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go on, shoot me — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh
AW, but perhaps @Treyah or "Nauja" or maybe even @Zale

His new litter had been born only a week ago and Draven had barely left the outside of Treyah’s den since. Only forcing himself to take a break to bring her food or relieve himself or fetch her anything else that she might ask for - or sometimes things he thought she might want but not explicitly ask. This time though was a little different, when he had gone to fetch some herbs for the mother of his children he grabbed a few extra for the other new mother as well.

It was nothing fancy. A little sweetgrass for afterbirth care - which he didn’t even know if the mother of a month old would still need but her was giving to Treyah regularly. Some pineapple weed which would help prevent infection from setting in, and finally an offering of hellebore in case either mother was feeling any pain. He didn’t know whether any of this was even still needed this late in the game but it made him feel like he was doing something worthwhile while the mother fed their babies.

Draven placed the small bundle of herbs at the entrance to Nauja’s birthing den and quietly called in the instructions for anyone who might be there to hear them. Then he picked up Treyah’s portion and padded back towards her den, but she wouldn’t need instructions since he had already told her this many times.

Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

Her baby boy was a month old now and Nauja couldn't believe it, time felt like it had gone so fast. Now that he was getting older the sea wolf let Zale play in and outside the den as he liked though she kept a close watch on him. She drew more thankful for the draw wolves with each passing day, running into Treyah in the forest that day had given her a chance to have a safe place to raise her son. With Treyah's pups having been recently born Zale would have playmates soon enough. It would be a better life for him then living in the wild moving from place to place.

She was resting in the den keeping an ear out for Sale in case he needed anything. With her head on her paws she felt her eyes drooping as she fell closer to sleep. She still wasn't sure she'd fully recovered from bringing her son into the world but she would be there soon enough. Then she would start contributing to the pack just as she used to when she'd been in the notch.

When the voice came through entrance to the den it took her a moment to recognize it as Dravens. When she did though she rose to her feet to go out and greet him. They hadn't really had a chance to speak and now seemed like a good one. He was already walking away by the time she made it outside so she went after him, “Hey, Draven,” she called after him to get him to stop.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Becca who has 22 posts.
Inactive Pup
Zale Mizuno-Kersey
couldn't resist throwing him in after his ma

He followed after his mother's dark form, a sharp frown on his boyish features. The boy toddled the best he could — which was better than it had been just a week ago for he practiced his walking when mother wasn't around — in order to catch up with her. He figured wherever she was going must have been pretty important to leave him behind. Good thing he invited himself.

His dark pudgy form leaned into her front leg as he looked up at the stranger who...looked like his mother? That was odd. He had never seen another Mother before. The boy's brows furrowed sharply as he tried to gauge who this look-alike was. His mother seemed to know him though and so he would stay by her side instead of pulling on her tail to get her to go back to the den.

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Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh

Draven hadn’t made it more than a few paces away from Nauja and her child’s den before he heard movement behind him and a voice. Slowing his paws the dark wolf turned, a pleasant expression on his face without having an outright smile. Looking the dark wolf over he saw no immediate cause for concern, ”Do you have questions about the herbs?” That was the only reason he could think of for having emerged, he was pleasant with his packmates but certainly not close with any of them. Definitely not with the males, some of whom the dark healer merely tolerated for Treyah’s sake.

Before she had a chance to answer they were joined by a dark form, a small pup whose brown fur had darkened into a deeper black. Clearly he was going to take after his mother then, not that draven had any idea who the father was. To the boy the healer offered a small smile and a brief wag of his tale to show he meant no harm before turning his attention back to the mother and any questions she might have.

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

Nauja had moved quickly in order to catch up with Draven, she didn't want to miss her opportunity to speak with him. She'd called out once she was close enough which got him to turn around a question slipping from his maw. She smiled, “No though I do appreciate you bringing them. It's very kind of you. Actually I was hoping we could talk since I haven't had the chance to really meet you.” She really did want to get to know those who she now found herself in a pack with.

This conversation wasn't to be held just between them as her son had appeared. He'd obviously followed her which she couldn't help but smile at. She also noticed the way Draven reacted to Zale's presence. The new mother licked her son's crown in greeting before returning her attention to Draven. First things first though, “How is Treyah? I haven't had the chance to visit her just yet.” Though she felt that Draven had, he seemed like he really cared about the young mother and her pups.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Becca who has 22 posts.
Inactive Pup
Zale Mizuno-Kersey

His tail swayed at the friendly greeting he recieved. Yes! He was going to be a part of the grown up conversation! Even Mother planted a kiss to his crown, didn't shoo him back to the den. He offered a big toothy grin to the strange man who looked a lot like Mother. This was pretty nice.

"Trrrr." He tried to immitate the word he had heard, the one that stuck out the most to him. "Traaaa." A small frown tugged into his features as he was unable to get the name out just yet. Zale glanced to his mother wondering why on earth she would use such a difficult word!

With a humph, he plopped his rear onto the ground. Maybe grown up talk wasn't fun.

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Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh

The healer smiled and brushed away her thanks was a wag of his tail, there was no need for it though he did appreciate her acknowledgement. She was a member of the pack and it was his job to make sure that she was as healthy as she could possibly be. Though, the aspect of making small talk with the mother was rather daunting as Draven was certainly not a very chatty wolf. He was thankful that the child was there as a distraction as she leaned over to kiss his head.

Settling his romp on the ground to show he wasn’t going to be running away from this conversation and she had no need to rush after him any farther. Draven hummed, ”She’s doing well, as are the children. Aquaria and Scorpius.” Probably tired from taking the brunt of the child rearing for the time being but certainly not ill and that had to count for something.

Glancing downwards towards the grumpy pup Draven lowered his front and wiggled his ass end in the air, ”But how are the two of you doing?” Must be pretty good since they were both out walking and talking.

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

Nauja was glad that they had found a pack with a healer in it. She remembered how much she didn't have to worry while in White Fir Notch and with Zale it was most important. He didn't seem the type of puppy to go off and get himself hurt but she couldn't know what would happen. It was better for him to be able to be treated right away if necessary. The seawolf was also thankful to have someone with the knowledge of Herbs while he was having her son.

She was very curious about Treyah and wanted to make sure that she was doing well. The report Draven gave was a good one, her tail wagged happily. “I'm happy to hear it. Those are very nice names as well.” She spoke but went on, “I'm a first time mother as well but you’ll let Treyah know that if she needs anything don't be afraid to ask?” She and the alpha could figure the child tearing out together.

It pleased Nauja when Draven acknowledged her son when he came up even if Zale had his own mind about things. “We are doing well, finally got the little one out of the den. He's a good boy though and I'm glad he will have friends to play with.” Something else was on the seawolfs mind though and had been. “I'm not sure I've had the chance to congratulate you and if you need anything please let me know. I will be glad to help with whatever I can.”

She turned to her son then since Draven was being so welcoming to him. “Zale, this is Draven he is the healer in the pack.”

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Becca who has 22 posts.
Inactive Pup
Zale Mizuno-Kersey

They chatted more and Mother said a lot of things that sounded like more grown-up talk. Zale was about ready to roll over and play dead when the male suddenly did a very familiar pose. He could do that too! The child quickly imitated the healer's pose, short puppy tail whipping over his back like an eager banner. This was a whole lot better.

"Drrraaahhhvvveen!" He started off slowly as he dragged out each sound he could pick up. "Dra-veen!!" He chanted before bouncing forward slightly in hopes that saying the stranger's name would coax him to play. Adult talk was sooo boring. Zale knew how to have fun and he was more than willing to show off his great pouncing skills that Mother had been helping him hone. If tackling her tail mercilessly counted as help.

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Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh

As much as he hated small talk and felt very awkward about the whole encounter he did think that Nauja was nice and was happy to get to know her. It would be easier to co-mingle with the pack once he got past the initial awkwardness of it all. Nodding in appreciation his dark face broke into a warm smile, ”I’ll let her know, I’m sure it will be a comfort for her to have your support.” That and the support of the whole pack, but it was probably different when it was a wolf who understood what you were going through.

He nodded his thanks to her congratulations, nut sure what else to say to the comment. He was just happy that Treyah and the pups were doing as well as Nauja and her son seemed to be, and that’s what mattered the most. The pup in question seemed to be over the adult conversation his his cries of the healer’s name were any indication. With a chuckle he waved his tail in the air in invitation, stamping his paws in the dirt and ready to be charged. He would stay to play with the boy for as long as he wanted, or until Nauja ushered him off for a nap or dinner and then he would return to Treyah.

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]