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The First Circle — White Fir Notch 
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Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

A return trip home to the notch after she'd gone to the lowlands was much needed. She missed Ishtar and wanted to find out what had been going on around the notch during her absence. Nauja had traveled quickly back, much quicker than she had traveled to the lowlands. Now that she had a pack of her own where she actually felt like it could be the place for her she missed it. She was also eager to give Emrys an update in what had gone in during her journey.

It was starting to seem like it was taking forever for her to reach the borders of her home. When the firs of her pack's territory finally came into view she picked up her pace racing across the terrain until she crossed the border. Nauja had already decided that she would see Ishtar first, her friend had to be worried about her. The update to her alpha could wait until he spoke to the dark female. She wasn't sure where her friend might be so she went to the communal den first in search of her. Once there she poked her head into the darkness, “Ishtar are you in there?” She called in hoping to receive an answer.

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Played by Cynthia who has 28 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ishtar had kept herself distant from those in her new pack. She knew it wasn't the best idea, but she was a very shy wolf. And with her Alpha bringing in new life to the world, she felt like she needed to keep her distance. The only one she knew was Nauja. So Ishtar decided to just venture and learn about her new home and her surroundings by herself. But when she felt brave enough or when there wasn't anyone from the pack in the communal den she would stay in there by herself to rest a bit. But this time when she was laying in the den she heard a voice that she had missed. When she heard Nauja's voice echo through the den, her ears perked up and a smile came across her muzzle. She jumped up quickly and ran to her friend. "Nauja! I've missed you!" Ishtar rubbed her neck against hers and a friendly greeting. "What have you been up to?" Ishtar knew that Nauja had been on her own adventures, and she knew that she would need to let the fear of the pack disappear so she could prove to the Alpha's that she is useful to this pack. Ishtar had also feared that she had already put a bad mark to her name in this pack because she has been so distant, and that isn't what she wanted, but she wasn't sure what to do. This pack, this family was so much more different then what she was use to. But now that Nauja was back maybe she could help guide her in the right direction. 
(This post was last modified: May 29, 2017, 08:33 PM by Ishtar.)
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

It was good to be back within the boundaries of her territory, to have that extra layer of safety around her and those she cared about. It was a little strange to her that she had come to care about the wolves in the notch. She supposed it was because after so long she had finally accepted she wouldn't see her family and pack again. There was Pip and Tyne of course but she missed her mother and father. She knew she would have to make a stop to see Pip soon as she had promised to keep in touch. Perhaps she could make a stop in Grizzly Hollow if she was sent it again.

She hadn't been sure that Ishtar was in the den when she had stuck her head inside but a shuffling sound came to her ears after she'd called in. Then she felt her friends rubbed against hers following a greeting, “I've missed you too Ishtar.” Nauja had been worried about how her dark friend was adjusting to life in the notch and she'd been worried about her everyday that she'd been gone. She wasn't surprised when she was asked what she had been up to. “Emrys sent me out scouting, I think he thinks it will be good for me or something,” she told, “You haven't kept yourself hidden away in here have you?” She asked with concerned as she gave Ishtar's cheek a nudge.

Then Nauja turned to look behind her before turning back to her friend, “Walk with me?” She thought that maybe they could take a walk and catch up. Later in the evening she would seek Emrys out and ask him about her future journeys as she was certain there would he more.

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Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Cynthia who has 28 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ishtar lowered her head, "i have been hiding. But not just in here. Just kind of everywhere. Ive been checking out my new home. To be honest, im scared. This pack is so different than the one I was apart of and I just dont know what to do." She lifted her head back up when Nauja asked her to walk with her. She knew that was exactly what she needed. A walk with her best friend. As they exited the den Ishtar squinted her eyes when the suns rays touched her face. She had stayed in the den way too long today. She lifted her head when the wind the wind blew, her ears perked when she heard the birds singing, and she finally for once didnt feel anxious. But that was just because she was with her friend. "So you mentioned that Emrys sent you out scouting. What were you looking for?"  As soon as she finished her question, fear washed through her. "Oh my god, Emrys and Jynx probably think I was a bad decision because I have kept to myself for the past week." Ishtar looked at Nauja. "This is a really bad first impression on my part." Ishtar turned away and looked off into the distance. She wasnt sure what was going to happen now. Would the Alphas still want her here? Do they not trust her anymore? These questions swarmed her head. 
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno
[dohtml]<p>Ishtar confirmed that she had been right when she suggested that her friend had been hiding. On a better note Ishtar had been learning their new home but Nauja still worried about her. <B>“Have you been feeling more comfortable with the notch at all?”</b> She asked the worry she felt clear in her tone, <b>“I know it's​ all new but maybe talking with some of our new packmates could help you feel more at ease?”</b> She suggested sympathetically. She wanted Ishtar to feel more comfortable in the pack, she wanted it to be a home for her friend too. </P><p>She'd asked Ishtar to walk with her hoping it might help and it would also give them a chance to talk as they wound their way through the trees of the forest. Nauja nodded as Ishtar brought up what she'd been up to once more. <B>“I think he thinks it will be good for me and I think it's his way of helping me to find a role within the pack.”</b> then when it seemed that it is her she nudged her friend's cheek, <b>“Don't worry I am sure they have taken into consideration that this might be different than what you're used to.”</b> The sea wolf thought that if Emrys or Jynx thought something was wrong then they would come and talk to Ishtar about it.</p>[dohtml]
(This post was last modified: Jun 04, 2017, 07:46 AM by Nauja.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Cynthia who has 28 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
"Ive been feeling a bit more comfortable with it. Taking this time to learn my new home has helped. But I just cant bring myself to get involved with the other pack mates. They all have their own clicks and ways of life." Ishtar sighed heavily. She listened intently to Nauja and nodded in agreement about her doing things for Emrys sending her out to do things. And Ishtar smiled slightly and felt a little more at ease when Nauja told her that the Alpha's would question her themselves if they felt something was wrong. Ishtar thought about everything her friend told her and then asked her, "Can I walk with you to where the rest of the pack is? I mean you're heading to go see Emrys right?" Ishtar thought if she went with Nauja, maybe she could work up the courage to talk and mingle with the rest of the pack. She wanted to fit in, she really wanted to show off her speed. She wanted to prove to the Alpha's she was not a bad choice. And She knew with new pups running around the Jynx and Emrys would be on edge about alot of things. So she needed to get her act strait before she ended up alone again out in the loner lands.
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

Nauja listened as her friend told her where exactly she was having the problem getting involved with the pack. “It might be you just need to take things a little slower Ishtar. Now that you're starting to feel comfortable with this as your home maybe just picking one of the others to talk to each day will help. Just to get to know them a little better,” suggested the sea wolf. There wasn't any reason she had to jump right in and be friends with everyone. There were still some of her pack mates she hadn't talked to.

With Ishtar having a little trouble getting acquainted with the others in the pack she hoped she would be able to be around a little more. Maybe with her around It would help her friend to feel a little more confident with the rest of the pack. They could go hunting together again which was something she missed, they had made such a good team. “Of course you can come along with me I do have to speak to him about my last trip.” Maybe just being around the other pack members and seeing how they were with each other would help Ishtar to feel more at home. What she did know was she didn't want to push her friend into anything she wasn't ready for. “Don't worry Ishtar everything will be fine you just need a little more time to adjust that all,” she said nudging her friend's cheek.

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