About Vigils Keep
Pack pride colors for Vigils Keep are "Sterling Lilac (#D6BFDE)" and "True Heart Rose (#FAACA8)".
The Wolves of Vigils Keep.
- Current Leader: Nineva
- Established: May 24th, 2018
- Location: Vigils Keep, Turtleback Lake, Snowmarch Expanse, Relic Lore
- Navigation: North-North-Eastern part of Relic Lore, on the North shore of the Turtleback Lake.
- Den Description: Amongst the twists and outcrops are many shallow caverns, but the one that the Keep wolves choose to gather within stands out for the lone, towering redwood that has set its roots deeply within the loam of the cave floor. A natural skylight offered the tree sunlight and rainwater in its youth, and now it has grown through the rugged circle to join the forest’s canopy.
- Pack Colors: #D6BFDE & #FAACA8
- Character Alignment: Mixed Lawful & Chaotic, Mostly Neutral.
- Allies:
- Friendly:
- Neutral: All other packs.
- Spurned: Driftwood Surge.
- Enemies:
- Core Values: Justice, order, bravery, loyalty, redemption, education.
- Motto: “Without justice, courage is weak.”
- Age Range: Pup - 4 years old.
- Size Range: Pup - Large.
- Roles Present:
Notes & Trivia.
- Founded by the last remaining daughter of Whisper Caverns, and supported by the last remaining son.
- Strongly favors male recruits.