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headlights call my name — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski
That works for me. ;-)

In the back of her mind Inna knew she couldn't be the only one that was nervous about having pups. She wondered if the nervousness wore off after the first litter, not that she was planning to have another after her current one. Hearing Lachesis admit that he was, more for Lilya than himself Inna nodded, “She probably feels the same as I do.” Inna hadn't planned to have a litter either but now she was and she had mixed feeling about it. Some days she was happier than she thought possible and others she was scared out of her mind. All the things that could go wrong, Naia and what happened to her, what if the same thing happened while she was having her pups. Those were the days all she wanted to do was curl up in the back of her den and pretend she wasn't having a litter of pups.

It was those days that she was usually drawn out of her den by Lorcan or Ayti with food or conversation. It helped to take her mind off the things that scared her about her pregnancy. When the men weren't around she would lay on the furs in her den and think of names for the children or things she could do with them once they were older. Anything that kept her in a happy place about the pups growing in her abdomen.

Part of her was grateful that they had plenty of members now, it tool the strain off of her to make up for having more mouths to feed. She also thought that it helped the others in Hearthwood to forgive her for her insubordination. She felt that as long as there was plenty of food to go around for everyone then she wouldn't have to worry especially since it seemed Lachesis and Lorcan both wanted her to take it easy.

“I am starting to worry less,” she assured, “It becomes hard to let go when it's become a habit. It's just what I've done since father passed away and mother took her trip.” Inna wasn't upset about it any longer, of anything she felt that even though she was young, maybe too young to have so much on her shoulders it had made her a better pack member. She had put her heart and soul into Hearthwood and wanted to ensure that her father's legacy would live well past his death.

Having the new members and three litters gave her hope that the future of Hearthwood would be a bright one. The Raven was happy that the new members also seem to accept the fact that there would be three litters in the pack and they did their part to make sure all three litters survived. More importantly Inna couldn't be happier that she had mended things with Lachesis, now all she had to worry about was her mother and Aleksei. A sigh left her at that though, she knew it would be time when she would have to face them again and all she could do was hope that it went well.

Inna considered Lachesis proposing Ayti would be a good pup sitter for all of the litters. A smile did tug at her lips because she did agree with the pale leader in his suggestion. “Ayti certainly has the energy to keep up with them all and I am sure that he would do everything in his power to keep them safe.” The Raven knee the chocolate man would care for the pups deeply and make sure they were happy under his watch. Inna knew she wouldn't have a problem leaving her children with him. “I don't think we have to worry too much about him rubbing off on them, they all are going to be to busy making his hair fall out for that to happen,” she said with a laugh as she could see the image of it in her head.

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Jul 14, 2017, 01:08 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
feel free to fade with your thread! <3

Again the ghost nodded, offering the raven a small smile. He was unaware of the Baranski’s feelings toward the blue-eyed sparrow, for she had done well in concealing her (negative) thoughts from him. XIX hoped that the two could come together and confide in each other, as they were both (nervous) first-time mothers. Perhaps there were things they could help each other with and answers they could give to the other’s questions. Lachesis did not know much when it came to pregnancy, aside from aiding in birth and—ahemmaking puppies. The rest was lost to him, even though he tried hard to understand, his male mind could hardly wrap itself around the concept of pregnancy. It was all a mystery to him.

“You’re talking to the king of worry, Inna,” he responded, his brows lifting in amusement. “Hearthwood is in a good place. We have plenty of able hunters while you, Lilya, and your mother are tending to the pups. Our caches will be overflowing with food soon.” He hoped. No matter how confidently he spoke Lachesis was still plagued by worry. It could not escape him. More than anything he wanted the best for Hearthwood. They deserved it after all the unfortunate events they had endured.

He chuckled softly at the raven’s words, the corners of his eyes crinkling. Yes, the ebony casanova certainly possessed enough energy to keep up with the future river children. XIX did not doubt that Aytigin would keep them safe. It appeared the loudmouth talkative male was determined to make a name for himself in Hearthwood and make the river his permanent home. While they had had their differences in the beginning, and Lachesis was still unsure how he felt about Aytigin, he was pleased to see the male making an effort. “That’s a good point,” he mused in response, his lips still curved into a lazy grin. Perhaps it would be the puppies putting Aytigin in his place, not the other way around.

“Would you like to stretch your legs and go for a short patrol with me?” He asked, motioning to the borders beyond the trees with a slow wag of his tail. Although her stomach was swollen with puppies Lachesis knew that she would not turn down the offer to do a quick patrol before she was unable to anymore. The ghost took a hesitant step forward, his chartreuse gaze softening as he waited for Inna’s response…

(This post was last modified: Jul 30, 2017, 01:48 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski
Faded and archived.

The idea of going to Lilya while it appealed to her only because they were sharing in the same situation was not ideal. She would much rather speak to her mother than a woman she had no respect for. However, she and her mother weren't on the best of terms she couldn't deny it could benefit her to know that she wasn't the only one. That was the only purpose that Lilya could serve to her besides she seemed to make Lachesis happy and for that she could tolerate the woman.

Inna smiled as Lachesis proclaimed himself the king of worry, “We’re quite the pair then,” said with a small laugh. There were times especially now that she was to become a mother she felt that all she did was worry. The pale leader spoke with confidence about the place that Hearthwood was in but she could not disagree. With the addition of four new members all able bodied males how could they not have plenty of hunters and therefore food, “Maybe the universe is in our side after all?” It was the only explanation as to why they would get so many new members at that particular point in time. Soon three of their members would not be able to help care for the pack herself included but they now had others that could pick up the slack. It was in a way a comforting thought but she had no way to know if it were true.

Ayti, she'd become close with him and appreciated all the care he provided her. She was yet to be den bound and tried to get out as much as possible. There were those mornings though she didn't feel so eager to get out but Ayti was there with something for her to eat. He was always eager to do his part, she felt confident his presence in Hearthwood would be a good one. She was also confident he would be good for the pups and they for him. She also thought the chocolate man had a soft spot and could be swayed by a pup. She let a smile cross her maw at her Alpha's words, “We will have to see what Ayti has in store for us.”

“Always,” she told him when he offered to go on a short patrol with her. One day in the near future she would have to give up patrols. She was not there yet so would continue her duties the best she could until she couldn't. Working for her pack and caring for them was what she had lived for since her father's death. That would not change because she was going to be a mother. Inna rose to join her friend and leader in their patrol.


~Table by Jacqueline
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.