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we were born to make history — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
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Pip Mizuno-Sørenson
@Kjell - immediately following this thread: hard to love

It would be a lie for Pip to believe she found no satisfaction in watching that demon fall down into the depths of that pit. But as satisfying as it had been, it was equally harrowing. How easily that could have been Kjell! If the tides had but turned in an instant, it could have been her friend, her fearless black knight, who had been swept out by an unforgiving undertow and lost forever. Relief like that which she'd never known flooded the mute tawny female and she fell readily in step with Kjell as he invited her along on his own way to get lost.

He called her beautiful. Satisfaction came from hearing that, too. Her belly did a rolling flip and it all seemed far too confusing with so many emotions crashing together like turbulent waves against the rocky shores of Bella Coola.

As distance was put between them and the swallet, Pip belatedly realized they'd gone farther from Grizzly Hollow as well. She found she didn't mind as long as she was with him. Though he held none of the pack bonds, she felt as affectionate with him as she did towards the rest of her packmates. That he wasn't pack didn't seem to click in her mind at all.

With concern, the mute girl began nudging at Kjell's wounds, searching out the worst of them to lick and ease the sting. He would be alright. She would make sure of it.

Played by Ace who has 149 posts.
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Kjell Sørenson

In truth, Kjell hadn’t any idea where they were going.  Well, in the general sense, he did.  East, a little north, something like that.  The important part was away from here, away from that demon, and away from anything that could hurt Signy.  When he started caring for the mute little bird like he used to care for Bishop, he wasn’t certain, but--  Well.

The Lyall had probably abandoned him for good this time.  A small corner of his mind wondered how long it would take this friend to leave him, as well.  She didn’t even travel with him.

Eventually, they slowed, and drew to a halt, the sound of Heartleaf Creek trickling through the background noises.  Kjell turned about, wholly invested in checking on his partner; he hadn’t seen the beast touch her, but one could never be too sure.  But instead, it was Signy who approached him, nosing at lacerations and patches of missing fluff.  Only when she grew close to his throat, to old battle wounds, did he flinch, ears flattening slightly as he looked away.  Ugly.

“Hey, don’t worry about it, okay?  He didn’t get me good.  Just some blood.  Nothin’…nothin’ fer ya to worry about, yeah?  What about you, though?  Are you okay?”

I'm sorry I took so long.  ; ~ ;  I'll be better!
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
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Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

The worst of wounds were the most protected. Were Pip made of stronger stuff, she would have shoved her nose right into the thick fur at his neck to find the battlescars that were causing no current danger to him now. However, the mute was far too meek for that. As soon as @Kjell's ears fell back, her own did in response. She ducked down subtly, tail held closer to her legs, though not tucked tight as it was often apt.

His words reminded her of @Blitz. He was also stubbornly defensive when it came to aftercare from a fight. Granted, her friend had won, but he had wounds bad enough to bleed. Relenting, she stepped back to look at him fully.

Overall, he stood tall. There had been no obvious limp when they walked. No sheets of skin hung from his frame like ivy from trees. His eyes looked sharp and clear as ever and still held that softness when he spoke to her so kindly. Pip couldn't help but want to melt at the sight of him. Here was this big strong ox of a wolf covered in wounds asking after her when she'd not been touched. Orange eyes regarded him adoringly and the sea wolf nodded gently. Yes, she was okay. Having reassured him, the girl stepped forward to rub her head beneath his chin and rest her cheek against his chest to comfort him and steal a little for herself as well.

But, really, she should get him to @Veho or maybe even @Amaryllis if it would be less of a hardship. Pip recalled the few lessons the female had been taking under Veho to work towards a goal of being a healer. Wounds seemed a perfect case for a budding healer to treat. Now the only question was - would he come back to Grizzly Hollow or could she get Amaryllis to come to them? That was the other frustrating thing about not being able to howl. Calling for specific packmates was nigh impossible. She let out a soft breath of frustration, uncertain of what to do.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Ace who has 149 posts.
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Kjell Sørenson

Sometimes…only sometimes…Kjell wished his little friend could speak.  Signy was a nice name, but he often wondered what the female’s parents had named her.  Sure, he might not care for either Ava or Soren much these days, but he still wore the name with pride.  Whatever they decided to call her, it was likely done with care and thought, and he’d never know.  There was no way to tell – and there was no real way to tell what she was thinking, deep down in that heart of hers.  He had no doubt the girl was clever, even if she didn’t have all the pretty words his mother had taught him back in the day.

As she crept back, he sighed softly.  Was she afraid?  Or did he hurt her feelings?

“What’s up, Sig?” he asked out of habit, well aware his companion really answer the question.  Tired haunches finally demanded that he sit, and he gave way with a heavy huff, ears folding out to airplane position as his shoulders drooped.  Adrenaline or not, there was no reason to make the other wolf feel poorly.

“You wanna go somewhere else?  Kinna exposed out here, or--  Hell.  I dunno, babe.  This isn’t something I do all that often.”

Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

His simple question left Pip smiling sweetly. @Kjell knew of her ailments. At least enough to know she had no words to provide for him. And yet, he still would hold conversations with her as if it were no trouble at all. Where another wolf may stumble and apologize for asking questions she obviously could not answer, he took her silence in stride as if it were an answer itself.

He continued on, correctly guessing at least in part what was bothering her. While she didn't feel exposed - that wolf she thought was likely dead and unlikely to go after them again - she did want to go elsewhere. Excitement bubbled from her chest and manifested as a trilling chirp while she suddenly bounded to her paws and even bounced a few times. Yes, yes, yes! She knew just the place. And while she was still grinning from ear to ear for him calling her babe - she adored his nicknames - Pip nipped at his chin and took a few steps towards Grizzly Hollow territory before looking back to make sure he understood her intentions.

When it seemed he needed a bit more guidance, she took another few away from him and bowed down in play. If he wouldn't follow her there outright, she would race him! Granted, she thought he might be able to beat her there. His legs were longer. But still! She was fast! Her butt wiggled in the air in invitation, an action that she would no doubt find to be quite persuasive in the coming Spring for her first of-age season, and the laughter was clear in her orange eyes.

Come, come! This way, back home!

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Ace who has 149 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kjell Sørenson

Well, that was probably one of the most vigorous affirmatives he’d ever gotten from his mute friend.  Kjell’s ears swiveled forward, interest obvious as he watched the female bounce.  At least the entire ordeal hadn’t shaken her too badly, he decided.  It wasn’t as if she’d been in a particular amount of trouble (not like himself, at least), but all the same, he worried for her.  She was small, and kind, and so much more willing to believe in others than he was himself, and some part of the dragon prince did not want that taken away from Signy, even if he knew the world was never sympathetic towards those who had such a positive outlook.

All the same, he wouldn’t be the one to rain on her parade.  Frankly, he’d do the best he could to be her umbrella for as long as was possible.

Watching her bow, Kjell seemed to finally break free of whatever thoughts were rooting him to the forest floor.  His tail began a slow wag behind him, and the wolf began to trot after his friend, woofing softly in encouragement.  Little did he know there was a race afoot – even if it wasn’t the springtime, he found himself more than willing to follow wherever the mute would lead.

Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

Encouraged by @Kjell's low woof and trot, a rapid grin was fired his way before she shot off like lightning through the trees. The girl's tail was partly tucked as excitable 'zoomies' took root and demanded she run full tilt through the densely packed forest. Wisdom would have encouraged she slow down so as not to run smack into a tree, but Pip had come to know these woods as comfortably as she knew the waters.

Before she became so fully engrossed in the Cedarwood way of life, the mute swore she would never be comfortable surrounded by so many trees. What used to feel like claws raking towards her now felt comforting and close. The trees offered so many hiding places the open beaches of Bella Coola never had. How she ever managed before was a mystery even to herself. Would Kjell feel comfortable in these lands? Or was he attached to a different territory. The stray thought that he may come this way only to visit her set a thrill in her chest.

Taking full advantage of her smaller size, Pip zipped through tight spaces to gain ground on her dark knight, trusting that he would find a way to catch up no matter what obstacles were thrown in his path. Still, it prolonged the game and made it all the more fun. A glance back was tossed over her shoulder now and then as she ran. Each time her eyes caught on his, her face lit with silent laughter. That she could laugh at all after such a frightening event didn't even feel odd. After all, life always went on.

Only when the little mute neared the borders of the Hollow did she slow, firmly placing herself between Kjell and pack territory. Another may have seen it as protecting her family. In truth, she was protecting him. If he crossed the borders, even on accident, she had no way of verbally defending him. Physically defending him was just as out of the question. It was best to avoid trouble from the start.

In an attempt to get her friend to lay down and relax, Pip did just that right along the borderline. Only once he was settled in front of her would she stand and kiss his nose gently, pressing her muzzle to his forehead in a silent gesture to urge him to stay and wait for a moment. The little mute turned on her heel to find either @Amaryllis or @Veho to help tend to her friend, though she stopped several times on her way to look back and ensure he was not leaving. She would be back in a flash with help to tend to his wounds.

Tag for @Amaryllis and/or Veho. If Silvia isn't interested and you're not feeling up to it, I can see if Cade is interested with Nineva. c:
[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]