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One Day More — Secret Falls 
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Just getting this up for now. Yuka, Iopah, Koda eventually needed. Should be a while after this thread here-> http://relic-lore.net/showthread.php?tid=10643
10/6? /2015

Nari found herself staring at the side of the mountains that she never really got a chance to gaze upon. The clouds were swallowing up one whole half of the mountain side while the other lay bare reaching out of the earth like an exposed spine. The site could flummox anyone who was not familiar with the terrain, for the mountain almost seemed to reach farther into the sky as it melted into mist. She could almost imagine that the cold stone surrounded by the cloud was a giant castle on a cloud where no one got lost or died. She wondered if her father might be up there right now looking down at her, or perhaps watching over his grandchildren.

Yuka was lagging behind a bit, and Nari had begun to slow their pace for him. He was strong as a bison but the lads stamina was no where near her own. Looking back at him the gray woman made sure that Yuka wasn't too out of breath then turned to look forwards. Earlier in their travels, but a few days after leaving Nina, Nari had them bathe thoroughly and roll in the mud to get the scant scent of Nina's pack off of their coats. Then as the trip continued she made sure to rub up onto Yuka plenty to make it as if they had traveled together for some time. Now that they were closer to the other packs territory she was glad that she had remembered to do these things. Screwing up so early in their mission would have been a curse. 

They were in a little clearing now, hence why the wolves had the ability to see the mountains from their position. However the clearing was quickly being swallowed up by pine filled forests. The birds sung short songs while her long legs carried her through the tall timbers. Plenty of fallen logs and dead snags were peppered through the healthy climax forest.  It was a very pretty place. Nari favored forests despite having lived in a meadow for quite a few years now. Much like the tight walls of the caves the trees gave her a sense of security, but still she missed the darkness. That enveloping darkness which made complete sense to the she wolf was gone now. Now it was a world of bright colors and shapes that threatened to betray and blind her.

They were deep in the forest when the faint scent of wolf caught her keen nose. The hunter turned towards the direction the scent seemed to come from then trailed it. It smelled of pitch pine sap and earth. The wolf was a healthy female, but not Iopah as Nari remembered her. This was a different wolf, but the smell of Iopah was there on top. So Nari knew that they were on the right track. The pack was somewhere around this green territory. Once they came upon the borders Nari slowed to a stop and gazed out over the landscape. There were a few female scents around, and two distinctly male. One, Koda, she recognized instantly. Having served under the creamy gray male as a subordinate once in the past Nari would never forget his stench. Koda had been proud and noble back then, but now he was just as bad as the scum who betrayed her own pack. Still, she would have to respect him once again. Something that Nari was unsure would actually happen. The smells of pups also graced her nose, and since they were well integrated into the pack she could not tell the difference between Iopah's kin and the other she wolves. Instead Nari was quite surprised by the number of them. Iopah's pack must have been doing well for her to have four children all in one year. The silver wolf hoped that the number of pups meant that this territory had good hunting grounds. She would love to chase the deer through these tall pines.

Iopah's scent was the foremost one upon the border. Nari couldn't believe that the wolf who had been so depressed and lonely back in southern eden had become such a problematic wolf. It was hard for her to believe that she was an alpha too. Iopah had also made it onto Nari's shit list, despite their friendly history. Hopefully though she could be nice for long enough to actually get into the pack. It would be a long process Nari knew, but eventually she hoped to prove herself as a worthy member of Iopah and Koda's pack. She hoped that they would see the potential in Yuka as well. They were both still strong despite their hardships. Both would make good guardians should the pack need them. Nari would make a good scout or hunter as well. At this point she was well versed in most roles spare for healing and maybe teaching. She hoped that if she were accepted, that she could be a hunter, but truthfully Nari would be fine with being whatever the pack needed her to be, and excelling at it.

Nari lifted her head and let out a long sad howl. It was one of longing and despair. She could not fake the feelings of loss for losing her own home, and Nari hoped to use that here during the soon to be meeting. She called for Iopah and Koda by name letting her lost sounding call echo out across the landscape and through the pines. Then it ended, and her head lowered once more. She let her crown dip below her chest even, and pushed her tail downwards to rest at her hocks. Her silver fur lay beautifully over her tall lean frame. It was odd pushing herself so low once again. She had done it once to ask Nina to take her children in, but after that the woman seemed fine respecting each other at their own neutral stances. No need to submit ever arouse. Nari was sure that it would be different here though. Iopah had no idea of whether she could really trust Nari, so she would have to prove herself doubly. The pale womans eyes trailed along the tree to their right looking over the drill holes of some hungry woodpecker. She trusted that Yuka knew what to do by now. They had gone over their plan often enough for even a dumb pup to understand everything.


(This post was last modified: Oct 07, 2015, 02:37 AM by Narimé.)
Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
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Yuka Thorben

The russet hued man had been quite shocked when his mother and Lady Hervok had approached him about this plan that they had in mind. He had been even more hesitant with it when he realized that his adopted father would not be informed of the entire purpose of their mission. Yuka didn’t know exactly why, but he felt cheated with not telling his mentor where he was going. The Thorben had done what he could to steer clear of Ash, knowing that if asked, the boy wouldn’t be able to hold his tongue from his teacher. In preparation for their journey, Yuka slowly began to cut down his diet, if he wanted their story to be believable, it would bode them well if he looked slightly malnourished. Eventually, the day came that they set out.

Yuka was thankful that he had not been given many of the details, that way, if he couldn’t give his mentor any Intel, it wasn’t his fault. Never the less, his mother was quick to set off and with a final farewell, Narimé and Yuka set out on their mission. Both of them had one through the plans a number of times and the Thorben was sure that he would have it down. They would have to be careful, gain the trust of those around them before making their move. His mother, apparently, knew these wolves and the creamy man was slightly surprised to hear what their plan was. However, if it was what was in the best interest of his family, then he would happily obliged, especially if it would bring some kind of redemption for his curse of a face.

Their trip up the mountain took longer than both of them would have liked. With Yuka’s lack of stamina along with his lack of nutrition, it was hard for him to scale the mountains, even with his large bulk of muscle. While he had heard that climbing the mountains was hard, he found that he truly had to put all of his energy into it, especially when the thought of falling came to mind. It took the couple awhile, but eventually they had done it, and Yuka obediently followed his mother, for once trusting that she knew where she was going. Nina had been able to give a detailed description of where they needed to go, but judging from her age, Yuka highly doubted the Woodlands alpha had done the sleuthing on her own.

When they arrived at the borders, Yuka inhaled the unfamiliar stench of those around them. The young man had never had the opportunity to meet Iopah or Koda and perhaps he was glad he hadn’t. It would have probably made it harder for him to see them in a neutral light. Nina, after all, had been quite frail after their departure and Yuka had extended his stay in Secret Woodlands so that Ash could take care of her. Luckily, she seemed to be much healthier now and calling shots that the man didn’t know she was capable of calling. Ash, however, trusted her and his mentor’s trust meant something to Yuka. Over the past years, the Thorben had come to realize that Ash was not one to trust easily. It had even taken him months to fully accept his mother back into the back but in the end he had done so, and Yuka only believed it was because he had also let Nari into his heart. They made as a good couple and surprisingly balanced each other out.

Narimé had called for the leaders of Broken Timber Pines, and Yuka waited patiently, his amber-teal gaze downcast as he awaited the hopeful arrival of Nina’s traitors. The Guardian in-training had never found out what they had done, but it had been enough to win the hatred of a majority of Secret Woodlands. Yuka was also aware of the pack’s alliances. The young boy came to acknowledge that someone really didn’t want to get on Nina’s bad side. She could have a whole army on her side if she so chose. Granted, Nina didn’t seem to be the type to go to war, but if it was her only choice, Yuka would surely get the hell out of dodge. In a brief moment of uncertainty, Yuka stepped closer to his mother. To give her support and gain some for himself, he wasn’t sure.

Thank you TABs
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
@Koda your turn <3

There was a snake in the grass. It was only a few yards away, pushing slowly through the ferns and broken red-cedar limbs that littered the forest floor. Iopah watched the garter snake intensely, gold eyes following every line of movement. The autumn day was much too cold for it; the thing was sluggish and hardly noticed as the female wolf padded around it. Whatever had disturbed it from it's hibernating hole was unknown, perhaps the underground den had collapsed or one of the Pines' pups had tried to dig it out. It didn't really matter, Iopah stepped over the unsuspecting snake and darted her head downward.

The snake curled reflexively around her muzzle as teeth pierced it's flesh, but it was no match for the queen of the Pines. Iopah settled down on the fragrant bed of red-cedar needles to eat. The meal had just finished -she was still licking blood from her lips and checking for fallen scraps- when the call rang out. It was sad and long and familiar. Her hackles pricked at the familiarity.

She surged forward. The woman had long grown used to the fact that nearly everyone from her old life had become an enemy. She hadn't even given herself the chance to pick apart the identity of the voice. No, it was far more crucial to get there first, before any of the pups thought to investigate. Please, don't let them be in danger... Her feet made no sound over the thick carpet of red-cedar needles, it was just the increasing volume of her growl that gave her approach away.

Finally they came into view, the distance between them free of fallen cedars and their sight of each other was obscured only by leafless alders and frost-killed salmonberry canes. A smoke-and-cream painted tail flicked upwards, quivering with agitation, and she stared hard at the two wolves. Her gaze rested first on Narime and the quivering stopped for the briefest moment before a snarl curled her lips. "Narime," She acknowledged sharply, letting her gaze travel to the youth and then back to the woman she knew last as Nina's ally and confidant. "What are you doing here?"

Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
With permission to skip Koda

Narime stood confidently in the face of uncertainty. There was every chance that things could go badly now, but she could only hope that in the end they got a new home to stay in, a new pack to grow stronger with. Who knew, maybe Nari would actually enjoy her time here. That all depended on Iopah and Koda though.

As they waited Nari caught the scent of the Pine wolf first. Very soon after that she spots Iopah rushing towards them. The grayish woman slows to a stop with an obvious dominant posture slipping into her physical stance. When the females stare came to Nari she rightfully looked away lowering her head and tail in a submissive show. The Lagina woman's own body actions spoke saying "you're the boss" as she glanced over to look towards Yuka and make sure he was being just as respectable. Then Nari withdrew her breath readying herself to answer anything and everything that Iopah asked.

  "To be blunt, I'm here to join your pack Iopah." she answered firmly with her voice evenly laced with annoyance in tone, but not annoyance at Iopah.   "Apparently to Nina an alliance does not mean that she'll accept her extended family into the pack when Whisper Caverns runs out of members... The bitch accepted my pups and Ash into her fold when they came calling, but refused us. Apparently there was just "too many of you" for her to accept us all." Nari puts all her anger into the quoted portion of her explanation. She did not hold back from showing her pent up anger over life in general as she casts her shimmering eyes to the clearing and stares at a bird in the distance.

  "I know your packs are not on good terms with each other, but your so far away that my joining you shouldn't be a problem with Nina. Especially since she stupidly refused the expert hunter at her doorstep. I still can't believe Ash sided with her. He took my children away from me. Only Yuka here stayed by my side. " She continued wanting to get all of their explanation in before further questioning. Nari was running a gauntlet now but the woman stayed as cool as a cucumber before the Pine Monarch.

  "In short, I don't mind pissing Nina off by joining up with you... Besides she told me how you and Koda left, and to be honest I did not agree with her making you enemies. If a female can't be strong enough to protect her bond with her man then she shouldn't have him. That's what I believe through and through. You were just stronger than her that's all, and only the strongest wolves should be leading packs to keep them strong." bringing up Koda and Iopah's relationship with a shrug, Nari had taken away the annoyance that had previous laced her words. Instead they were casual as she looked back over to a snag mixed within the pines. Now she lowered herself even further belly to the ground and peered upwards only for a moment to Iopah trying to convey that she truly wanted to be apart of her pack.

  "I have always been loyal to the pack and its leaders. Which is why Willow Ridge does not want me dead for one reason or another. I will be forever loyal to your pack, and seek to make it stronger than all others. I bring you my skills as a hunter." She tipped her head to the ground and laid her eyes at Iopah's paws. She then hoped and waited for @Yuka to do the same.

Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben

They were not greeted warmly and the Guard in training kept his eyes trained on the ground at Iopah’s paws. He let his mother do the talking, bowing before the woman in front of him. As he listened, he noted mentally that his mother was quite the actress and Yuka applauded her silently in his mind. Of course, he knew the emotions there were completely there. It had torn the silver woman apart because she had to leave her children and mate behind. Perhaps this would give him a new chance to prove his worth. After all, the only wolf he had ever been close to was Ash and that was just because he was his teacher.

The boy continued to remain silent as his mother weaved her tale, his amber teal-flecked eyes trained on the ground. When it seemed that his mother was done talking, he took a chance to look up at the creamy woman in front of him. She was beautiful, a steep contrast to himself. Time would only be able to tell why Nina distasted her so much, but right then was not the time for Yuka to play games. Perhaps, unlike his mother, Yuka’s sorrow was completely real as he looked upon the Timber’s Queen. He didn’t want there to be any hesitations with possibly gaining entrance to the pack. Swallowing thickly, he spoke, his voice low and sad, "If there are children within the pack…if you grant us entrance and you wish it, I will stay away from them. I wouldn’t want to scare them." He was referring to his face and tilted it hesitantly to the side to show the other woman what he was talking about. The russet hued boy looked away from the other woman, not willing to see disgust in her eyes, for it would surely injure his soul. Once he felt she had gotten a good look, he returned to awkwardly hanging his head to hide the scarring. It was something he wasn’t sure he would ever be able to get over.

Thank you TABs
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
-slinks in with late post-

Her tail was high and stiff, pitching back and forth slowly as she listened. The pair of wolves' respect was enough to remove the curl from her lip and she padded forward, nostrils flaring as she went. Iopah stared down at Narime's turned-away head as the woman spoke — caught up in the lie. They smelled only of the mountain range they had crossed and of each other. The story was unexpected, but -unbeknownst to her- the truth was more convoluted than the lie provided.

"I wouldn't of expected Nina to do that." Obviously something had changed with the Woodlands queen and Iopah rather suspected the Hervok was wary of having another mated pair within her bounds. Wouldn't it be amusing (for some) to have the same thing happen again under her nose?

As if on cue, the young male spoke up. Iopah said nothing, but her eyes must have given away some of her shock at the long-healed wounds. It was clear from his posture and hesitancy that he was ashamed of them. Her gaze flicked once to his silver-pelted mother, asking a question she couldn't articulate into words. "What caused that?" she finally asked instead. Her head shook at his offer, refusing the need not the honesty. "Your scars won't hurt them, they'll see far worse in their lifetime and they're too old to shelter." After all, everyone bore scars of some kind - Yuka's just happened to be on the outside.

Iopah sighed heavily through her nose and looked back to Narime. "How do I know you won't go and try to take back your pups?" It was a natural question - Iopah knew she would be manic if Bracken and Ember were taken away. "We are not friends and I'd rather have nothing to do with the thicket wolves." If Narime attempted such a thing, it would open a nasty can of worms. Could Narime leave everything behind as she had done? "You could never cross the mountain, you could never go back."

(This post was last modified: Dec 25, 2015, 09:32 AM by Iopah.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity