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brother dearest — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
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Fenru Donata
<blockquote>On Fenru's end the pup had unearthed a shallow trench full of dried grass and small rocks. He was just about up to his elbows in soil when he heard Rihael cry out his name. The younger Tainn perked up and tore his attention away from the breach he had created. Hael had clambered out of his handiwork and was apparently alarmed. Fen's eyes widened and he clumsily stepped to his brother's side. <b>"Where?!"</b> he blurted out, craning his head downward to inspect the now destroyed tunnel opening.

He pressed his shoulder to his sibling's side, straining his ears and sniffing in attempt to figure out if the creature was still on Hael's side of the excavation site. <b>"I don't see it,"</b> he stated. <b>"You see it?"</b> Another unworldly guttural sound came from the side where Fen had been digging but the pup did not even dare to look. His figure froze. <b>"It's over there..."</b> he half-whimpered, half-whispered. <b>"It's probably looking <i>right at us</i>!"</b> From the corner of his eye something dark emerged from the open burrow and peered out before ducking its head back inside.</blockquote>

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
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Rihael Tainn
<blockquote>At the sound, Hael stood completely still - or attempted to, not realizing that his tail was a blur behind him. It stopped mid-wag as, for the first time, the creature from beneath the grass made itself known. From the momentary glimpse he'd got, he could see... a big, furry head with weird buck teeth and googly eyes. It peered at the brothers menacingly before returning to its hole. Wide-eyed, Hael looked his brother in the eye, but Fen hadn't been looking. A loopy grin spread across his face.

<b>"...Pfffhaaaahaha! Did you <i>see</i> that thing?! It's— <i>fluffy!"</i></b> He sputtered, more laughter making it hard for him to keep calm. Was this really what they'd been scared of? It wasn't so scary at all! In fact, it looked sort of dumb! <b>"We can probably catch it!"</b> He added in an excited whisper, leaping not-so-nimbly into a bound in an attempt to reach Fen's dig site as quickly as he could. Once there, he turned on his heels, crouching next to the hole, tail swishing playfully, chest pressed to his paws on the ground. <b>"C'mere, you furry blob you..."</b> he growled, as if it would coax the alien out of its now-defunct burrow...

...But, to his utter surprise, it emerged on the other side at Fen's paws, and all he could do was yelp. <b>"FENLOOKOUTITSRIGHTTHERE—!"</b></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 13, 2012, 02:51 AM by Rihael.)
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 100px;"><img src="http://moral-lock.com/rl/sr1.png"></div>
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
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Fenru Donata
<blockquote>Fenru caught Hael's smirk and returned a rather uncertain glance. <b>"WHAT?!"</b> he questioned, absolutely bewildered. <b>"What?"</b> His brother let out a laugh and the younger Tainn tilted his head curiously. <i>Fluffy?</i> Well, then... His tail wagged slowly, uplifted by his brother's observation and speculation that the two of them could catch it.

Rihael leapt over to where Fenru had been digging only moments before and watched as his sibling taunted their prey. A sound that could only be described as some kind of 'chirp' bubbled up the younger pup's throat in interest. Maybe Hael could teach him something if he watched closely enough. What he wasn't expecting, however, was the feeling of something brushing up against his forepaws. Surprised, he gave a loud yelp then immediately swooped his muzzle down after it with a snap of his jaws. It gave a start and immediately fled blindly towards Rihael. <b>"Git it! Git it!"</b> Fen cried, unsuccessful in his attempt after being slowed down by clumsily clambering out of the trench.</blockquote>

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
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Rihael Tainn
<blockquote><i>"Git it! Git it!"</i>

"Ahhhokay!" Hael yelled in response to his brother, as the <i>thing</i> bolted inexplicably in his direction. It seemed to happen in slow motion; the fluffy yet still alien thing charging toward him, Hael bending in preparation, ready to intercept it. In its blind flight, the creature noticed only at the very last instant that it was headed directly into the jaws of danger, and with a squeal, it realized its mistake. Its beady little eyes were wide as Hael lunged forward. He felt his teeth connect with fur and flesh, and in a moment that he couldn't really believe was happening so successfully, he had the thing in his jaws.

It was heavy, but he lifted it, and its stocky legs swiped in vain at the air. Still bewildered at what he'd just done, Hael stared at his brother for a moment before— <i>snap</i>— he did the only thing he knew to do, and crunched down on the thing's neck. It fell limp instantly, and just like that, Rihael had, amazingly, killed it. Tentatively he approached Fen, orange eyes still wide, and slowly, in case it somehow started to move again, lowered it to the ground. Gingerly he placed it at his feet, prodding it with a paw. Its lifeless body not yet stiff, it fell limply back into place, its furry chest collapsing as its final breath escaped it. Hael coughed a little, scrutinizing the thing closely with a lifted forepaw. "...What... do we... eat it?"</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Apr 02, 2012, 03:52 PM by Rihael.)
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 100px;"><img src="http://moral-lock.com/rl/sr1.png"></div>
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<blockquote>A squeal burst out in surprise from their target but it did not surprise Fenru in the least to watch as his brother took command of the situation. One snap of the jaw was all it had taken and as when the small clearing fell quiet, the younger Tainn looked up to his brother's face. Rihael inched closer then set the fluffy creature's body back on the ground. Boldly Fen reached out to it with an oversized paw but as it drew its last breath, he pulled it back and quietly stood up straight. He looked at his sibling blankly in response to what they ought to do with it now that they had caught it.

The thrill of the feat had quelled his appetite, unfortunately, and rather than admitting the fact he raised his brows. <b>"Maaaaaybe we can... we can take it to Mum?"</b> he suggested. <b>"Tell 'er we got it for her."</b> His forehead creased as he continued to think, becoming aware of the fact that he would be sorely upset if his sibling took all the credit for their catch, even if Rihael had killed the groundhog with his very own jowls. After that, it seemed it would take him quite a while to manage a much more impressive feat. Then... it struck him. <b>"We... can... put it next to Kis'a tonight. Maybe?"</b> A rather ridiculous and lopsided grin cross the youth's face. He was never one for playing jokes or purposefully giving anyone a fright, but as Kisla's brothers... <i>Why not?</i></blockquote>

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rihael Tainn
so sorry for how long this thread has taken, Grey. :[ Maybe, if you want, we can wrap this one up and do another soon, where they're their current age?
<blockquote>Hael stared at the thing. What was it even <i>called</i>? It didn't particularly look appetizing at this point, even though he knew there wasn't a logical reason why it wouldn't be okay to eat. It just looked bizarre, like it would taste gross.

An ear flattened as he listened to Fen, the cogs in his own mind turning as he considered the possibilities. They <i>could</i> take it to their mom, yeah. But would she want it? What would she do with it? Or they could—

"Yeeeeeah!" Hael agreed excitedly, a silly grin spreading across his face to match his brother's. "Put it by her while she's sleeping, and then wait for her to wake up. Her new... best friend!" Now his words were intermingled with giggles; he could barely control himself at the thought of Kisla flopping over and opening her eyes to see this <i>thing</i> with its bugged-out eyes. It was a little cruel, but it was the perfect crime. Nevermind what it was— it had already been the source of much entertainment, but its job wasn't done just yet.

"You carry it!" he teased, with a gallop in the direction of the den. With a laugh, he waited to see if Fen would follow before practically bounding out of the clearing, hoping he'd catch up.</blockquote>
Exit, if that's ok? :]
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 100px;"><img src="http://moral-lock.com/rl/sr1.png"></div>
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<i>Of course, sure! 8D lolz, no need to apologize. Writing them at this age allowed me to savor their 'childhood' a bit longer, haha. <3</i>

<blockquote>The masked boy's tail began to wag wildly. <b>"Oh-kayyy!!"</b> he trilled as Rihael agreed to the second option he offered. He even returned his brother's grin with a smile that was just as ridiculous and uneven from the laughter he was trying to suppress. He grinned deviously at the limp groundhog at their feet. <i>"You carry it!"</i> the elder Tainn stated and Fenru might have interpreted the statement as a rather bossy, demanding one if he hadn't been so caught up in their plan.

<b>"'Kay!"</b> he simply smirked as his brother gamboled away. Carefully, he clamped his jowls around the rodent's stiffening body. Once he managed to mind his steps and get his head around carrying their catch, he obediently followed his sibling back to the den.


Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)