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The Eastfall Clan
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Posted by Nash who has 629 posts.

The Eastfall Clan

The Eastfall clan entered the Lore in January of 2015 when Tagg, just shy of three years old, fled human hunters that had killed his family. Shortly after his arrival he joined Fallen Tree Cove. He was once driven from the Lore by Coyotes and joined a war against them, only to return to FTC upon their victory. There he met and fell in love with Moonshadow, obtained permission to have children from the Vuesains leading the pack, and the Eastfalls have continued to reside around the mountain and throughout the Lore ever since.

Notable Traits

Eyes: Green and Silver run strongest in the Eastfall line, with heterochromia through Tagg’s parents.

Markings/Fur color:Black fur is most common, followed by agouti patterning.

Notable Members

Tagg: First member of the Eastfall bloodline in the Lore

Chan: Firstborn of Tagg and Moonshadow, former leader of Sanguine Cove.

Nash: Second surviving son of Tagg and Moonshadow, current leader of Sanguine Cove.

(This post was last modified: Jul 10, 2023, 02:13 AM by Nash.)
Posted by Nash who has 629 posts.

First Generation


Tagg Eastfall (Apr 9, 2012 - May 2019)

Tagg Eastfall was born beyond the Lore to a loving family. His life looked to be laid before him until human poachers with hunting dogs murdered his family. The lone survivor and bearing a scar that would blind him in one eye, Tagg found his way to the Lore and made a home with Fallen Tree Cove under Vespertio Vuesain. All too soon Tagg found himself driven from his chosen home by a particularly aggressive pack of coyotes and was rescued by another family, whom he repaid by spending the year assisting them in their war against the coyotes.

Once they’d achieved victory, Tagg said his farewells and made his way back to the Cove, where he begged forgiveness for his actions and was accepted back home. It was then he met Moonshadow and after a whirlwind romance they were mated and granted permission to bear pups, bringing Chan Eastfall into the world. Unfortunately their other two children in the litter were stillborn. This didn’t stop them from throwing all their love into  their son. During Moonshadow’s second pregnancy, Tikhi appeared at the borders, seeking Tagg and hoping to bring him back to the pack he’d helped fight coyotes. When it became clear he had put down roots and wouldn’t be leaving with her, Tikhi attacked Moonshadow. Arriving just in time, Tagg killed his former flame.

Despite the trouble, Moonshadow birthed two healthy pups: Nash and Staryn Eastfall. While their eldest son took to traveling, the couple did their best for the pack and their children even as more and more coyotes made the Lore their home and Tagg began worrying about a second war. He took to more frequent patrols to secure the territory. It was on one of these boundary runs that the mountain slid out from under his paws and Tagg was crushed in a landslide. Moonshadow and Nash found him and were able to say their final goodbyes before Tagg died and they buried him where he lay.


Moonshadow Eastfall (May 5, 2014 - Present)

Moonshadow was born beyond the Lore, separated from her family by a terrible fire. She tried finding them but when unsuccessful, hunger drove her to wander. She came upon the Lore and eventually met Kajika, who brought her to Fallen Tree Cove. Her new friend became her teacher, helping the orphaned girl to become a functioning pack member. After a brief absence looking for her brother, Moon was asked to temporarily lead the Cove while Namid was unable to do so. It wasn’t long after this change that she met Tagg, who had just returned from his own absence. After she stepped back down from her temporary leadership and she had more free time, she fell in love with the man she affectionately referred to as ‘her veteran’ and agreed to be his mate.

After Tagg’s death and the disappearances of all her children Moon began to wander further and further - until one day she returned and everyone was gone. She returned bimonthly to visit her husband’s grave and on her last trip up she was found by her two sons and brought home to lay claim to the lands of a new pack: Sanguine Cove.

(This post was last modified: Jul 12, 2023, 11:18 PM by Nash.)
Posted by Nash who has 629 posts.

Second Generation


Tagg & Moonshadow Eastfall

Chan Eastfall (May 3, 2017 - Present)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In semper augue eget libero placerat, sit amet sodales orci posuere. Donec tempus elementum nibh, quis ullamcorper nisl hendrerit sed. Mauris tincidunt justo vel nunc euismod, vel pellentesque mi consectetur. Vivamus sed pellentesque lectus. Vivamus eget justo tristique, pulvinar elit sed, imperdiet nisl. Donec egestas, ante ac tristique hendrerit, leo mauris accumsan sem, non scelerisque sem dolor at tortor. Fusce fringilla ligula ac nibh ullamcorper viverra. Maecenas id malesuada mauris. Nulla facilisi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc tincidunt sem in metus finibus mattis. Mauris non porta lorem. Sed tempor, justo eget cursus posuere, tellus diam tincidunt sem, ac fermentum diam sem eget sapien. Aliquam erat ligula, pharetra quis risus elementum, gravida tempus dolor. Ut ultrices lobortis quam, sed porta ligula ultrices vel.Donec faucibus turpis turpis, at vehicula lorem volutpat id. Vestibulum sed facilisis ante. Aenean venenatis bibendum felis, a aliquam augue facilisis non. Pellentesque tristique lobortis pretium. Integer interdum diam id tortor viverra, condimentum sagittis elit varius. Curabitur vitae elit tristique augue venenatis dignissim id quis risus. Sed nulla quam, commodo ut dolor non, lobortis dictum purus. Nunc sed elit nisl.

Nash Eastfall (May 5, 2018 - Present)

Nash had a chaotic childhood, wandering away from his childhood home as a young pup and getting lost. He returned, only for his father to die in a rockfall. The yearling vowed to make Tagg proud an began going on patrols to look out for coyotes. He returned one day and found his home empty. Nash returned to his father’s grave every few months to see if his mother had returned.

On one of these visits Nash ran into Neha and Aleister Vuesain - and his older brother Chan. While working to reform their pack, the brothers find their mother at the base of the mountain and bring her home just in time for the claiming of Sanguine Cove, across the lake from the territory of their birth.

Having decided to follow in his father’s footsteps Nash became single-mindedly focused on becoming a guardian. During this pursuit he began spending time with the pack’s healer, Aquene Slayer, and the two fell in love. After a brutal battle with an invading cougar where Nash, Chan, and Flair were injured, Aquene and Nash have an important discussion regarding Nash’s PTSD surrounding abandonment. With his love’s guidance, Nash made improvements in his attitude and nightmares.

Spring brought good news in Aleister granting Nash and Aquene his blessing to start a family and the pair welcomed Matos, Magg, and Monatalia into the world. The good times were not to last, however, as a record drought hit the Lore. During the struggle to cope Aleister died as a result of a fight with a cougar, leaving the rest of the Cove reeling. Nash was asked to step up beside Oksana in her mate’s stead. Nervous but proud to serve his family, Nash did as asked.

The following year brought more tragedy - during the annual pup exchange with neighboring pack Dead Empress Backwater one of the Valle pups fell through the ice and drowned. Nash delivered news of the death to his fellow leader while Chan and Auburn returned her body and their alliance with the Backwater was severed.

His brother having left the Cove again and Oksana stepping down, the new year brought new stressors. Nash fell ill just in time for his wife to give birth to Eclypse. Luckily, under Aquene’s care, Nash quickly regained his strength and was able to resume leadership of the Cove - this time with his wife at his side.

Staryn Eastfall (May 5, 2018 - Present)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus cursus, massa quis pulvinar scelerisque, nulla nisl pellentesque quam, sit amet tempor augue leo id augue. Donec sollicitudin faucibus mauris id posuere. Donec pulvinar nunc quis mi bibendum tristique. Aliquam ut massa malesuada, rutrum magna in, tempor risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean semper eleifend fringilla. Morbi vulputate arcu ac dolor mattis laoreet. Proin sed augue velit. Nunc luctus aliquam ligula ut vestibulum. Curabitur lobortis sapien nec odio rutrum dictum. Nunc ac pharetra tortor. Integer in tortor imperdiet, tristique mauris ut, laoreet nibh. Cras metus lacus, dapibus ut lectus vel, pulvinar pulvinar est. Sed viverra enim mauris, elementum efficitur augue vehicula sit amet. Pellentesque id odio elementum, tincidunt massa at, gravida est.

Etiam porttitor sollicitudin ante posuere facilisis. Etiam pellentesque, ligula sed sollicitudin venenatis, justo lorem placerat diam, vel pretium nunc quam sit amet nisl. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus eget mi ante. Cras commodo quam eget nisi aliquet fringilla. Proin eu turpis nec erat imperdiet posuere congue eget felis. Etiam mattis lectus libero, eget tincidunt enim vulputate at. Aenean sit amet libero risus. Fusce nec condimentum lorem, at porta ante. Donec ac ultricies ipsum. Duis malesuada magna non maximus ullamcorper. Quisque at leo ac odio vulputate imperdiet. Morbi faucibus arcu in enim accumsan, nec venenatis quam malesuada. Ut pretium varius nisl, ut elementum ante facilisis in. Aliquam convallis nulla quis lacinia rutrum.


Aquene Slayer (Apr 15, 2019 - Present) - Mated to Nash

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus cursus, massa quis pulvinar scelerisque, nulla nisl pellentesque quam, sit amet tempor augue leo id augue. Donec sollicitudin faucibus mauris id posuere. Donec pulvinar nunc quis mi bibendum tristique. Aliquam ut massa malesuada, rutrum magna in, tempor risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean semper eleifend fringilla. Morbi vulputate arcu ac dolor mattis laoreet. Proin sed augue velit. Nunc luctus aliquam ligula ut vestibulum. Curabitur lobortis sapien nec odio rutrum dictum. Nunc ac pharetra tortor. Integer in tortor imperdiet, tristique mauris ut, laoreet nibh. Cras metus lacus, dapibus ut lectus vel, pulvinar pulvinar est. Sed viverra enim mauris, elementum efficitur augue vehicula sit amet. Pellentesque id odio elementum, tincidunt massa at, gravida est.

Etiam porttitor sollicitudin ante posuere facilisis. Etiam pellentesque, ligula sed sollicitudin venenatis, justo lorem placerat diam, vel pretium nunc quam sit amet nisl. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus eget mi ante. Cras commodo quam eget nisi aliquet fringilla. Proin eu turpis nec erat imperdiet posuere congue eget felis. Etiam mattis lectus libero, eget tincidunt enim vulputate at. Aenean sit amet libero risus. Fusce nec condimentum lorem, at porta ante. Donec ac ultricies ipsum. Duis malesuada magna non maximus ullamcorper. Quisque at leo ac odio vulputate imperdiet. Morbi faucibus arcu in enim accumsan, nec venenatis quam malesuada. Ut pretium varius nisl, ut elementum ante facilisis in. Aliquam convallis nulla quis lacinia rutrum.

Flair Smoke-Athesila (May 3, 2016 - Present) - Life Partner with Chan

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus cursus, massa quis pulvinar scelerisque, nulla nisl pellentesque quam, sit amet tempor augue leo id augue. Donec sollicitudin faucibus mauris id posuere. Donec pulvinar nunc quis mi bibendum tristique. Aliquam ut massa malesuada, rutrum magna in, tempor risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean semper eleifend fringilla. Morbi vulputate arcu ac dolor mattis laoreet. Proin sed augue velit. Nunc luctus aliquam ligula ut vestibulum. Curabitur lobortis sapien nec odio rutrum dictum. Nunc ac pharetra tortor. Integer in tortor imperdiet, tristique mauris ut, laoreet nibh. Cras metus lacus, dapibus ut lectus vel, pulvinar pulvinar est. Sed viverra enim mauris, elementum efficitur augue vehicula sit amet. Pellentesque id odio elementum, tincidunt massa at, gravida est.

Etiam porttitor sollicitudin ante posuere facilisis. Etiam pellentesque, ligula sed sollicitudin venenatis, justo lorem placerat diam, vel pretium nunc quam sit amet nisl. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus eget mi ante. Cras commodo quam eget nisi aliquet fringilla. Proin eu turpis nec erat imperdiet posuere congue eget felis. Etiam mattis lectus libero, eget tincidunt enim vulputate at. Aenean sit amet libero risus. Fusce nec condimentum lorem, at porta ante. Donec ac ultricies ipsum. Duis malesuada magna non maximus ullamcorper. Quisque at leo ac odio vulputate imperdiet. Morbi faucibus arcu in enim accumsan, nec venenatis quam malesuada. Ut pretium varius nisl, ut elementum ante facilisis in. Aliquam convallis nulla quis lacinia rutrum.

Analia (Unknown - Unknown) - Parent with Chan

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus cursus, massa quis pulvinar scelerisque, nulla nisl pellentesque quam, sit amet tempor augue leo id augue. Donec sollicitudin faucibus mauris id posuere. Donec pulvinar nunc quis mi bibendum tristique. Aliquam ut massa malesuada, rutrum magna in, tempor risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean semper eleifend fringilla. Morbi vulputate arcu ac dolor mattis laoreet. Proin sed augue velit. Nunc luctus aliquam ligula ut vestibulum. Curabitur lobortis sapien nec odio rutrum dictum. Nunc ac pharetra tortor. Integer in tortor imperdiet, tristique mauris ut, laoreet nibh. Cras metus lacus, dapibus ut lectus vel, pulvinar pulvinar est. Sed viverra enim mauris, elementum efficitur augue vehicula sit amet. Pellentesque id odio elementum, tincidunt massa at, gravida est.

Etiam porttitor sollicitudin ante posuere facilisis. Etiam pellentesque, ligula sed sollicitudin venenatis, justo lorem placerat diam, vel pretium nunc quam sit amet nisl. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus eget mi ante. Cras commodo quam eget nisi aliquet fringilla. Proin eu turpis nec erat imperdiet posuere congue eget felis. Etiam mattis lectus libero, eget tincidunt enim vulputate at. Aenean sit amet libero risus. Fusce nec condimentum lorem, at porta ante. Donec ac ultricies ipsum. Duis malesuada magna non maximus ullamcorper. Quisque at leo ac odio vulputate imperdiet. Morbi faucibus arcu in enim accumsan, nec venenatis quam malesuada. Ut pretium varius nisl, ut elementum ante facilisis in. Aliquam convallis nulla quis lacinia rutrum.

(This post was last modified: Jul 12, 2023, 11:43 PM by Nash.)
Posted by Nash who has 629 posts.

Third Generation


Chan Eastfall & Analia Tanga

Auburn Tanga-Eastfall (Jun 29, 2020 - Apr 9, 2023)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus cursus, massa quis pulvinar scelerisque, nulla nisl pellentesque quam, sit amet tempor augue leo id augue. Donec sollicitudin faucibus mauris id posuere. Donec pulvinar nunc quis mi bibendum tristique. Aliquam ut massa malesuada, rutrum magna in, tempor risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean semper eleifend fringilla. Morbi vulputate arcu ac dolor mattis laoreet. Proin sed augue velit. Nunc luctus aliquam ligula ut vestibulum. Curabitur lobortis sapien nec odio rutrum dictum. Nunc ac pharetra tortor. Integer in tortor imperdiet, tristique mauris ut, laoreet nibh. Cras metus lacus, dapibus ut lectus vel, pulvinar pulvinar est. Sed viverra enim mauris, elementum efficitur augue vehicula sit amet. Pellentesque id odio elementum, tincidunt massa at, gravida est.

Marigold Tanga (Jun 29, 2020 - Present)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus cursus, massa quis pulvinar scelerisque, nulla nisl pellentesque quam, sit amet tempor augue leo id augue. Donec sollicitudin faucibus mauris id posuere. Donec pulvinar nunc quis mi bibendum tristique. Aliquam ut massa malesuada, rutrum magna in, tempor risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean semper eleifend fringilla. Morbi vulputate arcu ac dolor mattis laoreet. Proin sed augue velit. Nunc luctus aliquam ligula ut vestibulum. Curabitur lobortis sapien nec odio rutrum dictum. Nunc ac pharetra tortor. Integer in tortor imperdiet, tristique mauris ut, laoreet nibh. Cras metus lacus, dapibus ut lectus vel, pulvinar pulvinar est. Sed viverra enim mauris, elementum efficitur augue vehicula sit amet. Pellentesque id odio elementum, tincidunt massa at, gravida est.

Nash Eastfall & Aquene Slayer

Matos Eastfall-Slayer (May 2, 2022 - Present)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus cursus, massa quis pulvinar scelerisque, nulla nisl pellentesque quam, sit amet tempor augue leo id augue. Donec sollicitudin faucibus mauris id posuere. Donec pulvinar nunc quis mi bibendum tristique. Aliquam ut massa malesuada, rutrum magna in, tempor risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean semper eleifend fringilla. Morbi vulputate arcu ac dolor mattis laoreet. Proin sed augue velit. Nunc luctus aliquam ligula ut vestibulum. Curabitur lobortis sapien nec odio rutrum dictum. Nunc ac pharetra tortor. Integer in tortor imperdiet, tristique mauris ut, laoreet nibh. Cras metus lacus, dapibus ut lectus vel, pulvinar pulvinar est. Sed viverra enim mauris, elementum efficitur augue vehicula sit amet. Pellentesque id odio elementum, tincidunt massa at, gravida est.

Magg Eastfall-Slayer (May 2, 2022 - Present)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus cursus, massa quis pulvinar scelerisque, nulla nisl pellentesque quam, sit amet tempor augue leo id augue. Donec sollicitudin faucibus mauris id posuere. Donec pulvinar nunc quis mi bibendum tristique. Aliquam ut massa malesuada, rutrum magna in, tempor risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean semper eleifend fringilla. Morbi vulputate arcu ac dolor mattis laoreet. Proin sed augue velit. Nunc luctus aliquam ligula ut vestibulum. Curabitur lobortis sapien nec odio rutrum dictum. Nunc ac pharetra tortor. Integer in tortor imperdiet, tristique mauris ut, laoreet nibh. Cras metus lacus, dapibus ut lectus vel, pulvinar pulvinar est. Sed viverra enim mauris, elementum efficitur augue vehicula sit amet. Pellentesque id odio elementum, tincidunt massa at, gravida est.

Monatalia Eastfall-Slayer (May 2, 2022 - Present)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus cursus, massa quis pulvinar scelerisque, nulla nisl pellentesque quam, sit amet tempor augue leo id augue. Donec sollicitudin faucibus mauris id posuere. Donec pulvinar nunc quis mi bibendum tristique. Aliquam ut massa malesuada, rutrum magna in, tempor risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean semper eleifend fringilla. Morbi vulputate arcu ac dolor mattis laoreet. Proin sed augue velit. Nunc luctus aliquam ligula ut vestibulum. Curabitur lobortis sapien nec odio rutrum dictum. Nunc ac pharetra tortor. Integer in tortor imperdiet, tristique mauris ut, laoreet nibh. Cras metus lacus, dapibus ut lectus vel, pulvinar pulvinar est. Sed viverra enim mauris, elementum efficitur augue vehicula sit amet. Pellentesque id odio elementum, tincidunt massa at, gravida est.

Eclypse Eastfall-Slayer (May 16, 2023 - Present)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus cursus, massa quis pulvinar scelerisque, nulla nisl pellentesque quam, sit amet tempor augue leo id augue. Donec sollicitudin faucibus mauris id posuere. Donec pulvinar nunc quis mi bibendum tristique. Aliquam ut massa malesuada, rutrum magna in, tempor risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean semper eleifend fringilla. Morbi vulputate arcu ac dolor mattis laoreet. Proin sed augue velit. Nunc luctus aliquam ligula ut vestibulum. Curabitur lobortis sapien nec odio rutrum dictum. Nunc ac pharetra tortor. Integer in tortor imperdiet, tristique mauris ut, laoreet nibh. Cras metus lacus, dapibus ut lectus vel, pulvinar pulvinar est. Sed viverra enim mauris, elementum efficitur augue vehicula sit amet. Pellentesque id odio elementum, tincidunt massa at, gravida est.

Chan Eastfall & Flair Smoke-Athesila

Micaden Smoke-Athesila (May 24, 2023 - Present)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus cursus, massa quis pulvinar scelerisque, nulla nisl pellentesque quam, sit amet tempor augue leo id augue. Donec sollicitudin faucibus mauris id posuere. Donec pulvinar nunc quis mi bibendum tristique. Aliquam ut massa malesuada, rutrum magna in, tempor risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean semper eleifend fringilla. Morbi vulputate arcu ac dolor mattis laoreet. Proin sed augue velit. Nunc luctus aliquam ligula ut vestibulum. Curabitur lobortis sapien nec odio rutrum dictum. Nunc ac pharetra tortor. Integer in tortor imperdiet, tristique mauris ut, laoreet nibh. Cras metus lacus, dapibus ut lectus vel, pulvinar pulvinar est. Sed viverra enim mauris, elementum efficitur augue vehicula sit amet. Pellentesque id odio elementum, tincidunt massa at, gravida est.

Addison (May 24, 2023 - Present)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus cursus, massa quis pulvinar scelerisque, nulla nisl pellentesque quam, sit amet tempor augue leo id augue. Donec sollicitudin faucibus mauris id posuere. Donec pulvinar nunc quis mi bibendum tristique. Aliquam ut massa malesuada, rutrum magna in, tempor risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean semper eleifend fringilla. Morbi vulputate arcu ac dolor mattis laoreet. Proin sed augue velit. Nunc luctus aliquam ligula ut vestibulum. Curabitur lobortis sapien nec odio rutrum dictum. Nunc ac pharetra tortor. Integer in tortor imperdiet, tristique mauris ut, laoreet nibh. Cras metus lacus, dapibus ut lectus vel, pulvinar pulvinar est. Sed viverra enim mauris, elementum efficitur augue vehicula sit amet. Pellentesque id odio elementum, tincidunt massa at, gravida est.


Birth: Aleister Vuesain & Aquene Slayer; Step: Nash Eastfall

Kateri Vuesain-Slayer (May 9, 2021 - Present)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus cursus, massa quis pulvinar scelerisque, nulla nisl pellentesque quam, sit amet tempor augue leo id augue. Donec sollicitudin faucibus mauris id posuere. Donec pulvinar nunc quis mi bibendum tristique. Aliquam ut massa malesuada, rutrum magna in, tempor risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean semper eleifend fringilla. Morbi vulputate arcu ac dolor mattis laoreet. Proin sed augue velit. Nunc luctus aliquam ligula ut vestibulum. Curabitur lobortis sapien nec odio rutrum dictum. Nunc ac pharetra tortor. Integer in tortor imperdiet, tristique mauris ut, laoreet nibh. Cras metus lacus, dapibus ut lectus vel, pulvinar pulvinar est. Sed viverra enim mauris, elementum efficitur augue vehicula sit amet. Pellentesque id odio elementum, tincidunt massa at, gravida est.


C’mon, let them grow up!
