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Cats upon the sky — White Fir Notch 
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Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow
(( Anyone in WFN is welcome, tag for @Emrys though! taking place roughly around the same time as http://relic-lore.net/showthread.php?tid=15422))

The ebony healer grunted softly as her hazel gaze blinked open in the dark confines of the den, stretching out her limbs as she slowly stood, shaking away the last stringy wisps of sleep that clung like the morning fog. The young mother glanced around, her nose twitching slightly as she picked up her daughter’s scent, though the grey and black pup was nowhere to be found. Positive that she knew not to stray too far from the den nor close to the borders, Sylva thought nothing of it for the time, her rumbling stomach, one of her oldest friends soon reminded her of her hunger and she squeezed out of the earthly confines, blinking in the dull sunlight that broke through the foggy surroundings.

“Yea, yea.” she mumbled tiredly as her stomach rumbled again, the medic’s older self returning slowly as she started off down the path toward a nearby cache. Snagging a small hare from the concealed pile, She settled down, lips parting as a yawn escaped, she grunted once before sinking her teeth into fur and bones. As she ate, Sylva’s mind drifted over events from the past couple of months, her thoughts lingering on Zilas, and Hawthorne’s lack of a father figure, she’d have to figure something out soon in that regard, A soft sigh escaped as she settled back into the autonomous act of eating, letting the mundane task lull her from the questions and concerns she knew she’d have to deal with eventually.
(This post was last modified: Aug 02, 2017, 06:23 PM by Sylva.)
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

When the pale leader woke the light at the dentist entrance was just beginning to brighten. He would need to be getting to his rounds soon but as he looked over at his mate he saw she was still sleeping. A yawn left him as he rose to his feet, she would be hungry when she woke. He tried to bring her food as often as he could. With the children getting bigger and getting out of the den it wasn't always possible. She was either up before him or at the same time as him so he took advantage of being up before her. He enjoyed doing nice things for her especially now when they didn't get much time to have to themselves with the children and their leading duties.

Rising to his feet he slipped quietly out of the den so he wouldn't wake her or the children. He'd only taken a couple steps outside when he stretched to get the sleep out of his muscles. Feeling a little more relaxed he made his way to the nearest cache to pick something out for Jynx. Upon reaching it a grown left him as his eyes settled on Sylva taking from the cache and settling down to eat what she had taken. Part of him wanted to turn back and start his rounds just to avoid her but the other part really wanted to do something nice for his mate. His mind made up quickly and Jynx won out as she usually did. “Sylva,” he said with a curt nod as he approached the cache, "Catch any prey lately?” He asked cordially. He could not recall the last time he had seen her add to the cache and was curious of her answer.

(This post was last modified: Aug 03, 2017, 06:55 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow
Tag for @Emrys

The black wolf’s hazel gaze was closed as she nibbled at the hare, lost in thought and unaware of her surroundings until she heard the noise. Her ears angled toward Emrys as she blinked, nodding slowly to his question, she paused, “Yes sir.” she replied “Once I know Hawthorne’s sleeping soundly I go out to.” Though she hadn’t caught many things, a stubborn unwillingness to leave the general proximity of her den and daughter alone for too long. A thought crossed her mind as she looked at her snowy white leader.

Would Zilas have done that type of thing for her? Jynx was lucky to have such a caring mate, and their children, having such a good father and role model. A smuch as she wanted to deny it sometimes, she knew Hawthorne needed it, she couldn’t provide the girl with everything she’d need in life and she hated herself even more for it. “How’s Jynx and your children?” she asked, trying to take more interest in the pack beyond her own daughter, it had been, and was her home after all. As she spoke, she tried to smile as her gaze drifted around the fog filled clearing “It’s a beautiful day out.”
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Since he hadn't really seen Sylva around the pale leader was curious about what she had been doing for the pack. As lowest she should be working extra hard for the pack. He found the answer to his question rather interesting, “I see,” he said with raised brows, “So then you’re hunting at night maybe a little during the day?” He questioned, “I'm a little confused you see,” he added as he turned to face her, “Hawthorne is a busy girl who I know isn't sleeping as much as you should be hunting.” How could she be when she was either doing rounds with him, exploring the territory, it playing with her friends?

Emrys was not blind,he could see their numbers dwindling and it saddened him that instead of coming to him they chose to leave. With their disappearances it was the job of those left behind to pick up what needed to be. It bothered him that Sylva felt she could eat before Jynx and the pups had even had their breakfast and why wasn't Sylva making sure Hawthorne ate before her?

The black female wanted to make small talk did she? Pretend she actually cared about his family? She had practically been practically absent since the birth of his children and hadn't even shown the day they had come into the world. “They are quite alright,” he stated curtly. For he was quite through with Sylva's antics and then she wanted to bring up how beautiful the day was. What was he to do smile and nod that it was a wonderful day? With a sigh he resigned himself just to see where she might be going with this for he knew she wasn't completely there. “Yes, it's quite nice.” He finally stated flatly. What else was there to say when it seemed she wasn't paying attention to anything going on around her. He had to wonder if she ever did as it seemed rather clear she wasn't paying attention to her daughter or else she would know what Hawthorne was getting up to during the day.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.