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Side effects — Vigils Keep 
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Played by Kai who has 119 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ramiel Minos Archer
I don't believe in no devil,'cause I done raised this hell

The last idea had run its course and not shown itself to be successful, the crows were still flying and stealing more food all around them. It was obvious they were running out of ideas but Neha however had one. With the situation they were in he was ready to hear whatever she had to say and it seemed Elias would do anything.

So Ramiel ignored the birds for a moment while he listened to what the female was proposing. He felt he should get the judge of whether he liked it or not anyway. The idea was given to them in one word at first, poison. He didn't say anything at first letting her go on to explain herself and how she planned to pull it off. To him is seemed a sound plan and one that would no doubt work but he could see some problems. The only part he didn't like about it was the starting over part but he supposed they would have to anyway, it was unavoidable.

“We will have to notify the rest of the pack and then dispose of the birds once they're dead. Extra care should be taken with Ellery but other than that it's seems our only option,” he said voicing his concerns on the matter. He didn't particularly want to risk poisoning any of his packmates accidentally. With any luck some of the coyotes would find the poisoned birds and they could take care of them too.

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Played by Alice who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elias Selwyn

Poison! That was...wasn't that a bit drastic? Maybe the caches were salvageable, maybe they could- Elias clicked his jaw shut. She was right, loath he to admit it but if they just let the crows go they would return again and again. It was a risk they couldn't take, they were going to have to start from scratch anyway. At least if they went down this path they could ensure that their stores would remain unscavenged. Elias sighed shakily as he nodded, he hated this. All of it, but what could he do? 

"I...yes, I think it would be for the best." Still, it was an unpleasant thought. Snuffing out so many lives, all at once. And so viciously too, like they were murderers. He swallowed thickly then as his eyes became steely, colder than before. He'd killed before, how would this be any different? "Show us how it's done."


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[Image: teamselwyn_2_by_marthypie-dcq9co4.png]