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force my rage out of hiding — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Flywolf who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Roosemooth Boor



Word Count:  410

It had been stupid of the pale man to insult his queen, that was for sure.  If Roose hadn’t been so preoccupied with finding a decent place to remain out of the way, he would have growled a warning.  As it was, the queen in question was the only one to really acknowledge his presence – and she did so with a growl.  The advisor nodded to her, understanding that her noise was a warning. He hoped his response was enough to assure her that he was not here to interfere, but only be informed.

That was his job as advisor, after all.

For a moment things were still, and Roose wondered if Wraith was going to throw his beta over the Monadnock’s edge.  That was something he would be very keen to see, but alas the dark man didn’t and the advisor was forced re remember that this was not Craw. The two men were very different, and he supposed the rest of the pack would have a hard time looking at their new ruler if he were taken to the same murderous whims as their last one.  

He had to say he was disappointed though. He had hoped the show might continue for a little while longer, but the Morelli man was smart enough to leave when he was told to.  Perhaps he’d seen his impending death if he hadn’t gone.  Roose rarely knew what was going on in his tricky little mind.  All he knew was that he could breathe easy knowing the scum wasn’t here anymore.

He idly wondered what Cheedo would think. She had been so close to the man.  Would that result in trouble for her? Would she follow her man? Though the old man no longer had any use for her – he only wanted her so she might prove to be a tool against the Morelli man – he supposed he could vouch for her if it came to that. He had promised a new beginning, hadn’t he? And it did no use stirring up old snakes now. It wouldn’t do him any harm, he supposed, unless she turned traitor.  He could always kill her if that ended up being the case.

Either way, things were looking up. He now had his rightful place as pack second – the highest rank he desired, and it offered a good buffer between any ambitious youngsters and their leader.  He allowed himself a smile.

Today was a good day.

"Speech"  Thought

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The morning had started quietly with a nice plump rabbit which there was still just a little left as she lay just inside the unal den.  She felt she'd been making strides in becoming better at being more social. It wasn't often that she napped In the middle of the day but when she did she tried to make she had done something to have the right.

Her eyes had just closed when the sound of Wraiths voice reached her ears and he was yelling for Mitt.  Cheedo didn’t understand what her pale knight could have done that would cause such anger from the dark alpha. She couldn't help it, Cheedo had to know what had angered Wraith so much towards Mittani but more importantly what would happen to him. Carefully she left the shelter of the den keeping her posture submissive she slipped out of the den.

The small agouti came to a scene that held her pale knight and the two alphas, she stayed on the edge.  She didn't hide her presence as she might have in the past and worried over the punishment Mittani would get over whatever he had done. The innocence that her pale knight portrayed, a whine did escape her because she could not be sure.

Much to her shock her knight, the man who had been there for her through a lot was now being tossed on the ground.  Another whine left her and she almost stepped forward, she almost went with him so much so she moved one paw.  Then Wraith spoke of the crime her pale knight had committed.

She stopped, everything stopped, his could he? How could he attack a pregnant female especially one from the pack they were to be having an alliance with.  The small agouti’s eyes narrowed at the man that had been her comfort for so long. He should have known better, did he not think she would find out? That she wouldn't care? What if that woman had stillborns now because of what he had done? The Hearthwood woman would go through the same thing she had gone through, she would be haunted by her dead children.

When Wraith gave the order for Mittani to leave Cheedo remained silent the look she held across her features was one of disappointment. She felt betrayed by her knight, what he'd done could not be forgiven. She watched as he left, she could have gone with him, made the choice to leave but she did not.  The alphas had helped her and been kind to her she would not betray them by following the man she felt betrayed by.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael

How he wanted to give chase. To snap at Mittani's tail and rip it clean off for him to never forget the lesson learned today. But Piety came to him, her presence a cooling balm to the heat simmering beneath, a sun to the ice in his gaze. Wraith let out a long breath as she kissed along his chin and offered several licks in return to her. His forehead braced against hers for a moment before he turned to those that had gathered.

It was a pleasant surprise to see Cheedo still there and not slinking after the Morelli. Good. He nodded curtly to his wolves. "Let this be a lesson to all. Any who would endanger our alliances will be dealt with swiftly and with as much violence as is required." Wraith did not expound on what exactly that meant, certain those of the Monadnock would make sure it never happened again. Such violence was exhausting and Wraith felt the tension still built up in his shoulders.

His gaze fell again to Cheedo. As a budding scout, it seemed suitable to send her out on her first official mission. "Cheedo. Go to the edge of Hearthwood River territory right away. Give them word that Mittani Morelli is no longer of Whitestone Monadnock. It is done." Amber eyes moved on expectantly to Roosemooth. "I expect you will actually live up to the rank of Second better than your predecessor. Don't disappoint."

With his orders given, Wraith gave his full attention to Piety and inclined his head for her to follow him to the den. They had much to discuss.

Thread fade.
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