of this situation.  It seemed it hadn't as she rose to her feet, Cheedo still hadn't let go to keep her from running, she didn't particularly want to chase this one again. The stare that was given didn't phase the small woman, how often had Mittani given her a stare like that and he could be much scarier.  No, she held firm waiting for the girl to make her next move which was to demand to be let go. “Let go of my rabbit,” she managed around the ruff of fur and skin in her mouth.

(This post was last modified: Apr 07, 2017, 01:39 PM by Cheedo.)
[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
One more post from you @Cheedo? I would love for these two to meet again :D

Cheedo gave more warning with a display of growls, a raised stiff tail, and holding tight to her fur by means of keeping her from running once more. She was caught between a rock and a hard place and it was making her uncomfortable, she was running out of space and opportunities from Cheedo and knew that eventually this meeting would go further south. The thought of blood shed was a harsher crime than she deserved considering that the deer remained not so far from where they had ran off too and was untouched. It became apparent that perhaps the rabbit had become the least valuable of options, and not worth the effort she had originally put into it, and with hesitation she allowed her mouth to open so the rabbit would fall with a soft thud to the ground near her feet. "Fine. Now let me GO!" she yelled the last part, feeling heat of embarrassment rise inside of her at the thought that she'd been bested by another loner.

She remained at her spot a few moments longer than she probably should have, shook from the encounter and having had to let the kill go back to its original owner, but there was still hope in the form of the frozen over deer. She waited for the woman to let her go, as not to cause harm to herself in the process, with hopes to run off and circle back around to the deer where she would consume what was left if another scavenger did not approach with intention of a free meal. Her body was stiff and her breathing had slowed down in an effort to display her submission to the woman who had easily bested her and given her back her sanity.
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank
OOC: Having Cheedo exit in this post. Leaving it unarchived in case you want to collect scuffle LP for Ro.  I would love for them to meet again, I'm curious about how it would go. Scuffle post 3/?

Cheedo had set her resolve and wouldn't back down until she had gotten back her rabbit.  She had presented quite the show of dominance which she was aware to be uncharacteristic of her but at the same time it was a little freeing for her. To know she was capable of it, that she didn't always have to be some timid little creature. It showed her that she didn't always need the protection of another to make sure she was safe. Cheedo stood her ground and she would get her rabbit back, Rory was in no condition to let this go any further. Her determination finally did pay off as the rabbit fell from the girls mouth with a thud. Then she received yet another command to let go which Cheedo had no qualms about now that the rabbit had been relinquished. She ignore the tone the girl used, it no longer mattered she'd gotten what she wanted.

Quickly Cheedo let go of Rory and moved to scoop the rabbit into her jaws so the girl wouldn't get any more ideas of stealing it again.  She moved a few paces away while the girl still hadn't moved from where Cheedo had left her.  She dropped her prize at her feet, “You should have your fill of the deer before you move on. I'm sorry things had to work out this way and I hope things go better for you.” She offered a nod before she scooped the rabbit up once more and trotted of into the vastness of the tundra.  She wouldn't return to the deer in case Rory did want to return to it.  After what had happened between them she thought the girl needed a little time.


(This post was last modified: Apr 07, 2017, 01:48 PM by Cheedo.)
[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
Teeth attempted to penetrate flesh but Rory wiggled just enough to keep them from causing any real harm and twisted her head toward Cheedo with patience for the woman to finally allow her to flee--a few moments later, she felt freedom. She shook her coat out quickly, an attitude of annoyance quickly took over while the woman took a moment to give her bit of advice, to which she felt her head nod slowly with both approval and quick dismissal of the woman who had bested her at her own plan. There was no doubt in her mind that if she had been healthier she would have been able to get away from her pursuer no questions asked, but she chalked this as a lesson well learned and watched as Cheedo left the area without a word. She would make her way back to the deer, and she would get what little nutrients from it that she could.

A deep sigh left her mouth, more so from frustration than exhaustion, before her paws made quick movements toward the frozen kill. She could see even from this distance that another scavenger had made its way to the kill but the scent of wolf quickly made it flee and Rory was happy that a display of dominance was not needed to ward this creature off. All she wanted more than anything was to fill her stomach and search for shelter for the next day, where no doubt she would repeat the process.-fade-
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!