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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
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Athena Moon
Athena broke her gaze from the horizon to glance at Valiant. Her own mother used to tell her little stories about the wolves that ruled over the sun and moon.They were childish stories and she never believed them. <b>"My mother used to do tell me stories too. I never really believed them, though. They sounded absurd and meaningless."</b> Athena said to him. Indeed she loved her mother dearly, but sometimes she was too unrealistic about the world. Her mother always saw the world to be a beautiful place, with no evil. Athena was the total opposite. She guarded herself from many wolves, always being cautious in cause they tried to take advantage of her. Athena saw the world in a realistic way. A world where only the fit could survive.
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Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
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Valiant Morino

Val raised himself slowly, stretching as he rose. It was about time to move on. "I better get going, otherwise I'll never make it down in time to meet up with Rhysis. We're starting a pack, as soon as things fall into place." he mentioned casually. The chance the female knew him was slim, he wasn't a huge fan of them.

"Maybe you'd like to join us?" he mentioned playfully with a smile. The worst she could do was say no.


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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
She stood up after Valiant, considering his question. She has never heard or met this Rhysis, but the mention of creating a pack intrigued her. She relatively didn't like being held down by a pack, but maybe it could be time for change. Besides, she wasn't in the best of condition and maybe this pack won't be like the others. Athena nodded, <b>"Sure, don't want to miss out on these sort of things,"</b> the white female said. Strectching her legs a bit more, getting ready for the trek down the mountain. Definitely not her favorite part. <b>"Shall we?"</b> Athena said, nodding towards the path leading away from her little ledge. {END}
(This post was last modified: Feb 12, 2012, 02:57 AM by Athena.)
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