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Out of the Frying Pan — White Fir Notch 
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Played by Cynthia who has 28 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
As Ishtar listened to the Alpha's questions and listened to Nauja's response, Ishtar couldn't help but wonder if her answers were going to be good enough. She was going to be honest no matter what. But she only knew of this pack thanks to Nauja. She didn't really know anything about this pack and if her skills and personality would fit here. But she wasn't going to back away from it now. 

When Nauja looked to Ishtar, she knew it was her turn. Ishtar decided to answer Emrys's question first. "Well I am a very fast runner and a good hunter. I was the one that planned a hunt on a deer that Nauja and I caught together. My eyes are sharp and I am able to see great distances. I have used it to my advantage to avoid trouble. Along with this I also offer complete Loyalty to the you Alphas and the pack." Ishtar finished by giving a slight bow to the two. "And its true, it was I that asked Nauja to join me in the journey to finding a pack. She talked highly of your pack, and I trust Nauja, so we decided to come here and ask permission to be apart of it. I am not from here but I was in a pack in the past. I left voluntarily because I couldn't handle the toxic environment and the attitude of the other wolves. It wasn't me. I didn't fit in there." She hoped she didn't blow her and Nauja's chance but she was being completely honest. 
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

With this being his first join Emrys had grown a little nervous about letting the two females into the notch. He couldn't ask them the questions that Gent had asked him because they had been specific to him. So Emrys thought about what would be important to know about these wolves before a decision could be made. He was also pleased that Jynx had added her own question to what needed to be answered. So as each woman took turns answering the questions that had been asked Emrys listened closely to ensure that he got everything.

His gaze went from the two females in front of him to his mate beside him, she wondered what Jynx thought about the answers that had been given. It worried him some that Nauja's last pack didn't work out, would the same thing happen in the notch. He may read signs but he wasn't a fortune teller. He let his gaze go back to the females, they seemed sincere to him so he decided and would wait for Jynx to weigh in as well before any final decisions were made.

“Nauja, Ishtar we appreciate your honesty and you pledging your loyalty to us. White Fir Notch is in need of good hunters with the little ones on the way and the need to fill our caches after the winter.” Once again he let his gaze rest on Jynx and this time spoke to her, “If you are okay with it Love I think we should give them the chance to prove themselves.” It was her opinion that mattered at this point because this was one of those things he couodntake the decision alone. It was now her pack just as much as it was his.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Gleaming yellow eyes remained settled on the pair of dark females hunched before them. Cogs in her head turned as Nauja, then Ishtar, said their peace. Both had experience in hunting, but Ishtar mentioned her speed, and Nauja, her talent in fishing. As much as she wanted to let a smile crack her stoic facade, Jynx noted to herself that their skills would be useful. 

Originally, it had been her goal to obtain the title of Lead Hunter within the pack. She had looked forward to providing for her pack mates, to guiding many a hunt. But things changed. Raela was gone, and Gent would soon follow. The roundness of her stomach and the gentle kicks within, reminded her each day that she and Emrys were going to be parents. They would have their paws full, and Jynx would have no choice but to put the needs of her children before her own personal interests. The extra help of two new members would take a great deal of stress off of her shoulders. But there was still something they said that raised a pinprick of concern within her. Both of these wolves had tried pack life before, but then changed their minds later. Despite their pledge of loyalty, the new Queen still had a point to make.

Thickly plumed tail raising higher, more stiffly, she took two slow, precise steps closer. Ears stiff and upright, the shine in her eyes a little harder. "Understand that we are not looking for indecisive or traitorous wolves." She drew in a breath and let it out. "The Notch has already had it's share of loss before, this year." Specifically coming to mind was Heigen, Zilas, Merys and last but not least, Sylva. "However..." Her gaze softened some then. "I too, have been in your place before. I know the struggle of finding that one, perfect niche. So I will allow you both the chance to prove yourselves here, to start new, just as I have." With her verdict made, she at last allowed her posture to relax, and even a smile breaking across her maw. Sharing a pleased look with Emrys, the russet Leader circled Nauja and Ishtar, rubbing her flank along their ribs, marking them as official Notch wolves. "Welcome."
(This post was last modified: May 08, 2017, 12:54 AM by Jynx.)
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

After answering the questions of the two alphas Nauja thought she was even more nervous about being accepted than she had been when they first came on the border.  She had answered all if the questions as honestly as she could and had not held back the fact that she had been in another pack and it hadn't worked out for her.  She truly did want to make this work for herself and for Ishtar.  While waiting for her friend to finish speaking the seagull wanted to seek comfort in her friend but she didn't feel that it would be appropriate.

Finally Nauja felt it was time for them to find out if they would be accepted which became more evident with the make alpha's approval. Her eyes went to the female to await her verdict. With a small speech they finally did receive her acceptance as well.  A wide smile broke across Nauja's maw. “Thank you for this opportunity,” she said as she dipped her head, “I will do whatever I can to show you that you have not made a poor decision in accepting me into your ranks.” With that she looked to Ishtar the smile still across her face, they would be able to stay together after all.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Cynthia who has 28 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ishtar stood anxiously awaiting the decision from the Alphas. To Ishtar this was it, if she wasnt accepted here then she knew she probably wouldnt be accepted anywhere. Thats just how her mind worked. But soon her fear and waiting ended as she heard the Alpha's accept them into their pack. Ishtar closed her eyes and exhaled as she felt Jynx rub her flank against her. A smile grew and she bowed to the Alpha's once more and again raising her right paw just an inch off the ground. "Thank you so much. I will do anything and everything you need. You have my word. I will not be a disappointment, and hopefully I can help prove myself to you." Ishtar stood back up and looked at Nauja, Ishtar bumped her head against Nauja's "We did it." She said to her. Ishtar's tail wagged with excitement. She had finally been accepted into an amazing pack and she could still be with her friend. 

Ishtar knew from this point on, she would have to prove to the Alpha's that accepting her and Nauja would not be something they will regret. 
Nauja  and Ishtar had already hunted together so she knew that they could at least bring something big for the pack to eat, and especially  for Jynx. She's gonna need everything she can for the new life growing inside her. 

A new chapter has yet again started for Ishtar, and she hoped that everything will keep getting better from here. 
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Their pack needed numbers especially with the loses they'd suffered over the past months and with Gent leaving. It should have been​ as simple as that but Emrys like his mate didn't want to accept just anyone to boost their numbers. He'd had a few days to get used to his new position, the idea of it anyway. Now that he was leader he had an idea of what he wanted for his pack and the kind of wolves he wanted in it. Though he and Jynx hadn't really had a chance to talk about it he felt she would have the same idea.

He felt the two women seeking to join the notch seemed honest and they said they were hardworking and willing to do what needed to be done. They were also very respectful which meant they would be respectful of him and Jynx once they were accepted. He had voiced his opinion on whether they should be accepted or not so all that was left was for the approval of his mate.

With the past year and even the last few months it was no surprise that Jynx felt it necessary to make it clear what exactly they weren't looking for. Emrys felt it good to tell them, that way if the women had any doubts that they would be able to fulfill their roles in the pack they should leave now. Like Jynx he really didn't have patience for those joined only to leave a couple months later.

He was not surprised when she did accept Nauja and Ishtar into the pack especially with​ she said about understanding need to find her perfect niche. He was reminded about the conversation he'd had with Lachesis about Jynx. He gave his mate a nod when she looked at him. “Welcome to the pack. We have confidence that you will prove yourselves to be important members of the pack in time,” he told the women as his mate rub her flank along their ribs. They now carried the scent of the notch on them, “If you would like to follow us we can show you where you can rest and then I can show you around.” With that said he turned to lead Nauja and Ishtar into their new home with his mate.


(This post was last modified: May 13, 2017, 03:16 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.