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trouble finds me. — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski
Guardian Dem 3/3

She may not know Askan well but he had seemed like a good guy to her when they had met. She was extremely worried for the rye wolf and hoped that he was still alive since it had been a few days since his injuries. She didn’t understand why this had happened to him, or know who would want to hurt him. She hoped Lachesis would do all that he could to help him. She showed her concern for the dark man buy nudging Lachesis with her nose, he was usually very good at reading her nudges. There was obviously no time to waste and in her current condition she wouldn't be of any help in this situation. So when Lachesis dismissed her gave him a nod that she understood.

“I would be grateful,” she stated to the pale healer when he said he would let her know what was going on. She then turned to the dark male at their border as he was given instructions to follow, “I hope he will be okay,” she stated quickly before the two could disappear into the heart of the territory. She then left the border to return to her den before Lorcan found her missing. There she would await news of Askan, she did not want him to end up like her father.

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: May 25, 2017, 11:47 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

Lachesis felt bad for dismissing his raven sidekick so quickly but her job was finished. She did not share the same knowledge as him when it came to to plants, nor could she travel back to the Rye with the scarred male. As she skirted past him the river king nudged her shoulder affectionately to let her know that everything would be all right.

With his own children arriving just days before and Inna's due any moment Lachesis was reluctant to leave, but he would if it would ensure Askan’s survival. The ghost was starting to consider the ebony male a friend and he had already lost too many of those… he did not want to be the reason behind Askan’s pass—no. He would not allow it to happen. He could send Lorcán in his place, but Drestig had asked for him specifically and he did not know if the tawny healer had a good relationship with the western pack.

“They are all edible,” he started as he lead the dark wolf to his infirmary, “all he has to do is eat them.” Lachesis would not complicate things by having @Reyes make poultices. “I can come with you,” the pale healer added, his chartreuse gaze falling onto his ebony companion as they approached the entrance to his den. “Askan is a friend of mine, too. If you want me to be there I’ll come.” He wanted to help any way he could, and if that required him following the Rye wolf back to the fields he would.

Indicating that he would be back in a moment with a flick of his tail XIX tucked himself into the entrance of his den, heading straight for his storage of herbs. He moved with lightning speed as he gathered what was necessary (he hoped), for he was only assuming what the injured wolf needed. Using a large maple leaf to hold the herbs Lachesis also grabbed a chunk off of the honeycomb Aytigin had brought as a gift when he had sought acceptance into Hearthwood. He emerged just as quickly as he had ascended, his chartreuse gaze settling on the scarred wolf as his legs unfolded from beneath him.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Askan is a friend of mine, too.

And once again, Reyes was made painfully aware the benefits of being a social wolf – not just having a pack, but forging (positive) relationships outside the confines of the alpha’s territory. If he were not so distressed over Kana’s state – and what he currently did not know – he might have sighed, might have wondered when the man became so winsome as to collect this array of allies, might have wondered what was wrong with him that the concept seemed so foreign. It would come later, though. Once he was certain that Askan would survive his injuries.

Remaining silent until Lachesis reappeared with his collection of herbs, the younger wolf leaned down to sniff at the options. “I appreciate it,” he replied hoarsely, though whether it was emotion or his long journey that caused it was without a definite answer. “I don’t-- Don’t know how much you could do. Ain’t no blood…well, not on his throat. But the other cuts ain’t so bad. If it’s just the plants he gotta eat, I can do that. Make sure he does. Unless there’s somethin’ else, you think…?” Reyes trailed off, lifting his silver gaze to study the older wolf. Ultimately, he wasn’t a healer, and if Lachesis thought there was something more, or he could aid Askan in some other way, he would take the wolf to the rye fields immediately.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

It was hard to say what was wrong with the ebony wolf without actually being present. The ghost was positive that it was just some bruising due to the pressure on his throat, maybe even a few internal tears, but nothing some herbs couldn’t help with. If he was able to talk, even just a few whispers, it was a good sign. He just hoped it did not worsen in Reyes’ absence… however, he was sure that the guardian would be okay. If he had gone this long without herbs Lachesis was certain that they would help—as long as he could get them down and Reyes made it back quickly.

“It sounds like severe bruising,” he commented, his lips curling into a frown, “which these will help with.” He motioned to the herbs at his feet as he voiced his precious thoughts aloud. “If anything was broken you would know,” he added in order to reassure the darker male. As much as he wanted to be there he did not know if he could leave for that long… not when Inna was due any day. However, that did not mean he wasn’t able to go half way, in order to get more information out of the ebony scout.

Without a word the ghost disappeared into his den once more to grab the Rye wolf a bite to eat before he made his way back to the fields. He often stored small meals in his infirmary for himself or patients, for he did not get a chance to eat as often as he liked. Returning with a small rabbit between his jaws the ghost dropped it in front of Reyes before motioning for him to eat, his brows narrowed. “I’ll come with you, half way, and if you want me to return to Wild Rye with you I will.” He wouldn’t like being away from Hearthwood for so long but for Askan, he would do it. “Can you tell more about what happened to him?” He asked before picking up the bundle of herbs and taking a few steps away from his den to encourage the dark male to follow him. They had already wasted too much time.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

It might have been meant to reassure Reyes, but it did anything but.  Would he really know?  This wasn’t his area of expertise.  He was meant to do the damage, not try to fix it once it had already been done.  The wolf had to resist the urge to rub his face against his lake, shaking out his coat instead as if that could shed away everything eating at the corner of his mind.  If Lachesis said he would know, he was just gonna have to put his faith in the healer on this one, Drestig said Askan was like a son to him, and if he thought the Hearthwood River alpha was good enough to do the job, he’d have to do the same.

“It’s a long story,” he rumbled, having very little interest in actually telling the tale. “Went to meet a family member.  Didn’t come back.  I found said uncle trying to choke him out.”  There wasn’t much more to it than that, anyways.  He took a look at the small meal, and wondered if he could stomach it.  After running this far, he could certainly use it…but he didn’t want anything to slow him down on the way back.  It took him a moment to decided the benefits probably outweighed the costs and he wolfed it down quickly, doing his best not to choke on large chunks.  He was all too eager to follow after Lachesis as they headed back west, and soak in any further information he might have.


Seemed like a good end.  Let me know if you want me to change it!
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]