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Meeting The Other Half — Willow Ridge 
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Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Curiosity danced softly across Enoki's facial features as she waited for the tale of Leotie to begin, once more settling her excess weight into a more comfortable position in order to listen to the younger woman's words. The mentioning of Oak Tree Bend did little to pique her interest for she knew not of this pack and its whereabouts. Her former adventures beyond the willow forest never quite reaching the eastern half of their world since she had allowed her paws to travel on a northward path but at the drop of Triell's name ebony ears pricked forward and a memory of the spring prior flashed quickly across her mind followed by the thought of what would have happened had she surrendered to her desires that moonlit night.

The thought was a short one, though, and her attention returned fully to Leotie and the remainder of what she had to say, soaking up what information she could about the agouti female in order to better understand the type of wolf she was. A warm grin wormed its way onto her inky lips as she went on to speak of the idea of the pack being a family she never had the honor of having before and how she worked hard for her pack. Something that rang true for the magpie herself. Willow Ridge had earned her undying loyalty and hard work much like the younger woman was proclaiming for her own pack. It was this unending hard-work that allowed the piebald woman to thrive so well amongst the Archer ruled pack and more or less become an honorary Archer herself.

"I know of Triell and he's a good man. A kind soul and undoubtedly a good leader as well. It makes sense why you would follow him. Much like yourself I too see pack as family and do my best to give them my all." A not so subtle yawn interrupted her words and a sheepish smile adorned her facial features as an apologetic smile soon took its place. "My apologies. Making the next generation of pups is pretty exhausting." A lighthearted chuckle followed her words, once more moving to stand. "I'd hate to bring this conversation to an end but I should probably return and get some rest before the others worry too much about me if they haven't noticed I snuck out already. Please, feel free to call me again anytime. I'd like to talk more." Hopefully, the agouti woman would take her up on this offer.
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Talking about herself was something that Leotie didn't necessarily like to do. It left her questioning what she should tell and what to keep to herself. Inevitably she felt like she was lying if she left out certain things and that was the last thing she wanted to do where the piebald woman was concerned. Though she didn't know her well she felt it important to show the best side of herself. Especially if and alliance was formed between the two packs and she would be the one messages would be passed through. She would need to be trusted by the Willow Ridge wolves like she was her own pack if things were to run smoothly.

She left out how she came to the lore as it wasn't as important as it might have once been. It wasn't her identity anymore, she'd come far from that scared, starving wolf she once was. Now she could stand on her own four paws so she started where she new life had truly started. Her first pack and how it had lead her to be in the draw. Her experiences in the bend and now in the draw had shaped her into the wolf she was as she stood before Enoki. She expressed the loyalty and hope she had for her pack because she felt that if she did the piebald woman would see that she only wanted what she believed to be best for them.

“He is a very good man,” Leotie agreed with a smile, “He has always been a kind leader and I feel he's done what he feels to be best. He has always accepted me for who I was and trusted I would do my best.” Leotie smiled as Enoki spoke of how she saw her pack and the similarities between them. “I’ve learned that I may not have had the opportunity to have a family such as the pups growing inside of you will no doubt have. It doesn't mean I can't find a family in wolves that aren't blood and give them my all to show them through my actions how important they are to me.” Leotie didn't miss the yawn from the other woman and gave her a nod at her apology, “No need to apologise, I can't imagine how exhausting it must be.” Enoki then stood from the position she’d taken up and announced that she needed to get back. “Of course, I should probably be heading back as well but I am glad that we had this chance to talk. I will certainly call on you again as I would like to talk more with you too.” Leotie felt good about how her meeting had gone and hoped she could get away from the pack again to visit with the piebald woman.

~Table by Switch
(This post was last modified: Jul 26, 2017, 02:39 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Feel free to post an exit with Leotie or archive it here @Leotie :)

"Until next time then, Leotie. And please, send your leaders a kind hello from the Ridge since no doubt your own lead female should be expecting a litter of her own shortly." A heartfelt twinkle danced behind the piebald woman's smoldering gaze while her head gave a small, final bow in farewell before turning partially away from the agouti woman before her. "Safe travels." One final smile and the Ridge matriarch took her leave from the other, the idea of slipping back into the confines of her den before anyone could notice she had left in the first place warranting a smug smirk to toy at the corner of her inky lips. 

Besides, the idea of a nap in that moment truly did sound like her own personal slice of paradise with how draining the developing lives within her womb were. Each day becoming more so the closer her initial due date drew. Eventually, the entrance to her selected den drew near and after a quick glance around to ensure nobody had witnessed she had left unsupervised, slipped back into the darkness and curled up as comfortably as her swelling abdomen would allow. Drifting contently into a blissful slumber until someone came along to check on the expectant mother.

(This post was last modified: Jul 26, 2017, 08:08 PM by Enoki.)
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

The piebald woman had expressed a need to get back and Leotie knew she needed to get back to the draw. She'd been away for far too long and wondered if she'd been missed. “Until next time. I will be sure to give them your best.” Naira was expecting a litter as was Maera which was another reason she needed to get back, the draw would need her to help care for the pups. She watched as the piebald woman disappeared before turning and leaving the border in the direction of home.

It would take her a couple of days to reach the draw but she would be happy to be home. She felt she had done some good on her journey and hoped that perhaps after talking with Naira and Triell and alliance with the ridge wolves could be started between the two packs. Leotie already had decided that she would help in whatever way she could. She also saw a friend in the piebald woman and wouldn't hesitate to seek her out should she need a friend.


~Table by Switch
(This post was last modified: Jul 27, 2017, 07:19 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you