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run me like a river — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
As their conversation went on it become clear that the raven female was prepared to forgive him, on the condition that he would not abandon their daughter again. Lorcan was more than willing to agree to the mother’s terms and apologised sincerely for the grief that he had subjected on them both.

With their issues resolved, Lorcan had taken the chance to admit his recently discovered feelings to Inna, and he had been surprised to hear that the raven felt that same – and had done for quite some time. His brows lifted in astonishment before they furrowed down again as he wondered why she had felt that she couldn’t tell him before. “Why not?” He asked quietly before he kissed her.

He became lost in the moment after their first passionate kiss and the male found himself leaning in to steal another, not wanting the sensation to end. However, as much as Lorcan enjoyed bathing her in his affection, he knew that it would be wrong for him to continue. She was a grieving daughter and whilst the recent revelation between the pair of them excited him, he knew that it would be insensitive and untimely of him to place the pressure of a romantic relationship onto her.

Lorcan was quick to apologise, realising his mistake, russet ears pressing back against his head in shame. To his relief Inna did not take offence to his enthusiasm, but did agree that it was too soon to explore things any further for the moment. Golden eyes met her deep orange gaze as she leaned in to the thick fur of his chest and then his dark lashes fluttered shut as she placed a soft kiss on him in return.

“I understand.” He murmured softly. “I wouldn’t want to place any more pressure on you..”

Respectful of her wishes, the male done his best to ignore the warmth in his cheeks and the frantic beating in his heart and instead focused on finding out what he could do to support her. “If you want me to help out with anything, just say so. I want support you through this.” He offered with a fragile smile. Whether it meant bringing her food, keeping her company or even looking after their daughter, the healer was prepared to do it. The reminded him; “How did the talk go with Sana when I left the other night?” He asked a little hesitantly as he searched for her gaze. 
(This post was last modified: Aug 04, 2017, 02:45 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Inna wasn't so cruel to lump Lorcan in with her brother, she recognized that his absence was due to forces out of his control. He had been serving the pack when he went missing and ye had tried to get back to them. She trusted his word so it was not hard for her to forgive him but she made him promise not to abandon their daughter again. She knew it was a promise that he may not be able to keep but if it was broken it hopefully wouldn't be because he left on purpose.

When she was sure he understood what she needed him she found herself hearing words from his maw she never that she would. Once she had recovered from her shock he wanted to know why she hadn't been able to tell him. ”I believed you still loved Piety and I didn't want to put extra pressure on you after having told you I was pregnant,” she explained but add, “And I couldn't put myself in a position to be hurt after what Alek did to me so I focused on what was best for our daughter.” She wasn't expecting the kisses he placed on her lips but she welcomed them and the feeling they stirred inside her.

She too became lost in the moment as he showered her with affection, for the first time in days she felt something other than the pain that her mother's death had caused in her. It was wrong of her to want to feel something else, to let that happiness sores through her. Most of all she felt like she was using him to help her escape the pain that lived inside of her now. He was the one to stop what they were doing and as much as she wanted to continue so she wouldn't have to feel that pain anymore she knew he was right.

She told him not to apologize because despite her current emotional state she was happy to finally know he felt the same about her. What was more important than that was that she knew he was there for her no matter what she needed and right then she needed him. She wasn't sure she could get through her mother's death without him.

She leaned into him again, “Thank you Lorcan for giving me the time. It will be better for us this way. I need some time is all but hearing those words from you gives me hope that things will be better and I really need that right now.”

As much as she might want to explore what a relationship could be like with him she knew that she couldn't. Not yet while the pain of losing her mother was still so fresh, it would be unfair to him. She couldn't avoid the emotions that her mother's death caused inside her no matter how much she wanted to. “I will be sure to ask. I don't think I can do this alone, I'm glad to know that you will be there.” He had helped her so much already and this time she wasn't going to push him away. She knew she needed him and would accept whatever help he was willing to give. Their daughter came up once more as he asked about the conversation which she took to mean about Kisla. “I haven't told her yet,” she admitted, “I don't know how to tell her and I don't want to crush her she loves Kisla.” Inna knew she would have to tell Oksana soon, she couldn't keep her daughter sheltered forever.

~Table by Jacqueline
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Lorcan felt a mixture of anxiety and intrigue bubble up in the pit his stomach when Inna admitted that she had loved him for a while, but had refrained from telling him before now. Golden eyes searched for her deep orange gaze, desperate for the reason why. He felt his breath catch at the mention of @Piety and his eyes widened in surprise before they glanced away in contemplation.

“Maybe I did love her once, but not anymore…” He sighed, his shoulders sagging as his gaze flickered back up to meet the eyes of the woman standing before him. “Leaving the monadnock gave me the time I needed to move on from whatever it was that we had together.” He said confidently, before adding. “It allowed me to focus on what I have here, with you..” He said softly, ears falling back against his crown. “–something that far exceeds what I thought I could ever achieve in my lifetime.”

As Inna leaned into him again, he listened as she thanked him for being patient with her. A smile formed on his charcoal lips at her words and the male tilted his chin down in an attempt to nuzzle the thick fur of her scuff affectionately. “Take all the time you need, Inna, I’m not going anywhere from now on.” He whispered, before placing a gentle lick along upon her crown.

It pleased the healer that the woman accepted his offer of help should she ever want or need it. “I was thinking…” He suggested tentatively. “If you wanted to visit the ethos or something, I could accompany you…if you wanted me to?” Lorcan wasn’t sure if it was something that the woman wished to do so soon after her mother’s death, or even with him, but he wanted to offer his company in case it should make the grieving process any easier.

He then asked how her talk had gone with their daughter, desperate to know the pup had taken the news. To his surprise the mother admitted that she had not yet informed Oksana of what had happened to Kisla. Lorcan nodded in understanding. It was a hard thing to do, especially to someone so young and innocent. The healer remained silent for a few moment before he attempted to offer some advice. “I think you should just be honest with her and explain things the best you can. She might not understand it all right now, but I think it would be better to tell her now rather than her find out from someone else later on..” He said, looking across to Inna was a solemn expression.
Advisor demonstration 2/3
(This post was last modified: Aug 04, 2017, 02:45 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Inna had feared that bringing up Piety would cause problems and in that moment she didn't want to argue with Lorcan. At the same time she couldn't lie to him after he had told her he loved her. The truth was that Piety had been a big reason she had not said anything to him about how she had felt. After mentioning her name Inna had seen the look in his eyes and the way he turned away. She took a step toward him waiting to see what he would say, would he be angry with her?

He wasn't and instead admitted he might have loved Piety but that was over and he had realized what he had in Hearthwood with her. It was the last thing that he said that convinced her that he really was there for her and their daughter and that they were the best thing in his life. “I know it couldn't have been easy for you to leave the life you had in Whitstone and whatever you had with her. I knew you needed time and I wanted to give that to you and hope that maybe one day you, Oksana, and I could be a family. It was best for me to put whatever I felt for you aside and concentrate on you having a relationship with your daughter because even if things did not work out between us you would have her. Right now I'm in a bad place I don't have to tell you that but you should know you have brought so much to my life and I truly am happy that we have what we do. I never thought I would have what we do.” Another tear slid down her cheek as she went to him.

As she leaned against him all she wanted to do was stay there and not have to face the grief of her mother's death. The future of Hearthwood and all the things that had gone through her mind. She knew she had his support in whatever she did and the words he spoke after nuzzling the first of her scruff were what she needed to hear. “I'm going to hold you to that,” she half joked before pressing her face into his fur and taking in his scent.

Then he said something that caused her to pull back to meet his gaze, “Thank you Lorcan I would like it very much if you came with me,” she told him before pressing a kiss to his cheek, “It means a lot you would be willing to do that for me.” His offer had also given her an idea for when she finally was able to tell their daughter about Kisla. She'd been at a complete loss before but now she felt it was getting closer to the time Oksana found out.

That was exactly what he asked about next and she had to admit that she hadn't told the child. The past days she had not known what to say and had been reluctant to put that on her daughter. Lorcan didn't say anything for a long moment after she told him and she worried of what he would say next. He gave her words of encouragement and advice on how to tell her. “I know you are right and I've been trying to keep her from finding out from someone else but I have to tell her soon just as you said. I will find a way to help her understand at the very least Kisla won't be with us anymore.” Inna had decided with Lorcans words she needed to tell Oksana that day.

~Table by Jacqueline
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Lorcan did his best to reassure the woman standing before him that any romantic feelings he once felt for anyone else were now gone. Leaving the lowland pack had provided him with the two things he had needed to put his love for Piety behind him – time and space. Now that they had both moved on with their separate lives the only thing the pair of them still shared were fond memories. On the other hand, what he now had with Inna was something that he could never persuade himself to walk away from.

Listening to Inna speak, the male couldn’t calm the feeling of adoration and pride that he felt swell in his chest in that moment. Adoration, for only now truly realising how hard it must have been to always put their daughter’s happiness first, not knowing if she was ever attain her own; and pride, knowing that such a caring, considerate and selfless woman owned his heart. Lorcan smiled at her words and leaned in to catch a tear as it tumbled down her cheek, before he buried his muzzle the thick fur around her neck.

“Me neither, but I’m glad that we do.” He whispered softly.

A chuckle left him as Inna held him to his promise. There was with a fiery glint in her orange gaze, despite the humour in her voice, which he knew to mean that there would surely be Hell to pay if he didn’t. Lorcan attempted to prove his loyalty by offering to accompany her to the burial site of her parents. His gesture seemed to please her and the male felt himself blush as she placed a kiss to his cheek. “I just think it would be good for you to visit them..” He said, his voice hushed as he leaned in to allow her to bury her face up against his chest.

When he asked of her conversation with Oksana, it came as no surprise to him that she was finding it difficult to break the news to the young pup. Still, that did not mean that she would be able to put it off forever. Their daughter would find out one way or another, so it was best if it came from her mother. “She will be okay, she’s got the support of the whole pack behind her..” He assured Inna, unable to advise any more on the matter having never gone through it himself. He was certain though that they would all get through it, one day at a time.

~ Fade ~
Advisor demonstration 3/3
(This post was last modified: Aug 04, 2017, 02:48 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together