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Volatile — Poison Path 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Hmm, after since she is thinking about her convo with Triell.. Not sure how that works with Elda not being at the meeting but *shrug* I’m also assuming she’s grounded at this point :P Sorry for the crappy shortness. It's been a bit of a muse sucking weekend.

And the shame was on the other side...

It would seem it was a night for riddles and an amused smile crossed her face at his response. Sometimes she wondered why he was so convinced that there was little good about himself. She was quickly drawn from her thoughts however with his sudden change of topic. Ani? He couldn't mean her sister Ani for sure?

"Ani? As in my sister Ani? How was she? When did she get here? Was she ok?" Panic was creeping into her voice. The last time she had seen her tiny sister she was storming off into the wilderness alone. She had been sure the keen little tracker would find her within a matter of hours but she hadn't seen her since and was convinced the worst had come of the tiny wolf. Her heart was hammering in her throat. If anything had happened to her she would never forgive herself.

Oh we can beat them...

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Alrighty aha. <3 How’re you feeling?

<blockquote>He tilted his head towards her. Her voice hadn’t been what he had expecting, she seemed panicked, nervous; something was amiss here and he wanted to know just what that was. The little wolf had been timid, scared of something. Naira’s response to his comment was also nervous, perhaps there was more to the pair then he had read into. He wondered then, why she had been so intent on tracking down Kanosak rather than Naira- sure, Kanosak seemed fine enough, but his Naira was far sweeter. If it was his choice, he’d hunt her down without a second though. Then again, love was blind.

<b>”Small. Fragile. Scared of her own shadow.”</b> he began, considering his words carefully, he didn’t need to get to upset or go wandering off again on a mission to find her. Not after her last little escape had gone down so well... not. <b>”I don’t know how she got here, but she was looking for your brother. She said that she left to find him. She smelt you on me, this was before we left the River wolves so I told her you were a pack mate and I’d pass on the message to let you know I’d bumped into her... but she asked me not to bother.”</b> he continued as he inched closer. With his nose, he bumped her wet cheek and tilted her head up slightly.

<b>”Why would she be hiding from you?”</b> he asked, his gaze meeting her own head on.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn

Oh we can be heroes...

She leaned into his small nudge drawing strength from his embrace. She needed to be strong, she couldn't be falling to pieces right now, or gallivanting across the country side looking for the little wolf that had abandoned her. Family was meant to be everything and Aniu had thrown it all away over a small disagreement on which direction to travel. Deep down, she had known she would forgive her in a heartbeat if ever she returned, but now? She was just another loner to potentially come snooping at their borders and she would have to be treated as such. Just as Kanosak would need to be treated with caution until she figured out where they stood with the Creek wolves.

Another deep breath and she was centered. It was amazing how much strength she could summon from his scent alone. It sounded as if Ani was not the confident little spitfire she remembered anymore so of course she would go running to Kano, she always had. "I don't know why she would hide from me. Frankly, I don't care. She always ran to him when she was upset, why would it be any different now?" there was only a tiny drip of poison in her tone. If they could see her now, know what they had done... She had bested both of them before. This time would be no different. She was meant for this and nobody would take it from her.

"Speaking of my siblings, what of yours?" she questioned quietly. "Triell mentioned you have a sister. He seems quiet taken with her..." She had the feeling she was treading on dangerous ground but she had to know why her friend would hate Rhysis so, she had to know what threat this woman held to her if any, and she needed to know why...

Forever and ever...

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>His brow quirked at her response. He had never thought of her to speak meanly about anyone, she was always so nice, kind and calm. It appeared little Ani had done something of a new level to bring that sort of reaction from her. Almost taken aback, he simply listened in silence to her. She was vague, obviously a sore spot that she didn’t wish to talk about. She seemed annoyed more then upset, but that could just be front. Unsure of what to say on the matter, he just let her vent and listened in silence. He didn’t want to upset her any further or pry into business which was obviously something she had issues with.

However, that didn’t mean he was prepared for her next question. She’d been talking to Triell about Volkan huh? He didn’t know what Triell had said, in fairness he had never said a <i>bad</i> word about Volkan, he had never lied, simply revealed a past she had wanted to hide. He held in a sneer which threatened to appear at the mention of the younger black male; he bet she had enjoyed talking to him, digging into a past that Rhysis didn’t want her to know. Still, he wasn’t going to lie now, if she wanted to know the truth then so be it. He wasn’t ashamed or who or what he was... though he hoped deep down she wouldn’t suddenly run from him, never to be seen again.

<b>”Volkan... she is no sister of mine.”</b> he scoffed coldly, his eyes meeting hers once more for a fleeting moment, before he looked away to the lake, trying to find peace upon its surface, to calm the rage that he felt building within him every time he thought of the grey bitch. <b>”Triell can have the whore. They belong together.... they can sit and talk of my death together until they die.”</b> he said, keeping himself cryptic for the moment... but he felt she needed more then just a few harsh words. <b>”Volkan is my only sister. She’s come to these lands, lied about who she is and where she had come from. She has also asked her pack, the Creek wolves, to kill me on sight because I came here to kill her.”</b> he stated, as if it was the most boring subject in the world. <b>”And yes, I had every intention to kill her until I got closer to her. When I made it to the creek, I didn’t want to hurt her anymore. I just wanted to see her... talk to her, argue like we used to.”</b> he said, a shrug forming in his shoulders. <b>”When I got there though, I was chased off by the alpha; he wouldn’t even listen to my reasoning. I heard the gossip after that, she wanted me dead. Even Kanosak, your brother, told me to stay away.”</b> a cold stare fell to his eyes and he fell silent, thinking back to the whispers upon the wind he had caught, her speaking of his demise. She had over reacted about everything, but she was too much of a worthless slut, too big headed to think that he could be here for any other reason than to kill her. Of course, at first he had been, but then he had been hurt and angry... when loneliness hit him he just missed her, but now, with her wanting him dead he was right back to feeling hurt and angry.

<b>”I should probably tell you why we split up. We were exiled. We’re the result of my father raping an omega. We found out and got chased out when we were a year old; he worried we would tell the pack of his dirty deed.”</b> he said as it as if it were nothing, just a hard fact in life. He’d learnt long ago to ignore the hurt he felt about the situation. <b>”So we were lost together. Lost, hungry, angry, hurt... you name it and we felt it.”</b> he paused, thinking back to the day it had all turned sour. <b>”So one day we were walking. It was hot, unfomfortably hot. We were hungry, I was irritatble and suffering from a headache... they had only recently started and I had trouble dealing with them. Volkan was whining, complaining she was hungry and just talking... always talking.”</b> he said, his lips turning to a sneer and his nose wrinkled. God, if only she had shut up! <b>”So I lost it. I didn’t even know what I did, what happened until everything became clear... and she was cowering beneath me. Next thing I knew she was running for her life from me. I tried to chase her, but she’s fast and fleeing as if in fear for her life. I... I don’t know what happened but she left me. Abandoned me. The only family I had... just like that.”</b> he snarled, to himself rather then to Naira at the memory.

He refused to meet her gaze as his story finished then. It was the first time he had told anyone it, the first time he had heard the tale outloud and in all honesty at that moment, he felt upset; pulled apart by just how tough his short life had been, and how grim and short his future now looked.
What waste of life he was.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
I'm happy to wrap this up here, but if you want to go another round feel free ;)

We could be heroes...

His demeanor changed before her eyes but she didn't move away from him. If anything she inched a little closer. His tone was so cold, and angry. She wanted him to know she was there for him, no matter what. It almost felt as if the two of them were standing against the world, but she wouldn't leave him to face it alone. His problems were her problems now.

Why would they talk of his death? Why would she lie of her past? She didn't suspect Rhysis would lie to her. He had originally come here to kill his sister? A pang radiated through her stomach at old memories, buried for good reason but she pushed the thoughts down. Now was not the time to reflect on such dark stirrings. He had met Kano as well and been warned to stay away? Did her brother know of what had transpired between the pair?

Who his parents were didn't matter. Where he had come from didn't matter. She understood how hard it was to be alone, the sting of being abandoned by a sibling when it was just the two of you against the world but she wouldn't kill her sister for leaving her. She might tear an ear or rip off a tail but she wouldn't kill her... She didn't recoil at his snarl, and she wasn't hurt when he couldn't meet her eyes. She could feel the tension in his body and she breathed calmly, processing all that she had just been told. Her pink tongue snaked out against his cheek in reassurance.

"We'll get through this." There was very little else she could say. It looked like she was going to be taking a trip to visit her brother sooner rather than later and she knew Rhysis wouldn't like it so she kept her mouth shut. She wanted to hear Volkan's side of the story so she could formulate a proper course of action and decide whether or not she would find herself facing her siblings from opposite sides of a battlefield in the near future.

Just for one day...

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>She listened. Simply listened. There was no judgement in her eyes, though he was certain she would have some thoughts about what he had said. Anyone would have to think about it... but the way she looked at him, with devoting and love, even though he had such ill intentions showed him just how much she cared for him.
The thing is... he wasn't an evil wolf. He was practical. He told the truth and unfortunatly, not many liked hearing the truth. Yes, he said things to get a reaction but who didn't? The utter truth... he'd never killed anyone. He had no deep, dark murder on his hands. Of course, he'd injured and fought, but never to the death. Evil? No... Practical. Logical. Survovir.

<b>"Let's go home... I just wanna lay next to you... breathe you in."</b> he said as he stepped forwards, rubbing his flank down her side until their heads were level. With a nuzzle to her fluffy chest, he stepped off. Not minding he was wet, not minding he was cold...caring only that she was with him now and hopefully, always.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]