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Brink of the Clouds — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Hunting demonstration 2/4

Fortunately the woman didn’t put up a fuss about the fact that rabbits were the best source of food they were likely to get right now, especially with just the two of them. If she had complained, the Whitestone healer might have been inclined to leave her to it. He was doing her a favour and she should be grateful.

Her next words caught him off guard and caused him to question her again. The way she spoke seemed to imply that she that she was planning on sticking around the lowlands for at least some of the foreseeable future. Lorcan had to find out why. “I didn’t think that a loner would really plan to stay around here for that long.” He stated, giving her a suspicious look. “Have you got business around here?” The last time that he had encountered a loner lingering around the lowlands, that loner had gone on to help form a pack there. Winter had been difficult enough with both Whitestone and the Rye wolves, he doubted the land could support another pack.

He would still agree to hunt with her though. Maybe he would be able to get more information out of her if he helped her catch some food. Lorcan nodded silently in response to her comment, before gesturing for her to follow him as he turned away to begin sniffing at the snow. Thankfully the woman moved in to follow after him. He was grateful to not have to traipse behind her tail end.

The agouti male was busy sniffing at the snow, searching for any hint of rabbits nearby when the tawny woman offered up her name. Russet ears fell back against his head when he realised how rude he had been, he hadn’t even introduced himself. “My apologies, ma’am.” He murmured, lifting his head from the snow to turn back to face her. “I’m Lorcán, healer of Whitestone.” It felt nice to mention his title, a title he had worked hard to earn. He gestured towards the great monadnock with his muzzle, before looking back at her with his tail raised proudly behind him. If she was indeed a loner hoping to start another pack around here, at least now she could not say that she wasn’t aware of who else inhabited these lands.

Turning his attention back to the snow, nostrils flared as he moved around in now particular direction. His paws carried him in twists and turns as he tried to catch a whiff of the rabbits. If they were lucky they would find some fresh prints in the snow that they could follow. A cloud of steam huffed from his nose as he narrowed in on an area where he had caught a faint scent. Golden eyes lit up when he spotted a faded rabbit print in the snow and with an excited wagging of his tail, Lorcan followed the trail...only for the tracks to disappear beneath freshly fallen snow. He glanced back to @Cheedo to see if she was having any better luck.
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hunting Dem 2/4

It wasn't a surprise they only had rabbits to choose from when it came to prey they could hunt and catch.  She'd had so many of them over the past months she'd grown tired of them and was looking forward to something else. It was obvious she'd have to wait until spring and the return of the prey.  It didn't make any difference at this point as long as she had something on her belly that would sustain her through the rest of the winter.

Her head tilted to one side as he spoke about loners not sticking around and wanted to know if she had business.  Her brow rose at such a pointed question and since she wasn't sure what she wanted to divulge she went with something to too terribly far from the honesty. “The tundra reminds me of my previous home so I should think there's nothing wrong with wanting to stay a little longer,” she said with a raised brow.  Besides she didn't know how much Craw had told his pack about the presence of her and the rest of the group.  Wouldn't want to spoil anything for the man who'd been her husband.

Then there was Mittani, she stayed for him to but when she hadn't seen much of him which only put her in a further bad mood.  With her heat and him being the only one she'd allow to touch her any relief he could help her gain wasn't an option.  Cheedo hadn't quite decided what she was going to do because she wasn't dumb enough to openly anger the man, she shook it from her mind for the time being to focus on the hunt.

Her name was offered before they could get too far into their hunt in case he needed to know it for whatever reason, future reference.  His apologize was recognized with a nod, “Thank you but don't worry about it, it is nice to meet you Lorcan. Healer, huh? You got anything on hand for heat symptoms that doesn't involve the chance for puppies?" She had to make that clear unless he changed his mind about only wanting to hunt, he was a man after all and during this time of year they were just about the same as the females.  Being in a pack with females…

She too had gone back to the snow sniffing for signs of the rabbits they sought but it seemed neither of them were having much luck as they continued across the tundra. For a moment she watched amused as her companion sent about in twists and turns.  She then set back to work, it was only a moment later she thought she was on the trail of something just as Lorcan seemed to.  The scent she had found only went so far before it stopped abruptly.  She lifted her head to look around for some track which she spotted a few feet away, “Lorcan,” she called to him, “Let's try over here,” she added before setting off to the track she'd found.

(This post was last modified: Mar 27, 2017, 02:10 AM by Cheedo.)
[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Hunting demonstration 3/4

Lorcan listened to the woman as she answered his questions about why she was here and for how long she planned to stay. His golden eyes narrowed in suspicion as he looked to her, though he remained silent and allowed her the chance to give her reasons. “So you don’t plan on settling down here, then?” He questioned calmly, just to clarify that his suspicions were wrong.

The agouti male returned her gracious nod with the same gesture, offering her a polite smile along with it. Russet ears pricked up at the mention of his name and a slightly awkward, slightly amused, expression swept across his features when she asked if he could suggest anything that could help her current condition. “Unfortunately, no.” He responded, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. If he had done, perhaps he wouldn’t have been in half of the trouble he currently found himself wrapped up in.

As Lorcan set off the hunt, sniffing eagerly at the snow in search of tracks, Cheedo did the same. It took him a while to even find any small rabbit prints in the snow and, even when he did, the trail soon ran cold. Cheedo, it seemed, was having a bit more luck and the agouti male immediately turned around to move in alongside her when she called him over.

Golden eyes spotted the faint paw prints which Cheedo had managed to spot in the snow and he gave a chuff of encouragement to the woman before he set off behind her, his dark nose pressed to the ground. Once again the trail led the pair on a coiling path which seemed to go in no particular direction. He was spurred on though since with every twist and turn he followed, the scent of prey grew stronger. Then out of the corner of his eye, he spotted something dash down into the snow. “There!” He whispered, gesturing to the place he’d seen the creature just seconds earlier. “There must be a tunnel over there.” He whispered again as he stalked closer, moving as quietly as he could to get in front of the tunnel’s entrance. 
(This post was last modified: Mar 27, 2017, 03:47 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hunting Dem 3/4

It had become more obvious to Cheedo that the man she'd decided to help her with a little hunting seemed a little suspicious of her.  Especially as he continued to question her about her presence in the Lowlands. “I haven't exactly decided what I want to do as of yet, would it be a problem if I did?” She questioned him back. After all the Lowlands were big enough for her to settle in if she wanted.  It didn't matter anyway she still had ties to this part of the lowlands and if Lorcan knew he wouldn't be so keen to question her as he was. She imagined what would happen to this subordinate if Craw knew how he was behaving toward her, or perhaps what Mittani might do to him.

Still she needed help so as amusing as those thoughts might be she pushed them aside for the sake of eating.  After learning he was a healer she got it into her head he might know of something to help.  She frowned at his answer, “Well then I guess it's back to rolling in the snow once we catch us something to eat.” She said catching the smirk that had crossed his face, “And you can wipe that look off your face,” she added with a huff, “If only you knew.” Cheedo shook her head at the agouti, perhaps he should have his turn smelling as she did or experiencing the burning and itching she'd been enduring for what seemed forever.

Prey was scarce in the Lowlands which Cheedo had been aware of for some time now so her hopes of finding something weren't very high.  They each went their own ways to search for a track or trail they could use.  Something that would point them in the direction of something to stop the rumbling of her stomach. It took a little time but she finally found a track though faint that might offer some promise.

After calling him she felt the man's presence next to her which set the fire under her skin burning again.  She ignored it the best she could, there was hunting to be done not to mention she had no interest him the man next to her. Still she couldn't sent what his scent did to her.  Once he had joined her and had the chance to assess what she had found he issued a chuff to her which received a smile.  Cheedo set off tracking the rabbit the track belonged to which took her in a few twists and turns.  Lorcan was right behind her on the trail, she could hear the air entering is nares as he sniffed the ground. At the single whispered word she stopped and looked where he'd indicated. “We should check it out it might be our only chance at a meal.” Soon they were both moving toward what they thought to be a tunnel.  The scent of rabbit hung in the air, "You can scare them and I catch them?" She suggested her tone a whisper as he had used before. Her suggestion seemed to be one that he agreed with since he set to work scaring the rabbits with Cheedo following behind ready to catch any that might flee. She would have to be quick but she was small which gave her an advantage

(This post was last modified: Mar 27, 2017, 06:35 PM by Cheedo.)
[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Hunting demonstration 4/4

Golden eyes narrowed at Cheedo’s response. She was getting a little bit too confrontational, but then, he supposed it was to be expected when he kept questioning her motives. He would answer her question and leave it at that. He didn’t fancy getting into a scuffle over such a minor disagreement. “This area has grown crowded recently since a second pack formed. The prey isn’t as plentiful as it once was.” He stated simply. “I just don’t want the situation to get any worse.” He added, flashing her a serious look. Surely the woman would understand his concerns?

The female seemed less than pleased by his response. A smirk tugged at his charcoal lips at her comment about rolling around in the snow. It seemed to be all that the females did at this time of year. How much it actually helped, the agouti male could not be sure. Instinctively his russet ears pressed back against his head as she verballed snapped at him. “You’re right. I’m sorry ma’am.” He apologised, his voice a little more sincere now.

Lorcan waited with baited breath as Cheedo caught up to him and moved alongside him to investigate. It was clear from the scent which hung in the air that the rabbits were nearby and if that flash of movement was anything to go by, the may well have been directly beneath them. Nodding in agreement to her suggestion, Lorcan stalked forwards to approach the entrance to the burrow.

First he tried a paw, sliding it into the tunnel and beating it around to try and snag a bunny. Of course this didn’t work, but he did hear movement beneath the ground. They had been spooked and were probably running to get to another exit. Next he tried digging them out, forepaws set into motion and snow and dirt sent in all directions as he tried to widen the tunnel. However, the tunnel went on for much longer than he had anticipated. Finally he stuck his nose into the hole and growled and barked before thumping his paws down on the ground to try and sound as intimidating as possible. It was after a few attempts of making as much noise as possible that he suddenly spotted a single ear peek up from the snow a few metres ahead. He gestured at it silently with his muzzle, hoping that Cheedo would spot it too. 
(This post was last modified: Mar 27, 2017, 07:09 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hunting Dem 4/4

Frankly she was tired of the suspicious questions he kept asking, she knew right where she belonged and she generally stayed there. Instructions hadn't been made so she stated she she was comfortable, it helped keep the nervous shaking down.  “Well I hardly think my one little body can consume enough rabbits or squirrels to have an impact on the amount of food available.” Cheedo didn't know what she was going to be doing but for now she was content to do as she had been doing. “If it's your pack you're worried about I assure you I am the least of your problems.”

The last thing she needed at a time like this was some man patronizing her when he clearly has no idea what she was going through.  Cheedo, she didn't let him forget that he had no idea what she had been going through for the past weeks and wouldn't have any relief from until her heat had ended but she planned to do something nice for herself to celebrate. “As you should be, apology accepted,” she said as she walked past him to get started with their hunt.

They had found something that was worth checking out as the movement caught her eye when Lorcan brought her attention to it.  Coming up beside him she suggested he do the scaring, get them in the move.  Then she will use her small size and speed to catch them to which he agreed.  She was thankful since she wasn't sure she had it in her to make as much noise as he did.

Soon all the racket he was making did get the rabbits on the move heading in all directions and the first.  Well it was an easy kill as it had come straight toward her.  The next she had to go a little further and to the right but she caught it quickly snapping it's neck between her jaws.  The third she'd chased but it had too much of a head start on her and she ended up losing it.  Cheedo shrugged as she moved back to the two she had caught lay.  Lorcan had ready claimed his so with a nod they both settled down to enjoy their meal, “Thank you for your help Lorcan,” she said between bites.


(This post was last modified: Mar 27, 2017, 11:03 PM by Cheedo.)
[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you